When did you grow up and realize fiction is for babies?

Why do so many people still waste their time on fiction when their time would objectively be better spent accruing applicable information to their lives and developing a proper understanding of the world in which they live?

Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Philosophy, Language... there's a wealth of information from many sources around the globe that can make you a much more productive, useful member of society, and yet you choose to indulge escapism and read adult fairy tales?

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maybe the liberal scum escapeth from the depths of the underworld through thouests asscrack, scoundrel

Fiction is just as much a part of the world. You're only limiting yourself by ignoring it.

>be me
>read both
>dont have these issues or reason to put up pointless threads
op based retard

>Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Philosophy, Language
But user, half of these are fiction

Maybe you're just a faggot.

>Study of thinking
>Has to study to think

I already know how to think, dumbass

I'm with you OP. Here's my favorite nonfiction

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>tfw OP is reading fanfiction of Adam Spudboy

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Don't let this obvious bait fool you into replying: it's practically a daily thread in one form or another and is tailored to garner replies from those too weak of will to just scowl and scroll past it.


I like fiction, but how is it part of the world?

based stoic poster

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so what exactly are you doing

I'm actually currently writing a nonfiction book that merges some of the most useful insights from economics, psychology, sociology, and sociology so it's interesting that you specifically single these out, but I've gotta disagree with you.

I forget where I read it, but some pretty good advice is that we are to be leaders to ourselves, not tyrants. While nonfiction has its place in growth and education, you would find yourself woefully unprepared for a situation that calls for actual imagination if you've not experienced its use in your life. Fiction serves the purpose of keeping those gears oiled. It is not memorization of facts and data that produces innovation; it is rather rooted in imagination. A proper, well-rounded person would enjoy their fair share of both sides of the coin.

insightful, for a brainlet

Why do you feel the need to shit on what everyone loves?

In every culture there's a collection of fiction that even on a subconscious level influences us. Things as simple as children's stories or nursery rhymes, or ancient mythologies that still color our worldview. Or look for example how many common phrases we use come directly from Shakespeare. Or the phenomenon of world literature.

I read non-fiction in the form of papers and proceedings all day at work, when I come home I want to read something else tbpqh..

Sometimes fiction makes us think about stuff we hadn't considered before.

>make you a much more productive, useful member of society

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Keep lickin' those boots user!

>more productive member of society
Sorry bro I don't give a fuck about your society

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Who cares about a society which only uses you as an useful idiot?

>Kinesiology, Nutrition
this guy is a dyel /fit/ guy