Why does the mere existence of Roger Scruton upset the Marxists on this board to the point of acting like a crying Jon...

Why does the mere existence of Roger Scruton upset the Marxists on this board to the point of acting like a crying Jon Stewart?

Attached: Why does he make you angry.jpg (605x903, 500K)

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Cause he's a smug snob and he uses Hegel for conservative ends. And there's the whole tobacco thing.

Also he believes that art requires some semblance of beauty and we can't have that now, can we?

good double

Double what?

>not believing in dildos in museums

It's a bit like Peterson. No one cares about his positions, everyone just knows they're eminent brainlets.

lurk more newfag

Scruton has a history in philosophy, unlike Peterson. Many people dislike his views on aesthetics because of what said, but you really can't just dismiss him as a brainlet, at least not in that field.

He's a highly credentialed philosopher who thinks lit's favorite thinkers are all ridiculous pseuds. That must be annoying.

He's a brilliant conservative philosopher, and one of the few not completely absorbed in American cultural politics that non-Americans cannot understand nor care about

imagine stanning an old dude who got paid to write fluff pieces for big tobacco

>t. butthurt pseud

>He doesn't have smoke bux

Hegel used his philosophy for conservative ends too, see Philosophy of Right where he denounces the French Revolution, what a shill.

Leftists will talk excitedly about Althusser, who murdered his wife, and Foucault, a pederast who deliberately spread AIDS and thought rape shoukd be legal and the age of consent abolished, but then clutch their pearls over Scruton doing product placement onces, el oh el

>product placement
why lie?

he's pretty meh all told. smart enough to read and expound, not smart enough for original thought.

Holy fuck thats a lot of lies in one post
Well done

A humorous trivialization. I have no need to shill for Scruton, he is far too establishment for my taste, Gladstone would probably be the right of him, but the left bringing up the tabacco thing as something against his work is nauseating sanctimony, especially when Scruton tries unfortunately to be as innocuous as possible. If he were some self-righteous prick I could see, but je is just an old man peeping that he is not comfortable with what is happening ti western culture

I'm sorry if i'm not part of your club who just take your word for it, can you prove he's lying friend ?

>Hegel used his philosophy for conservative ends too, see Philosophy of Right where he denounces the French Revolution, what a shill.
You've got to recognize the tension between the system and the method. The metaphysical moment of the system is of lesser significance.

>Leftists will talk excitedly about Althusser, who murdered his wife, and Foucault, a pederast who deliberately spread AIDS and thought rape shoukd be legal and the age of consent abolished, but then clutch their pearls over Scruton doing product placement onces, el oh el
That's more than highly disingenuous and even so where you may have a point it can be contextualized and isn't as bad as you want to pretend.

Althusser did murder his wife. And they both did petition for the age of consent to be abolished.

has he written anything that isn't just screeching against modernity and le western values meme?

He has books on music theory and sexuality. They look pretty interesting.

No more upsetting than any of the other brainlette reactionaries you people parade in here in hopes of some intellectual credibility.

So I don’t really care about him, it’s the fan base. The collapse of Stormfront ruined this board

>upset that scruton shot down your favorite thinkers

It’s ironic that you mention Jon Stewart because I can’t think of another living philosopher more comparable in intellectual depth.

You're confusing Moldbug with Scruton. One is a neoreactionary, the one is a traditionalist.

In what way? He’s just a little stuffy and narrow minded about the arts as far as I’ve noticed.

Don’t know who that is. Neo- or olde- reactionaries are both bingalings

This is good bait and you should feel good about yourself for it.

Well you don't know either then. Molding is the reactionary. Scruton isn't one at all but rather is a traditionalist.
I'm not the other poster but Scruton does have a scathing critique of Zizek in one article he wrote.

>Implying traditionalists arent reactionaries
If you're trying to conserve your tradition then you are opposed to change, making you a reactionary

I appreciate you outing yourself as a brainlet. Reactionaries aren't opposing change but rather seeking change towards a previous mode of society. Traditionalism is a broad philosophy within conservativism about prizing localism, ecology, and organic hierarchy.

Custom as well, my bad.

I think he's a cool guy

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There’s barely any light between this masonry, user. I understand one tends towards fascists dictatorships and the other towards divinely right royalty, but both are statist as fuck and tend towards religion, capitalist/legalism or biblical

Just be quiet brainlette. Let the adults speak of things they actually understand.

Ignore, the thing is peak western Marxist.

does anyone get upset about Scurton? I have a feeling there are ashamed ex-peterson fans who are wheeling desperately through people critical of Marxists (Self, Scruton) to try and find their new dad. Just read books you guys, start with Scruton if you like, but you don't need a dad

and youre implying that they wanted to abolish the age of consent to rape children right?

Almost every french philosopher signed a letter against age of consent laws, the only exception being Lacan. I'd say endorsing pedophilia is worse than endorsing tobacco

Baudrillard never signed it

I don’t think any of the French analytics signed it either.

There was a recent hit piece done on Scruton. The author actually got a shitload of flak for it because he gloated about it on Twitter.

>Foucault, a pederast who deliberately spread AIDS and thought rape should be legal and the age of consent abolished

That is actually quite BASED. The Right Wing should stop listening to whimpering victorian church ladies like scrunton and embrace the edge. Foucault, Nietzsche, Celine, William Burroughs, Nick Land, Charlie Manson, all BASED and REDPILLED. Converting to catholicism(like being a sjw liberal) is just a roundabout, cowardly, way of reaching even if partially and incompletely the depraved pederastic and sadistic desiring that forms the ground of reactionary proclivities. The Ur form of reaction is the nomadic sadomasochist homosexual biker.

>The Ur form of reaction is the nomadic sadomasochist homosexual biker.
the state of modernity

Who wrote it and where was it published?

Analytics dont have sex, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway

George Eaton from New Statesman. Here's his 'apology': newstatesman.com/2019/04/my-interview-roger-scruton

>if ya cant beat em join em


they were actually acting ethically and perfectly in accord with philosophy, tradition and western civilisation, which as we may all do good to remember is based on pederasty.

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The media managed to get Scruton out of a government job as a housing advisor due to bullshit

Pls Scruton has been around far longer and has already done a talk with Peterson


So this has no reason to speak of Peterson fans

The joke was about how the OP phrased his whole post about Scruton pissing off Marxists on this board when he is a total non-entity on here; it's claiming projection on the part of OP, not Peterson being around longer, or whether the did "a talk" together. Any other jokes you want me to explain to you user?


Can you guys seriously watch something like this and think he's not a pseud

>Beauty is important to art
A can of diarrhea isn't art, senpai

How can you watch this and not be converted to neo-platonism and accept him as 100% right?

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>aestetics BTFO
goddamn user whens that book coming out? people need to hear this diarrhea example, you are about to revolutionize the field.

Maybe read up a bit on art before outing yourself as a midwit, redditor

bad single

all 'art' is an alienation, reified images turned commodities. Contemporary art at its best can aspire to be a manifestation of the violence inflicted on the public by multinational finance capital. Kitsch ''fine arts'' paintings and french impressionism for the 150th year straight, what you want to decorate the suburban living room of an upper middle class lawyer or the CEO of a landscaping company? Its not like you are taking comissions from the Borgias. That's Damien Hirst selling another one of his knick knacks to Pinault, Slim or some Russian dude. Even transgression and anti art have become commodities, what we gotta do: smash commodity society. We have to abolish art by transcending it and ending once and for all its separation from life.

How come Marxists always reduce everything to terms of alienation and labor-relations? Is it a matter of having a hammer and turning everything into a nail? It's so boring.

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>whole tobacco thing
What's this refer to?

what are you asserting? that this isn't art or is art? did you mean to reply to this user?

so easy a caveman could do it

Learn to read, pal

simple conclusion for simple people

but you didn't say anything, you posted a link and called me a redditor...

>Learn to read, pal

While I don't agree with him perhaps you could explain how this makes him a pseud.


I was very explicit in that post. I stated facts is all.

I don't know about the motivations of those two.

For Sartre and Beauvoir, the intent suggested by their history is sordid, yes, though.

>We should do away with age of consent
>Im totally not going to abuse it though, even though i have a history of grooming little girls
Think for a second, user

politics and art are actually just a series of un-succesful and un-satisfying attempts to sublimate the primal human drive to sodomize to fuck and dominate and dismember and to be sodomized and fucked in turn. all politics can be reduced to the psychosexual dynamics of dominance and submission.


Man, the mix on the vocals is the worst.


Absolutely not, he just whimpers on about the times he supported Stalin and does the usual right wing lemon-sucking guilt by association meme. Doesn't engage with his work at all.

George Eaton is a dumb retard, doesn't mean that Scruton should be allowed anywhere near Government.

No idea who this guy is but he's an aesthetic looking lad

Was it Scrotum who went to Russia to film him bitchin about these statues, calling them kitch, or was it another Brit I’m thinking of?

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That's Jonathan Meades.

Scurton is just a liberal conservative.
>scathing critique of Zizek

No the fuck he does not. I read that article you're likely referring to.He basically just mocks him over his prose (and I agree, Zizek is a shit writer), and just goes over superficialities and typical sophistry you'd expect. I'd welcome an actual sophisticated and engaging critique from a conservative. It would be exciting considering how intellectually dead the conservative movement is in the Anglosphere, but Scruton does no such thing,

His presentation is comical, you get the sense that he shot this himself, all those montages of him "thinking" or holding books and chewing on pens. I only watched it briefly, he really takes his time to do so but he did make 1 good point. He didn't do it in a particularly graceful way though. His style almost reminds me of Trump, very simple words, very simple sentences.

Good stuff, thanks for posting.

I watched the first five minutes, and it's not like I'm just going to discard the whole thing, but this is so frustrating so far because it's so fucking shallow. like, anybody can say these things.

this is such a weird moralism around art. weird fucked up art has been a thing since art began, our first carvings were porn

I mean the high arrogance of it. They’re symbolic representations of the people of Russia who bore the brunt of British imperialist designs that allowed the Nazis to to finish off as many of them as possible. Specifically Churchill’s designs on Baku.
Just ass-blasted that they survived, beat the Nazis and kept Baku. Fuckin imperialists

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You are smart :3 let me ask you a philosophical question. Would you at least call my number one time?

What's a better interpretation?

It's not really about interpretation. Pseuds are just angry with people who can express their views without falling into obscurantist jargon which they misconstrue as a demonstration of high intellect. It's especially painful when it's done by someone far more accomplished than themselves.

Yea Forums is continental. That should tell you all.

Bunch of pseuds. Just look at how small is the number of Yea Forumszens who can read more than one language. There's no real qualifications among the posters here, no real effort. They just talk, and talk, and talk. This is why they get afraid when they see someone who speaks with depth about important matters, but in a clear and well-structured manner.

Perhaps, but even then I would like to see their interpretation of art along with a defense of the current situation.

They'll distance themselves from the all too obvious trash, call you a pleb and refer you to some form of post-structualist apologia.

Jesus F. Christ this guy

He literally broke down Zizek's philosophy and core goal, critiquing him directly.

>obscurantist jargon
user, that piece is stupid, I agree, but it was aimed at the 90 IQ range; if that was too much jargon for you, you might be retarded.

He takes his time to get to a point in simple language. Return to it.

You propably misread my post. I was commenting on the general use of a langue de bois by pseuds and their rage against infidels.

>Also he believes that art requires some semblance of beauty and we can't have that now, can we?
This. There's a militant force pervading the entirety of academia and literary discourse that has a huge boner for annihilating the sacredness of art, which is its connection to beauty. Anyone who's had a beautiful experience when gazing at a painting or listening to a song knows that anyone claiming that art has nothing to do with beauty is full of fucking shit.

Because he's another network news pundit dressed as an academic. Because he's a right wing ideologue, not a philosopher, who's function is to voice his super controversial and reactionary opinions on race, gender, immigration, Islam, etc as a network news pundit might, to droves of loyal fans gear to lap it up and watch the lefty get pwned. The "Marxists" you're referring to I guess do not think he is much of a serious anything, let alone a philosopher. Same goes for Peterson btw. If you still dont see it, compare someone like Scruton or Peterson to someone who's both left and right undeniably acknowledge as a philosopher like Heidegger. Those clowns are not the same bird.

smoking tobacco raises testosterone

>people he criticizes don't like him
>not as good as Heidegger
wow, he must not be a philosopher then

>some decadent patrician in a collapsing empire pays a small fortune for gay porn on a plate
> ~2000 years later
>this is Western Civilization!

There's a difference between porn and nude images intended to shock.

But it proves that homosexuality isn't some Jewish invention that many /pol/tards claim it is.

Whoever thinks that isn't even worth proving wrong.

i've never seen anyone make that claim ever

I don't even think i've seen /pol/ actually claim this. This is quite the bit of straw youve set up

Well it's at least nice you outed yourself as completely unaware of what you're speaking of.

>he says things i dont like therefore he shouldnt be in gov

Can anyone seriously look at something like Merde d'Artista and not, deep down, know what a fucking joke it is? It's no wonder how startlingly irrelevant is art in the lives of people today.

>he is far too establishment for my taste
Not as racist as you would like ?

Marxist here. He's one of very few conservatives I respect.

>tobacco thing
Refined sugar burns my ass infinitely more than cigarettes. Would you rather live in a cool and skinny but unhealthy society or a fat and ugly and also unhealthy society? I've only smoked once and would only maintain the habit if my country sold nice ones cheap but getting everyone mad at the practice was clearly a scam to make normal people think doctors and politics can or will protect our best interests if they know better.

Virtually everything is poison in 2019, cigarettes are at least an aesthetic poison. Also they may raise testosterone, which can cancel out all of the birth control in our drinking water.

Foucault wasn't a pedophile, he just thought that the State should not have a say when it comes to pathological identities, and that doing so will produce worst results. He basically predicted the '90s pedo-scare decades in advance.

$.03 has been deposited into your account

t. malnourished fatass with severe hormonal imbalances who feels superior to lean, high-test chimney-men.

>implying the 90s pedo-scare was wrong
The main book debunking the McMartin Preschool trial was written by former child-pornographers.

Unironicaly FPBP