Isn't any counter-nihilistic approach towards life nothing but just pure cope? Maybe nihilism exposes the fundamental flaws in consciousness and conscious beings were never meant to thrive.
Isn't any counter-nihilistic approach towards life nothing but just pure cope...
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A successful person wouldn't even ask that question. Only a fundamentally weak and degenerate person would assume that nihilism is the default state. "Everything is a cope" is the ultimate sour grape and manifestation of slave morality.
because a successful person is obviously deluded.
>nothing but just pure cope?
Who cares. Why don't you just enjoy your life instead of being a mopey shit.
I rather be successful than the /r9k/ version of enlightened
success is literally a buzzword. Means nothing.
cringe midwit
based degenerate
look at the greatest writers, how many of them were le successful midwit? how many of them spent half of their existence wallowing in their suffering and being on the verge of utter degeneracy?
>look at successful writers, how many of them were successful?
you're trying too hard itt senpai i'll have to give you a yikes desu
>teenager can't realize that nihilism is the brainchild of christianity
>has to cope with his intellectual infancy by shitposting
>nihilism is the brainchild of christianity
The people who run the world aren’t nihilists.
Meant? Meant by whom? What is the source of this meaning you speak of?
(((they))) are aware of the effect widespread nihilism will cause in the society i.e men dropping out of the economic system so they do everything to oppose its effect and hide it.
christianity: there is only a purpose in life if man can redeem himself through eternity with god
atheism: there's no god
teenagers: that must mean there's no purpose in life
Nihilism is the path of least resistance. If you are a nihilist you are as mentally and spiritually weak as what you call "normie".
I would dare you to prove me wrong, but you can't.
you're just proving my point by using religion as cope to justify the existence of god and religion.
As nihilist, I dont need to prove you anything
existence of meaning and purpose**
You're right, but that's kind of the point. A 'successful' person wouldn't even ask the question, yes, because he wouldn't feel a need to counter nihilism. I see threads here every now and then where people write things about how they consider people who give in to nihilism as being "weak" and "disgusting" - like you're doing right now - when the obvious position of the powerful is to not care.
So while you understand this on a surface level you go about it in a way that ends up proving the other side's point. Not being a nihilist requires no coping, but actively espousing counter-nihilistic approach is indeed pure cope.
NEETzsche's critique really only applies to the West where the whole Western project was the progressive banishing of God from the world to abstract principle. It's only a very small step from deism (atheism) to nihilism.
This man is above average in intelligence and you should listen to him
Your characterization of copes as copes is the last stronghold that needs to fall. Why is the term cope useful? EVERYTHING is a cope yet the word cope is used to denote the 'false beliefs'. It is the omni-cope, the last line of defence, the insistence that apparently you are too good to be coping like these retards.
Are you trying to justify yourself being a depressed miserable sack of shit that no one will ever like by posing as enlightened a cope?
>counter-nihilistic approach
ultimate cringe
I'm just tired of the constant nihilism that lately has been invading this site. I know the right thing would be to ignore it, but since this kind of threads are guaranteed 100+ replies I may as well post my opinion so a lost user can read it and hopefully avoid the blackpill.
>I'm a loser but if I turn everything on its head and post that mongoloid bastard son of an argument on an Albanian Show Throwing Forum other losers will agree with me
and yet you don't have a convincing argument against it. Just because you're "tired" of something doesn't mean its not true.
Nihilism is pure cope for those that cant be anything besides nihilistic
Is there a convincing argument for nihilism?
>calling out 'slave morality' on Yea Forums
Kek, amazing thread guys btw
I just stated mine in the OP. Everyone is born a nihilist just like they're born an atheist. society brainwashes them to believe in a non-existent god and purpose.
Even if nihilism were true, what's the point in just accepting it and not trying to deal with it in some way? Acting like nothing matters and thinking there's no point in finding meaning is the real cope for your meaningless life
What value is there in being a nihilist? What value is there in a truth, which you can ultimately never know is actually true, that just makes you miserable?
There is no argument in the OP, you're just stating your opinion
why does there need to be a value in?
the first place*
Slave morality detected.
it literally doesn't matter, since nihilism breeds absolutely no results and moves in no particular direction
your life revolves around value. It's why you got up out of bed this morning instead of just staying in your covers
its so fucking obvious but you're defending some bullshit for bullshit's sake and i't funny to watch
your life revolves around value. It's why you got up out of bed this morning instead of just staying in your covers
its so fucking obvious but you're defending some bullshit for bullshit's sake and its funny to watch
Every attitude towards life is pure cope. Life is full of things that need to be coped with one way or another.
success is cope
so you need something as vague and abstract as "values" to just wake up from bed? what a load of bullshit.
these posts make me sad. if you view existence with a fully materialist lens, everything will seem like a cope. success will seem like a cope to escape nihilism. you've forgotten what it means to be an individual because the individual--->absolute feedback loop in your head is broken. you are physically unable to live for yourself. You can't figure out how to become a value-creating organism, because you have literally no faith in anything aside from matter, which, it turns out, offers a very pessimistic prognosis on existence. there is something else out there, but you will never grasp it with rational inquiry. learn to have faith. human institutions are hypocritical and fallible. Only the absolute inspires men.
>using buzzowords like "value" and "success" as an argument
absolute state of this board
>this thread
the poverty of materialism
>nihilism is the brainchild of christianity
Pseud detected.
Everyone is born X doesn't prove shit
Nihilism is based on false christcuck premises, that life only has meaning if it's to worship yahweh which gives life meaning.
Maybe life itself is what gives the meaning and christcucks have got everything backward.
Compare the end of a nihilistic life to that of a Christian.
explain "life itself" giving meaning to anyone, independent of any faith, right now.
Christcucks and nihilists both claim that we need something beyond life to give life a meaning. Why does that need to be the case?
>dude you know, you just gotta like live life, bro, I mean, we're all just apes on a floating rock in space after all XDD
saying nothing has meaning is as much an act of faith as saying one finds life and meaning through living in Christ. Accept it. You are not free from the irrationality of faith, yet you follow it in the opposite direction, toward death and oblivion. I'll pray for you user, and myself so you do not perish in me. lord have mercy
Mins, because there’s no inherent value to being anything. No one becomes a nihilist because it holds value, it’s simply how one sees thing.
How long until this 'cope' meme runs thin, so fucking annoying. Unless right now you can prove philosophicaly or religiously that there is something else than your one life (you won't because you're an incel fag, genetic deficiency includes your brain) than literally everything besides right now killing yourself is a cope, as I expect the response to this post to be if I'm correct about your brainpower. Live by your own code and kill yourself if you don't cope. It's a dumb fucking insult even when it's actually correct(rare), as it's a natural response to life experienced by all multiple times a day. It's impossible to refute from the perspective of the brainlet because their pathological mind takes any response less than full agreement as an example of it's truthfulness. This kind of linear thinking leads people to warp, well maybe they were always like this?, their brains into a state commonly hunted down and executed throughout history due to it's pure dumb destructiveness and annoyance. Sorry bud, your handy meme proves nothing to anybody
nihilism is literally worse than AIDs and ought to be treated as such. it's a fucking disease
Faith has nothing to do with it. Meaning is a value judgement. Christcucks project false meaning based on their arbitrary belief life has no intrinsic meaning and their belief that worshipping a dead kike on a stick gives it meaning. Without such beliefs value judgements can be derived some other way.
faith is the beginning of all inquiry user. start there and you might figure this out:
>Without such beliefs value judgements can be derived some other way
Why do you get out of bed?
That is only what some christcuck said. It actually isn't the case. The beginning of all enquiry is the desire to know. Not some christcuck mystical bullshit.
I don't want to starve to death.
This, and what's wrong with coping anyway?
Why you don't want to starve to death?
>what is wrong with ignorance
>men fall out of the economic system
>society actually collapses because of this
Nihilism is for cucks and undesirable virgins and NEETs
So you value your life?
and how do you first come to know things, user?
Faith in your own senses.
I'm trying to articulate this as clearly as I can: the idea that only we can only know that which we can see, feel, smell, touch, or observe in some other way, is a paradigm that has been around about 100 years. Rational inquiry into only what we can see has given society a lot of utility; we can create fearsome machines and connect people across the world. However, this belief is insufficient, because based only on what we see and feel (the material) we are not anything more than grains of sand, and all that awaits us is oblivion. Believe me when I tell you, you are creating that future for yourself user. It is a belief system that is so preoccupied with death and decay that it fulfills itself. Think about it: all of our measures of time, based supposedly on 'objective measurements' are really just rates at which a thing decays from order to disorder. The second, currently, is pegged to the decay of some random cesium isotope. 1500 years ago the second did not even exist.
So you believe there's value in the truth? I guess you're not a nihilist
no I don't want to subject myself voluntarily to the painful ordeal of dying. Why should I end something I never created?
Then you value not experiencing the pain of starving to death. It is impossible to live with absolutely no value, even if they are just the most base and instinctual of values
Isn't nihilism, then, just a bad coping mechanism? Rather than, "There is no meaning of life" or "There is a meaning of life," couldn't we say instead: "The phrase 'meaning of life' used in this way implies a misunderstanding of the idea of meaning?"
If you had studied any philosophy they determined a fairly long time ago that the senses are not reliable.
nihilism is cope for not being able to enter into postmodernity honestly, any regular person hasn't severed the bonds of family and friendship and other responsibilities bound to them from childhood
the sentiment of nothing matters only serves to highlight just how much there are things that matter to an individual and from that tension the suffering arises.
for those free of said bonds, they enter postmodernity echoing the sentiment nothing matters everything is permitted
work on your reading comprehension, that's my whole point. user i replied to doesn't get "it"
>for those free of said bonds, they enter postmodernity echoing the sentiment nothing matters everything is permitted
'Everything is lawful for me, but everything edifies not." The superman understands this.
Nobody except you mentioned anything about empiricism leading to certain knowledge. You assumed I am an empiricist/scientist just because I simply said the beginning of enquiry is the desire to know rather than your christcuckoldry.
The idea that we ought to value our senses is based on an abstract (not an object of the five senses) valuation. As if sense data could even be called sense data without first understanding that what you're perceiving is sensible, without the idea of sensation.
>and how do you first come to know things, user?
>Faith in your own senses.
Look bruh, how is having faith in your faith in any way more noble or truthful? You assume and invent things about the noumenal world and act on them? like, get real lmao
I'm not sure how one can be a nihilist without thinking nihilism is truth. What are you trying to imply?
You can think nihilism is true, but you can't claim that there is anything wrong with coping with it. There's a difference between accepting a fact and believing the fact to have some value which others should also recognize
Nihilism is just a phase you grow out of. Only brainlets and manchildren take it seriously past their teens.
1. Desire to know
2. Faith in heuristic that leads to 'knowledge'
That's all there is.
All that I am saying is that faith in your senses is a limited faith, and the outlook of this faith is not good. I didn't assume or invent anything, btw, I have attached myself to a tradition that has existed for 2000 years through a myriad of hostile cultural and political environments that other value-creating institutions could not weather. There is something vital about faith.
why can't I claim anything that is antithetical to what I recognize as the fundamental truth, to be wrong?
>Christcuckery is the beginning of all enquiry
Desire is a product of the will. Nothing to do with belief, christcuck
Because it doesn't matter what's true. By arguing for nihilism you are assuming there is value to it or value in recognizing it, which contradicts the idea that nothing matters or has value. It is impossible to argue for nihilism without implicitly contradicting your own core beliefs
>Desire to know is a product of the will
this is in full agreement with the Bible and the Church fathers user.
based guido
Not a surprise considering they stole everything of value from the Greeks.
Is there value to recognizing the fact that the earth revolves around the sun? A dog recognizes its master and dogs can't even conceive abstract ideas such as values.
Based, I was waiting for you to post
Reason and faith, lad. It is the most powerful combo known to man. And it can be used for good or ill.
>value to recognizing the fact that the earth revolves around the sun
yes because this idea has utility. ptolemaic astronomy was ditched for copernican because it was fucking terrible at predicting things
How does that contradict what I said? I nihilist can't say there is value in recognizing the earth revolves around the sun because, to them, truth has no value. A non-nihilist can see value in it because they can believe that there is value in truth for truth's sake
Is this the result of the trap people fall in when they ignore the warning of "don't read philosophy, you won't understand it"?
you see a black box and recognize the fact that it is black. What inherent value is there in this example?
>There is something vital about faith.
It's function as a coping mechanism, friend, a distraction. You can not waltz around claiming that people from long time ago had anymore say about the noumenal world than we do now, and what ever copes to deal with the phenomenal reality they came up with are just copes.
>Vanity, all is vanity, but thankfully there's god so it's alright afterall :)))
whoops almost slipped out a truth there, nice save eclesdude!
I'm saying scientific knowledge has value because it reproduces itself. There is no inherent value for that kind of knowledge. The value is.... *ahem* *burrrrrp* *sniff*.... socially constructed
The phenomenal reality is that we will die. The Orthodox tradition states we inherited this knowledge from Adam, and our propensity to sin, because we are afraid of that ultimate reality. Chrisitianity was founded as a cope, but it's the only true one. Facing the void as Pagliacci doesn't make you courageous, it makes you a fool. You're like that penguin from the Herzog flick. Also, it's purely a reaction to the powers that b, if you want to get all slave morality about it.
so why do you attach something abstract(value) to something fundamental(truth) then? You said nihilists contradict their own cause by recognizing something as true and recognizing truth implies there's value attached to it yet now you say this.
not really sure you understand what nihilism means lmao. like how are you a nihilist about eating breakfast or taking a shit?
Why isn't a fool courageous? Willingness to make a fool of yourself is a strong indicator of bravery.
As you gain the knowledge of your, and you kin's, mortality you leave the paradise of childhood. Adam is you and me and everyone who has lived through that realization. Return to paradise is return to childhood, it's a return to faith that Daddy will come if you cry and say (daddy will) "there there it's alright." Honk honk, who is the fool here, really? Coping against the void.
I'm doing a better job than you, weeb
gg ez
Both positions are a cope.
you don't risk anything as the penguin. you walk into the void proud that it will consume you, and that is what happens. you end, nothing lost, and absolutely nothing - nada, zilch, zero, fuck-all - gained
Nihilism is cope for the truth of Christianity
>Isn't any counter-nihilistic approach towards life nothing but just pure cope?
If a cope is a direct advantage in terms of evolution and natural selection, it becomes a built-in feature.
>Maybe nihilism exposes the fundamental flaws in consciousness
I mean, consciousness has to be flawed to be receptive to such notions. However, not all are flawed and not all are flawed permanently. Nihilism is a disease, and wants to spread. You are a living being and you want to survive and thrive, but you are sick in the spirit.
>and conscious beings were never meant to thrive.
Nihilistic beings were not meant to thrive, because it becomes a category of empty descriptions.
So what can possibly be gained, then? Your life is going to end either way. If that approach to life and death comforts you in your last moments, in what way is it worse than a Christian approach to life an death (family building, prayer, upright behavior, etc.)?
>It's function as a coping mechanism, friend, a distraction.
From what? Useless/detrimental strings of data? Hmm.. Why'd you open the Pandora's box?
Nihilism and hope come in different strengths and fight one another. We have thresholds that we can deal with. Nihilism is futile and shouldn't have an agenda if it took itself seriously (which it doesn't have to).
However, this means that out of all possibilities, the nihilistic ones are the ones that can safely be ignored.
You are not nihilistic, you are being a fatalist. Nihilism is a state of mind, same with other philosophies and ideologies out there.
Don't fall for the trap of self-defeatism just because you're in your first existential crisis.
Fatalism has quite a few good points. OP doesn't, but that was his fate, may he learn from this.
You see, we have different fates ahead of ourselves.
>Who are you to declare that life sucks? Who are you to declare consciousness worthless?
May all of you who are like this be completely proven wrong, so wrong.
It depends on whether you want your life to be a great tragedy or a great comedy.
Valid nihilism is the intial observation that 'values', 'meaning' etc. aren't intrinsic to the universe itself (they don't precede life). This doesn't mean those things don't exist... They are psychological strategies produced by us. They exist precisely to aid conscious beings in thriving (as groups, if not always on the individual level). That is not cope, that is reality.
That many not be a romantic enough view of values for many, but there it is. Values do exist and serve a purpose, for us that produce them. No, they aren't instrinsic to the universe and no greater power gives a shit about us. So what? You are physically able to enjoy life and care about things -- there is no lie there -- so why deny that? If you are unable to do so, why attempt to deny this natural capacity to the majority who can?
>Isn't any counter-nihilistic approach towards life nothing but just pure cope?
We exist both for ourselves and the furthering of the human species.
A mediation between the two would be to feed your brain what it wants without shortening your lifespan, i.e. do things that get the jelly inside your skull happy and healthy, find a woman to reproduce with, and don't cause suffering to humanity and the people around you, so they can reach these goals too. Raise the kid under values that align with these goals, so when they realise the true nature of life for an easy transition to pessimistic realisation when they make it themselves.
Imagine believing that nihilism has any logical basis. Nihilism itself is just a cope to a lack of moral truth
>Nihilism is based on false christcuck premises, that life only has meaning if it's to worship yahweh which gives life meaning.
No it isn't you retard.
Nihilists btfo for all eternity, unironically.
I'm convinced that the materialist answer would be antinatalist nihilism. Idealism allows us to have kids and see the beauty in the world despite its flaws. As a non religious individual I'm a mixture of both.
What would you tell someone who was nihilistic because he or she was the victim of a sadistic serial rapist or was unfortunate to be born of a life crippling ailment? Not a nihilist but I understand from their point of view. Humans can be cruel and nature can be a bitch.
You're so fucking retarded lmao
Clearly such a person would value happiness.
i dont
badda-bing badda-based
>successful person
you mean a NPC
why are Christ haters so retarded?
No clue, wondering the same thing. Christianity isn't even powerful anymore so its not like they're oppressed by the church
it's only 'truth' because it is reproducible
which gives it 'value'
get it kid?
And they have this recurring psychological obsession with the word “cuck”. Surely a subject for further study.
Based Sopranos poster
That want me. Recognizing truth doesn't necessarily mean you think it has value, but arguing for it means you do. You have to think there is value in nihilism or in your promoting it for you to argue for it, which is what you do when you accuse someone's beliefs of being a cope. When you call something a cope and imply that that is something negative, you are showing that you value the truth because you see coping as a form of willful ignorance, which you see as something wrong. I'm not saying truth has inherent value, I'm saying any sort of argument for what you see as true implies that you value it. This isn't a problem for a non-nihilist because they aren't saying nothing has value
Yes user, that's right. If it isn't nihilism, it's delusion. Not that any of this matters, of course.
You're just not intelligent enough to realize how good life is.
Whats the point of asking this question, faggot?
nihilism is just a cope lmao
can we ban the word "cope" from Yea Forums? it's really shitting up the discussion
kek really got that nigga on hush mode
read Vattimo
fucking based
Success literally means being satisfied and happy with ones life. If you have achieved such a state, your life was successful.
>Maybe nihilism exposes the fundamental flaws in consciousness
Yes, that flaw is called stupidity.
>flaws in consciousness
Did you just suggest that nihilism is derived from flawed reasoning of people that can't adapt to life?
>get the truth served
>"what's the point in just accepting it and not trying to deal with it in some way?"
>actively seeking solace in delusion is somehow not cope
Christianity claims life is meaningless unless their storm deity is real, and nihilists have unthinkingly inherited this belief. Since the storm God doesn't real, then life is meaningless. It's based on flawed christcuck presuppositions.
It is you who are the cucks here. Christians are cucked by Jews and their storm god into being slaves.
Afraid it is. Christianity claims life is meaningless without their Canaanite war god.
what is success?
This is so fucking stupid how fucking dumb can this board get
Exactly this. Thanks, user. Ill be using that first sentence in future ‘shitting on nihilists’ conversations
>dont need to prove
You dont sound very confident in your nihilism. Of course, you’re a nihilist you have no confidence. Lmao I remember being 16 and thinking nihilism was cool and edgy