What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: 61iFDsyeHuL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (260x303, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Refreshing cynicism delivered through awful sentimentalist sermonizing.

Coates is smarter than anyone here would give him credit for.


Attached: lovecraft.jpg (178x190, 26K)

It's pretty fucking depressing. also

Pretty interesting book.
I know you only posted this thread as racebait though, so who cares?

>guy grows up being attacked by black kids in a bad neighborhood
>Blames whites
>goes to black college
>still has problems or whatever
>gets older and successful and lives among the whites
>wishes he was living with the blacks
>assaults a guy in a subway station
>guy says he could call the police
>blames whites

That's the $20+ 10,000 word book for you.


This unironically

Why do we have to pretend like its a good book?

Coates got memed as "the next james baldwin" because he's got an alright prose style. As for why there are any positive reviews here I have no clue.



That and "People who believe they are white." Those two phrases account for most of the blog post's word count.

A great book about the modern African American struggles....

Gonna be a pass for me

>"People who believe they are white


So he's the one responsible for blacks referring to themselves as bodies rather than people?

I am not sure if he originated that meme, he may have.

Pretty sure that's general sociology shit, like convincing people they could just "win" an argument by asserting that actually "racism" meant something different the whole time.

If you don't hate niggers yet, that book could make you hate them. Or you'll at least hate the author.

Props to him for abusing the system and making the most out of it, though.
People call him a pussy, but you need to be cold-hearted as fuck to milk whiteys like that.