How is Yea Forums celebrating 4/20?

How is Yea Forums celebrating 4/20?

me? I'm taking the day off work, sparking a few jazz cigarettes and reading pic related.

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I can't read while high. I turn into a thoughtless, hungry animal whenever I get high. Probably should use less weed. I don't smoke often but tomorrow, when I plan on smoking, I'm going to read some Rimbaud.

Most times when I smoke I get into a dark, depressive mindset - so I won't be doing anything. The only fun I ever had with weed was watching graduate level quantum physics lectures and simultaneously getting it and not understanding a thing.

I'll be continuing to disdain the maddening cult of drug worship

Reading Mein Kampf

writing while high > reading while high

In my country 20/04/2019 is Good Friday and it's a public holiday. I went to a cafe with my parents and played some video games with my friends.

I hate weed

gonna drop some acid and listen to Bach

I like lighting incense & candles and listening to fantasy type ambient music while reading or playing RPGs. I'll play some Skyrim or Witcher III and read Gene Wolfe

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I also like listening to audiobooks

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>I'm taking the day off work
It's a Saturday. :3

weed makes time seem to pass slower while also making me impatient

I can't find dealers around this area, so I'm popping 7 8mg-codeine pills to get a tiny little non-existent buzz

I personally was never that into Hitlers birthday, but to each their own I guess.

Couldn't get my bud this morning and am running low. Will be dankrupt by tomorrow night.

It's me n the wife's 2nd anniversary today.

Gonna take subutex smoke some hash and lay in the bed and listen to music or audiobooks.

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based comfy poster

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What does abstaining from recreational drugs has to do with inability to find a partner, retard?

I'm attending my grandmother's wake.

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Dealers are "attractive" (a lot of mudshark can be attributed to this). Drugs is one of those few things you can actually have "in common" with a woman.

Reminds me of Synecdoche, NY

cool, wanna smoke some weed after?

stop smoking weed
have sex
and read

very based. I personally like reading through poetry anthologies, painting, and playing bass when I'm high

Going to take a bunch of ambien with whiskey so I can forget this weekend by Monday morning.

Not the user you’re replying to but you’re based as well. I’m gonna read something weird that will pair well with indica like Mina Loy. Also going to Kushstock tonight to see immortal technique, linuz and 2 $hort.

Same here

Except for when I come down. Coming down from weed leaves me in a very relaxed state with mental clarity. It’s really easy to get engrossed in a book.

why celebrate such a retarded date? if you'r going to celebrate a day, why not celebrate 4/4 at least that is dubs u faggot

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The numbers...



I'm killing a Jew to celebrate Hitler's birthday and then later im gonna shoot up my local high school to honor the anniversary of the Columbine shooting
