Why do cityfags read and walk in public at the same time?

Why do cityfags read and walk in public at the same time?

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they have places to be but want to read while going there


Put a rat in a cage with nothing but a hamster wheel and it should be no surprise what that rat will tend to do. The urban condition is characterized by spiritual homelessness. Nomads of nowhere in Sisyphean stasis. The urban hellscape demands humans to move, but forbids them to go anywhere.

Showing off their peripheral vision, the mark of a keen predator

>The urban hellscape demands humans to move, but forbids them to go anywhere.

anons how are you supposed to live if you like both cities and rural areas

"Sisyphean stasis" sounds pretentious and "urban hellscape" sounds cliche, but otherwise very nice writing

Yea I wanted to mention Sisyphus but was too lazy to make it work. Probably better left unsaid.

I go for walks through forests and do it

also ty

the rat in a cage/hamster wheel analogy is cliché also. the only sentence in there that is actually ok:
>The urban condition is characterized by spiritual homelessness.

Sure, np. I would change "hellscape" to just "landscape", don't need anything fancy there. And maybe change the Sisyphus sentence to "Nomads of nowhere, locked in stasis". I agree that a Sisyphus reference would be appropriate somewhere, though.

I saw a nerd reading in the public park the other day. I skated past him and smacked him in the back of the head so hard his glassed fell and shattered on the ground. I shouted something like "Reading is for fags!" as I skated away it was pretty epic.

Same here, our minds are too domesticated to truly escape.You can't just flee into the wild and saunter like Muir, it's not that easy. Practicing field biology and running off trail help me.

Nice, I hate people who read books.

Poorfag? Live in a rural area and have wealthy friends with apartments in the city.

Richfag? Befriend some poor people who live in the country who are willing to let you stay there for free

Miserably middle class? Start or join a group of blood brothers and pool your resources so that you can enjoy both together

i-i can't into friends

my only friends are dead authors.

I can't help you with that one, I've been a chad my whole life. I have heard that doing acid or shrooms in a safe and positive environment can help with that sort of thing - dissolving the illusion of alienation from the world, other people, nature, etc - but have never needed to try them. Some guys I know fixed their personality issues by retreating to the mountains for a few years and becoming fire wardens/forest guardians or park rangers of some kind, they came back confident and happy

Forgot to mention high dose psychedelics and extended stays in the back country.

both of those things have worked for me. Except for the safe space part. The first time I tried psychedelics i was party hopping with complete strangers while not being able to recall who or what I was. That nearly vanquished my social anxiety though I am still poorly socialized. My other profound psychedelic experiences all happened in the presence of real danger, psychological and physiological, free diving, being without water with the sun setting, getting hopelessly lost. Every time I do psychedelics in a mundane setting the experience is mostly limited to recreation. I think the native Americans were really on to something with the vision quest trope.

Really makes you think

let me just mention that I was already very experienced with psychedelics and being outdoors before I started tripping alone in the elements. It's is risking your life, especially if you are off trail.

Saw a dude walking and reading on the beach while I myself was reading. Couldn’t tell if based or goofy.

Based. In my general experience, guys who do shrooms or acid every now and then - the way some people break out champagne on special occasions simply to heighten the pleasure of the experience - tend to be chill, friendly people. Never met a hostile stoner, either.

If you're a friendless young man, these guys are like the starter pokemon of friendship.

>Urban condition
The city is literally civilization, and always will be. You project your perverse, modern, western city experience onto all forms of urbanity, pathetic reactionary take on life. The countryside must submit or be conquered

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Welcome to the year 2019, Benedico. I see you have finally awoken from your 600 year cryogenic slumber. Unfortunately, you will find that city landscapes have greatly changed in the last 600 years.

You're right, but things can still change. If you're interested in this concept I suggest reading pic related. Do not renounce the city so quickly, it's heights of beauty will rise again

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I'm a new animist syncretic. how can I be a reactionary if I believe human civilization has been degenerate from the beginning?

Thanks for the book recc, I actually have been wanting to read a book on this subject for a while.

this isn't really a thing in a city like new York.
A: everyone will give you dirty looks
B: impossible to navigate a busy sidewalk and coherently read at the same time. tho surely some like some form of moving and reading and - prolly the same % as do in the country.
C: cities are awesome - but people can ruin anything.

there are just as many places in a quarter mile in the city as the country. the view just changes faster.

>there are just as many places in a quarter mile in the city as the country. the view just changes faster.
That's just not true at all, as anyone familiar with spatial heterogenity. there is little meaning in an urban landscape. cities are devoid of life other than the all-too-human sort. Good look finding a syllogism in the concrete.