Books that will make me hate women?
Books that will make me hate women?
my diary
Read stuff by Nora Roberts.
You don't need a book for that just be aware and don't see the world through a NPC filter.
Read any 'erotic' novel. They're all written by women.
Wtf Is this real?
Face book
Epic clapback, fellow 4channeller. Reeeeee mommy get my tenders XD. So epic. Le spooks XD. Just Epic. It’s epic. Epic. Simply epic. This is epic. Now this is epic. So epic.
Edit: WOW, this comment really blew up!
Edit 2: WOW, 500 upboats. This is epic.
Edit 3: Spelling.
Edit 4: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Edit 5: WOW 1000 updoots. This is epic.
Edit 6: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
>capeshit, disney, and harry potter
holy shit
mega yikes
Can't lie, I had a laugh.
Holla boueq!
>Blade Runner 2049
Eh, the ladies win this one
>women are more likely to watch movies with their children
>women live in the present
>men are more likely to consume violent media
>men can only enjoy something which is already distinguished
No surprises here.
Any book by A. Shopenhauer.
>reading schoppy this poorly
Schopenhauer hates you and everything you've done to defile Kant.
Studies In Pessimism by Arthur Schopenhauer
Sexual Utopia In Power by F. Roger Devlin
Sex & Character by Otto Weininger
The Feminist Lie by Bob Lewis
>women are eternal children
there, the whole idea.