George RR Martin working on a video game

>writing will never be as good as video ga-

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>George R.R. Martin

When will this fat fuck die?

>Until the last drop

Will there be a GoT on ice?

>a GAME of thrones

Why can't he admit he's a hack who created an extremely convoluted plot and can't untie the Meereenese knot?

It will just be hentai incest game about Lannisters

He would not be half as popular if he was not fat.

He would be twice as celebrated if he was black and even more obese.

Prove me wrong.

Is really Martin a good writer or is just a King among insects?

>implying a lot of vidya doesn't have better writing than game of water shitting

This guy gets it. San Andreas is the best adaptation of Count of Monte Cristo I've ever experienced.

Nah, his popularity arose prior to all the woke bullshit

From's games have better writing than Martin's books. I hope he doesn't influence them too much.

Doesn't this guy have a book to finish?

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He's probably just gonna wait for the show to end and then write a half ass novela that copies whatever the shows writers came up with lol

No, that would be fucking disgusting

>offering your opinion

Isn't it over? Like, the last season went out almost a week ago, when Notre Dame burned, right?

What? It's still running in my timeline. Woah Mandela effect

So when is it gonna be over? I'm not following this shit very well

I remember when From Software only made niche niche armored core games.
*Sip* aahhhhh those were the days.


There's 5 episodes left in the last season, so it'll end pretty soon. Then, I believe, there are some spin-off series already planned

>A VIDYA GAME of Thrones

>GRRRRR Marting

His works are not literature, but pressed turds.

>George R.R. Martin will sit on his ass and play Yoshi's Island just like the previous 4 days
There, now no-one else has to click on this terrible article.