This is the greatest American author to have ever lived. Say something nice about him.
This is the greatest American author to have ever lived. Say something nice about him
Moby Dick and a few of his shorter works are great...but those adventure novels. Whew lad.
That's not David Foster Wallace
he cute
That's not JK Rowling
The only American writer I feel immense envy towards
Melville, Herman. Love him. One would like to have filmed him at breakfast, feeding a sardine to his cat.
billy budd was gay lmao
Yeah, cause you’re better than Whitman, Faulkner, James, etc.
Yeah I am thanks. and those writers aren't even good, so it's not easy to do
Really? Cause you just wrote a contradiction in a matter of two sentences. No discernible talent
You're an idiot. That's why you're on /lit faggot
Whitman and James were pure fags and Faulkner was a manlet
Not only was Melville an immensely talented writer, he was a former harpooner and a specimen of a man with a masculine face and beautiful hair
he was the ships florist!
>not a big gay
I bet you think Achilles was gay for fucking twink boys too
where do I start with this man? Just jump into the recognitions?
Yeah, chronological is best
He was not a 4channer