what is some literature pertaining to voluntarily living a life of celibacy?
What is some literature pertaining to voluntarily living a life of celibacy?
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
how can one man drip this much sex appeal?
will as respresentatition, philosophy of redemption/unconscious (particulalrly redemption, mainlander died a virgin)
Just read some buddhist and christian shit
Definitely (not) My Diary, desu.
Is he really a virgin?
I just realized Slavoj Zizek is pretty much the Yea Forums equivalent of gigachad
The World as Will and Representation. NOT because "lol Schopenhauer was an incel," but because he actually advocates for celibacy and abstention from reproduction.
Zizek is just a pop-philosopher which is an immediate turn off to genuine intellectuals and pseuds on Yea Forums. Only Midwits like him and his fellow pop-philosophers like Foucault, Chomsky, Peterson etc.
The ladder of divine ascent
did he penetrate your gf?
Shouldn't "pop-philosopher" be impossible? I don't see how a philosopher gives media presence much attention while being sincere and not a hack.
he's fine.
gave me an A and a break when I needed it, for which ill always fucking adore him.
ps - there is only one correct reply to this:
(with I would prefer not to as a close second)
Nah, he even has a kid.
I wonder if we could create a short technical description of what a pseudo-intellectual is. It would have to include the masturbatory misuse of language which isn't used to elucidate but to obfuscate, to expand the negligible beyond all reason in order to create the illusion of substance, and the equally auto-erotic act of ascribing transcendent meaning to trivial phenomena, ultimately constructing a maze out of obscurantist ramblings in which the cognitively deficient narcissist and often the architect himself, are snared by their own ego.
>It would have to include the masturbatory misuse of language which isn't used to elucidate but to obfuscate
Ah, as thou'rt doing right now? :^)
I don't want to alarm you, but if you don't think this is a worthwhile take you might be a retard
is this an epic troll?
wew, where did he teach, user? Also, care to share other stories of him as a university professor?
I'm actually not. Just trying to compress something which should be written at length. You are forgiven for seeing it as such as that is indeed another technique used, although in a much more extreme form often through the utilization of self-referential jargon.
Wild thoughts
I'll admit it made me laugh out loud. But if the author is not revealing the joke it has to be categorized as malignant, and if he does not mean it as a joke it is pathological.
Lol, based painting poster
did we get commie gnome vs lobster man yet?
where? no comment
he was really into Decalogue at the time, so we had a lot of that.
literally dumb ass me third year undergrad and like 3 phd cats (who've all gone on to great acclaim).
hed read some shit. wed listen. wed watch. I honestly wasted the opportunity - but I was drowning in youth, classes, projects, didn't know how to fucking manage it. He was there for as much as anyone wanted to put into it. I kept a seat warm and didn't bother him. nonetheless shit like tarrying with the negative were useful to me at the time, as were some of his noir film readings. I used it in other classes. so I don't really have any stories - he just let us all do our thing and gave paperwork to the bureaucrats cuz we hardcore few bothered to show.
Fear and Trembling
Nietzsche, Tesla, sundry classical Meds, and all of Daoism. It's almost like there's a pattern here ...
not I believe its on the 19th of april
I hope he tells Peterson about this.
a mirror is a mirror is my asshole
Have you even read any of his books? He's a brilliant literary theorist.
They're all accomplished in their own fields, just because they play celebrity too doesn't mean they're hacks