How can one extreme turn in to another?
A site were intelligent perfectionists debate each other until it turns into pure autism and insults
how did you become so gay?
By ingesting caterpillars.
>intelligent perfectionists
That's how view the Yea Forums user.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
This person is afraid of sincerity and proves OP’s point.
everything i post is me trying to get a rise out of people and none of it is serious or genuine
Comedy requires more intellect than tragedy
Also, OP is a faggot
doesn't it embarrass you to even participate in post with a picture like this ?
I am an ancinet fag. I have been posting on here since 2005. The original ethos of Yea Forums is what i call a jester nihilism. "Doing it for the lulz". Being user means 2 things, rejecting the dogma of representation, and believing in nothing. This is what the pol tards dont actually understand. When you are posting on Yea Forums you have no idenity. I could tell you i was a blasian math teacher living in russia. You wouldnt know.
Yea Forums is Dionysian. It says nothing matters but while we are here we might as well have some laughs. So this means Yea Forums is a being of pure chaos.
Not only that, it has no identity and it can pretend to be anything and anyone. And its also made up of Hundereds, maybe thousands of people pretending to be other people.
So you have this god clown creature called Yea Forums existing who likes to antagonize people on purpose because its funny. Then the 2010s arrive and liberals start doing lines and injecting identity politics straight into their veins.
And they turn into these "im offended at everything all the time" morons.
It was like bugs bunny meeting elemer fudd for the first time
We are still doing it for the "lulz"
We just take it further now
troll detected
No. You are the morons who fell for the joke.
The true way of the troll is to believe in nothing. You are the communist in nazi germany, the nazi in soviet russia.
The pol tard is a moron who believes in something to the point they go on mentally ill killing sprees that do nothing but give the elite an excuse to censor people.
Violence is only good if it is righteous.
If you fight for nothing you will accomplish nothing
The pol tard is a moral fag who calls everyone else but himself a "degenerate". You are ripe for the trolling
The main problem with Yea Forums are that newshitters don’t get it, which can have horrific consequences.
>The true way of the troll is to believe in nothing.
>Violence is only good if it is righteous.
Do you see how you contradict yourself? You can't be le epic nihilist and be scared of the evil /pol/ack at the same time. Who's the moral fag here?
The pol faggots have morality. You can troll them. The best way to be a troll in the trump era is to be a communist.
user is the mad hatter yelling CHANGE PLACES
What i mean, is that the muslim and the pol tard are the same, they lack a class consciousness and commit nihilistic violence that accomplishes nothing, but at the same time are massive moral fags.
A contradiction of stupidity.
You do not go after the elite, or the people who control things, you attack the proles and give the elite to tighten the squeeze even more. No one is on your side, the people you attack will want you in prison and they will want the government to imprison you
Just like the social justice warrior was easy pickings, so is the pol tard.
Both puppets of the neoliberal in this endless bourgeoisie culture war
Nice philosophy. But you're willfully ignorant about /pol/. If you're an American than you must work in IT or have family from Mexico. Am I right in this assumption?
Jung wrote about this tendency extensively.
>intelligent perfectionists
is that what you think you are? you got some growing up to do
You need to lurk moar
>This is what the pol tards dont actually understand. When you are posting on Yea Forums you have no idenity. I could tell you i was a blasian math teacher living in russia. You wouldnt know.
>he doesn't know /pol/ is almost entirely black women and asian men larping
am i triggering you snowflake?
user is the fly in the ointment. In all realities
Have you come to the truth yet?
user isnt facist, communist, liberal, conservative, centerist.
We are anarchists
Maybe Yea Forums but not /pol/ and especially not Yea Forums.
your anti pol sentiments are understandable, but your undergrad philosophy analysis of Yea Forums is cringe
u cant
Times have changed old man
Adapt or get left behind
People are being pushed. Pushed by censorship, by stifling political correctness which requires lies to be upheld, pushed by forced mass-migration, by Islamic extremism and indeed the kind of reactionary extremism that happened in Christchurch, NZ as well. I'm certain that some White Nationalist extremists are plotting attacks at this very moment and OBVIOUSLY there's Islamic terror attacks either being plotted or SOMEWHERE in the world actively ongoing though most of it to my knowledge happens in Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Trump was the beginning of the end for the left's Globalist stranglehold. In Italy they elected an anti-EU Government. In the Spanish and Swedish elections to my understanding there was a shift towards the centre. Come October there will be a Federal Election here in Canada and it's pretty much already accepted that Andrew Scheer of the Conservative Party will win, but sadly that's not the same Conservative Party as Stephen Harper's. No, Scheer has come out as centrist but thankfully Maxime Bernier built a new party, the People's Party of Canada. I know, sounds Socialist. Don't worry, it's not. He's a Libertarian and wants to scrap magazine restrictions. I don't anticipate him to win, but he has my vote, and HOPEFULLY enough Canadians take on this view so that a Trump phenomenon happens again. He and Trump would get along famously.
I anticipate every Federal Election in the West to shift towards the centre or outright turn right-wing, and that's EXACTLY what the West needs right now. Less immigration, more deportation, freer firearm laws, and bloody Hell I hope the divorce laws can be fixed to incentivize marriage and REMOVE the incentive women currently have to divorce their husbands and ruin their children's lives. We need more family, more children, and less third-worlders.
The left has directly lead to this. I wouldn't have these views, wouldn't be saying these things, if not for the fact that I feel it is necessary. And it is, unless you want more terrorism both from Islamists and from my fellow Whites who are sick and tired of what's happening to our lands and our peoples.
>that's EXACTLY what the West needs right now
Imagine believing this crap
Young people in America are full of debt and don't have jobs, old people can't pay for the hospital bills, inequality in the US (and in all the west, btw) just increases and you blame the left, the black, the arab, the jew i.e. the scapegoat. Can't you analyze the situation? This isn't a problem of race, it's a problem of class. Go after tax havens, go fuck the corporations in the ass, make the rich bleed, neoliberalism has been fucking the world for more than forty years now, and you can thank people like Trump for that. Vote for the jew, vote for Bernie you faggot.
Neoliberlism is not left wing.
>they lack a class consciousness
Back to discord
everything about Yea Forums is inherently anarchist, It reject morality, the anonymity allows for no identities, no hierarchies, and to be anything you want, and as neets they are lumpenprole who live outside the capitalist system.
The mantra of do it for the lulz means a never ending attack on the morality of others, creating a scenario which constantly destroys Hierarchy
Pol tards are just morons who fell for the joke
This reads like someone who has watched a couple yt videos on communism but hasn't actually read marx
it will read like however you wanna read it
check your biases at the door and see facts
>not op
>Young people in America are full of debt
Is that because they got useless degrees like gender studies, or degrees that are very difficult to monetize like the Arts?
>don't have jobs
Literally more people are working now in America than ever before in American history, and wages are going up. Though things are going downhill in New York because they are trying to artificially force wages to rise by implementing a huge minimum wage hike. Not good.
>Old people an't pay for the hospital bills
They should have spent their time better and got a health insurance program.
>Inequality is increasing
So? Let the rich get richer, because guess what, the poor has never had it better in human history than in the West today. With so many jobs in the US, the lower class will also decrease and the middle class will increase. I may as well also include that by worldwide standards, the global 1% is anyone making something like $36,000 or more per year. You yourself may very well have been within the global 1%. Yes, let the rich get richer, because the situation for the poor is improving too, but make no mistake, there will ALWAYS be poor people. That cannot be escaped. You either have SOME poor people under Capitalism, or everyone but the rulers are poor under Socialism/Communism/Marxism. I choose Capitalism, and I say this as a student on EI, whom has also been on welfare before and lived in two homeless shelters.
>You blame the left, the Black, the Arab, the Jew
I blame the left, I blame the Blacks for about half of the crime in America (since that's statistically true), I don't give a damn about Arabs but their Islamic religion is a crock of shit that is causing suffering on a global level. As for the Jews, well, as a Christian who reads the New Testament (and will get around to the Old Testament), the Jews are my allies. Judeo-Christian values are not only at the foundation of my Western civilization, but are also my values by-and-large.
Define 'Neo-Liberalism'. Do you mean Classical Liberalism? If so, then based on today's overton window, because the left have become so radical, yeah, they're basically centrists even though historically they were of the left. I also have nothing against Classical Liberalism, in fact I share a lot of views with them. It's the Cultural Marxists that I have a problem with and they are far-left.
Oops, I didn't finish replying to this.
>Can't you analyze the situation?
Yes, and it's the post directly above yours.
>This isn't a problem of race, it's a problem of class.
No, I disagree, it's a problem of the radical left. As mentioned; the censorship, the forced political correctness which requires lies (and therefore goes against my Christian faith; I refuse to lie), mass-migration, and from the mass-migration, the Islamic extremism we're importing. It's causing more rape, more murder, more pedophilia, and so on. This is the left's doing and the right will fix it. Trump's travel ban on nations that Obama pointed out as being particularly dangerous. Trump's wall which is currently being developed. Trump's even fighting for gay rights by putting political and economic pressure on nations that still have homosexuality illegal, which unsurprisingly they are almost all Islamic nations.
>Tax havens
There need to be lower taxes in general, but yes the wealthy must pay their taxes too
You mean the people who make it possible to produce goods at such a rate that they're at the low prices we see now? To my knowledge, on the whole, when you take inflation into consideration, goods are cheaper now than in the 1970s.
>Make the rich bleed
It's thanks to the rich (people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, etc.) that we have the high standard of living that we have now. I know A LOT of poor people, people like myself, and I am in the minority with my flip phone. Most people have smart phones now, and it's thanks to the rich.
>Vote Bernie
I'm Canadian so I can't, and I wouldn't anyways. I would have voted Trump in 2016, and I would do so again in 2020 if I were American. God bless Trump, he is EXACTLY what the West needs. We need more people like him.
>Vote for a Jew
If he or she is like Trump or Maxime Bernier, then I would. Hell if Bernier said tomorrow that he's actually a Jew, I wouldn't give half a heck, I'd still vote for him. I support Israel, fuck Palestine.
>muh anarchy
>post the most sellout band in his history
why are oldfags so cringe
Why would I mean classical liberalism if I said neoliberalism. I dont believe in a system that relies on exploiting the third world and the environment to survive, western culture (and by proxy the world) is rapidly declining because the world works towards short term profit not solving problems.
I don't like Identity politics either but it's supported by the mainstream because it's a non issue. Any companies PR team can send out support for minority (first world) rights, while exploiting third world labour and the environment.
Your american but let me tell you as a kiwi (historically diverse country also further left than the US has ever been) that race is barely an issue here and the only people who are bothered by it are genuine boomers.
Statistics can be scary but take a look into the studies for putting money back into the community as someone who has never had to pay more than $50 for the doctor I can tell you its great.
The advancing of technocapital will remove human beings and workers from the production process of both the economic and entertainment spheres.. Creating a situation in which identity politics and the culture war is obliterated. Automation of social and economic conditions means the end of human accomplishment. There will be no race war in the future, no one identity group will win over anyone else. The future is one in which machines have won.
The communists and fascists are fighting 20th century battles in the 21st century.
The anarchist was yelling NOOOOOOO FUTUREEE in the 70s
I agree. However, the tradition of lulz is still strong with the introduction of *honk honk*, and /pol/ is always right
>Exploiting the third world
>Exploiting the environment
I've thought about this before. Honestly if we want to keep up our advanced way of life, I think we need to accept that there will be SOME degree of destruction to the environment. After all, are you going to pull a 'Green New Deal' and suggest we have to get rid of vehicles and 'farting cows'? Still, I believe in regulation. I hear that a river was caught on fire in America before and I don't want stuff like that to happen. Also, to my knowledge, the vast majority of pollution going to the ocean is coming from India and China so you should have a word with them. The West isn't doing too bad in comparison.
>Western culture is rapidly declining
and that's tragic, though I don't think you know what Western culture is. The West is by-and-large Christian, we're also White. Yes a Black man who moves to the UK and has children there technically have European children but their family's history is not of Europe, it's of Africa. Anyhow I digress. Our culture is in rapid decline because of divorce, because of feminism, because of the radical left trying to hamper our progress. The Chinese have an insult called 'Baizuo', it means 'White Left', and is in reference to White leftists who hate the West, or at least the West's culture and traditions.
>I don't like identity politics either
We agree.
>... but it's a non issue.
We disagree.
>third world labour
again, elaborate. Should we instead have everything manufactured within the West? That actually sounds pretty good to me though it would make things more expensive because we pay people decent wages, in fact in some cases people are paid too much. Minimum wage should be decreased to make it easier for vulnerable people to obtain employment. I wouldn't hire someone with a mental disability at today's minimum wage; I'd just get someone who is fully mentally capable. If I have to pay a large amount from the get-go without even considering raises or promotions, I'm going for the best possible person. If minimum wage was lower, I could give a disabled person a shot and indeed if they end up performing well, they can ask for a raise or promotion and I will provide it if I think they deserve it.
>You're American
No, not yet. I am Canadian. Technically a North American but not an American, though I do hope to be an American someday.
>Further left than the US has ever been (meaning New Zealand)
Yup, you guys sure are becoming authoritarian. Very leftist of you.
>Race isn't an issue
I haven't been saying it's an issue. I simply pointed out that 50% of US crime is committed by Blacks even though they only make up 13% of the population. I used to resist this fact years ago, but I've accepted race realism. It seems like scientific truth, and as such, I accept it.
>$50 for the doctor
I'm Canadian, I don't have a family doctor and I go to a public clinic. Free, but the wait time is long and the service is shit.
it got overrun by zealotry. started with legionfags, went downhill to a point where most boards have some sort of gospel most posters will adhere to. the ideological band used to be far wider than this. /pol/ is behaviorally closer to r/the_donald than Yea Forums of yore.
Let's get this race issue out of the way. I am against mass-migration, that doesn't mean I don't want Arabs. In fact, if there's Christian Arabs in the Islamic world who want to find safety in the West and apply for asylum, I'm inclined to suggest they accept this oppressed Christian. In fact there's one Christian who applied for asylum with the UK, and they said they are Christian because it's a peaceful religion. They declined the request for asylum and actually provided Biblical quotes to try and suggest that Christianity isn't peaceful. This disgusts me, only partly because they think that Christianity isn't peaceful, mostly because he's trying to SAVE HIMSELF FROM ISLAMIC OPPRESSION and they not only said 'no' but then bashed his (and my) religion. Fuck the people who did that, it was awful.
I am against mass-migration because of the 2015/16 New Years mass-sexual-assault event in Germany. I'm against mass-migration because of UK grooming gangs. I'm against mass-migration because of Swedish grenade attacks. I'm against mass-migration because of a terrorist attack on Jasper Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in October 2017 or so (just checked, Sept 30th) which is a street I myself have walked down and I recall was within walking distance of where I once lived. I'm against mass-migration because of a little Austrian boy being raped in a public pool. I'm against mass-migration because of about 5 girls all under 16 years old being sexually harassed in the West Edmonton Mall's pool are (also a place I've been, in fact I was even there as a little kid before). These all have something in common; Islam. They're also not all Arabs; most people in grooming gangs are Pakistani Muslims, so TECHNICALLY they're Asians but mainstream media called them that because they didn't want to say they were Muslims, which angered the Asian community. I think the Muslim kiddie-diddler at the West Edmonton Mall was from Sudan, if I'm not mistaken, which I think would technically make it likely that he's African.
The fact that all these terrorists are non-White doesn't matter, and isn't the reason why I don't want them in the West. It's their faith. You may freely call me Islamophobic, because I have read enough of the Quran to know that it scares me and I don't like it and it's fundamentally incompatible with the West. In order for a Muslim to be compatible with the West, they BASICALLY have to disregard huge portions of the Quran, which is against the faith because they call it the literal and unalterable word of their God, Allah, whom I do not consider to be the same God as in Judaism or Christianity. Fuck Allah, and that pedophilic wife-beating warmonger Prophet Muhammad.
The Christian denied asylum by the UK was an Iranian convert. As it turns out I actually know a man from Iran who is Christian, and he says his brother is more devout and is specifically Catholic. Thankfully, they got to Canada just fine it would seem.
>hurr durr fear le hacker Yea Forums
Good thing that the average user is retarded, ignorant, and angry at the world.
>Is that because they got useless degrees like gender studies, or degrees that are very difficult to monetize like the Arts?
As it's a general trend it seems more likely that it's because the costs of life and college are too high.
>The censorship, the forced political correctness which requires lies (and therefore goes against my Christian faith; I refuse to lie), mass-migration, and from the mass-migration, the Islamic extremism we're importing. It's causing more rape, more murder, more pedophilia, and so on. This is the left's doing and the right will fix it.
Lack of social security is causing more problems in the US than any of this (tho NSA surveillance is a big threat), and the effects of the depression in Europe are still being felt. Id pol is shit, but it isn't making people starve. Id pol and immigration are just scapegoats for the real, economic, problems.
What's causing mass-migration from the Middle-East tho? Wasn't NATO that went to war in Iraq and then organized coups in Syria and Libya? Of course the working people of Europe shouldn't be punished for that, but they are voting for people that'll jump to a war when they can (like Trump and Venezuela).
>So? Let the rich get richer
If you increase the gap between the rich and the non-rich, the middle-class and the poor as a group will lose power, money buys politics, a bigger gap means even more power to push the agendas the rich want and less power to the people.
>the poor has never had it better in human history than in the West today
>You either have SOME poor people under Capitalism, or everyone but the rulers are poor under Socialism/Communism/Marxism
You don't need to choose between laissez-faire Victorian Capitalism and Marxism; a lot of people in other countries are living better than North-Americans, even you in Canada are better off than Americans, you have decent social security, Americans don't, we need that.
>There need to be lower taxes in general, but yes the wealthy must pay their taxes too
Just put a fair progressive taxation system to work, tax the wealthy in a way that prevents excessive concentration, go easy on the middle-class (who should be the majority) and provide a framework so that the poor never fall so low as to starve and die without going to a hospital.
>It's thanks to the rich (people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, etc.) that we have the high standard of living that we have now. I know A LOT of poor people, people like myself, and I am in the minority with my flip phone. Most people have smart phones now, and it's thanks to the rich.
It's not. These guys made profit, their workers worked.
>God bless Trump, he is EXACTLY what the West needs. We need more people like him
He is exactly what we've been getting, he's no different than all the right-wingers that controlled the US for more than 40 years now, he's the American Berlusconi. Obama and Bill in any other country would be called center or centre-right politicians.
>Yea Forums
You mean the porn board?
>hey guys I'm a total oldfag shopdawop desudesu amirite
>we did it for the lulz, and to me that is very sra bzns, this lulz
>don't we hate "pol"?
>yep lemme tell ya, been here since 2005 and designating boards properly isnt even a reflex
Holy fuck shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. Even if you weren't lying, which you are, you're bragging about literally maintaining the mentality of a 15 year old Yea Forumstard for well over a decade. Its time to stop.
Yea Forums used to far more loli/hentai focused back then. In terms of porn alone, it's got a bit more diversified I guess.
>Cost of life
Sell the smartphone and DON'T buy the new model when it comes out; either go phoneless or just get a flip-phone like me. Cost me $100 CAD (paid for it with the money I made from writing), and I can either pay $10 per month if I barely use it or $15 per month to have unlimited texts but I think no minutes for calls. Also, I spent MONTHS not going to restaurants (including fast-food), and I also used to never take the bus anywhere. Living can get much cheaper by simply being smart about it.
>Cost of College
I am actually for things being set up so that promising individuals of little economic means can have the opportunity to maximize on their skills and talents. Also, thanks to the internet, entrepreneurship is easier than ever. Look at what's going on with all those gamers on YouTube making money, sometimes even millions. Look at Tim Pool with his independent journalism. Look at Marcus Meechan and Carl Benjamin whom are getting into politics but started on YouTube. Look at me; I'm making hundreds of dollars per month from my writings (partially thanks to wealthiest man alive, Jeff Bezos, and whoever owns Fiverr). You don't need College to be successful, but if you want leftist indoctrination there's nowhere better than in a Gender Studies class.
>Social security
People aren't starving on the streets in the West. If that starts happening, then we can talk, but thankfully America will never be Socialist so I'm not worried.
>Depression in Europe
I blame the EU, and as such, the left. They need to scrap that whole authoritarian concept and lower their taxes like Trump did.
>Id pol is shit
What? Is that supposed to be 'identity politics'?
>Immigration is just a scapegoat for the real economic problems
I'm talking about MASS-migration. Controlled LEGAL immigration is fine, Trudeau wants to take it to 350k by 2021 but Bernier wants to bring it back down to 250k like during Harper's time as Prime Minister. Less than 1% growth via immigration every year.
>What's causing mass-migration from the Middle-East?
For Europe, primarily Merkel. Here's some options for masses of illegal migrants. First, contain them, allow them to try applying for asylum if they want, reject ANY whom are found to be giving false information or have no information at all and ANY found to have criminal records. I'd also suggest IQ tests and send the low-IQ ones back. I'd also be understanding of denying any who self-identify as Muslim, because we have too damn many already and they're multiplying far faster than most non-Muslims in the West. A questionaire would do well, too. Give it in whatever language they need. Do they think men are better than women? Do they think Muslims and Christians or Muslims and Jews can get along? Do they hate Jews? Do they hate Christians or Christianity? Questions of this nature and if they say 'yes' to any of them, kick them the fuck out. If they come back. Warning shot. If they come again, shoot them.
Yea Forums is dead and has been dead for quite a while, most anons ITT are zoomers whose memory of Yea Forums goes back a maximum of 5 years, not mention the fact that Yea Forums is 100% being astroturfed by various groups with agendas and products to shill. There is nothing genuine here anymore and there never will be again.
You know you're talking to brick walls right?
>Blaming mass-migration on NATO or West-lead wars in the Middle East or Africa
Boo-hoo. They should stop their extremism. No fucks given, and I am fine with more war in the Islamic world if they keep fucking with the West.
>Trump and Venezuela
I'm in support of Military intervention to overthrow that Socialist scumbag Maduro. Sucks that Russia is getting involved to help them.
>Increase the gap= middle-class and poor will lose power
That's not how things are turning out. The gap has gotten FAR larger in the past 120 years, and yet 120 years ago the poor in Europe lived on $1 a day in TODAY'S money. Meanwhile, when I was on welfare, I was getting... what was it... about $1030 CAD every month to cover rent and food and everything. If not for that, I would have been on the street. If your theory was the case, then I literally wouldn't have gotten a single dollar.
>Money buys politics
People campaign, and those who support them, donate. Deal with it. I've even sent $5 to Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada. In fact to my understanding Hillary raised more money than Trump did.
>Laissez-faire Capitalism
I'm not pushing for 100% free Capitalism. I'd be open to a small-scale experiment, but 100% pure Capitalism would essentially be Darwinism where those who work, eat, and those who don't, starve. I'm talking, like, hardcore Capitalism. The Soviet Union made 'profiteering' illegal, and so if we took a similar thing but applied it to Capitalism, donating to someone with less money than you (distribution of wealth) would be made illegal even though I don't think that's ever been even considered for Capitalism. Still, let's put that aside. I believe laissez-faire Capitalism can work, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm open to it. I am fine with SOME social programs, but ultimately it needs a FIRM foundation of Capitalism and it must be made sure that the social programs aren't being taken advantage of. Keep it limited.
>Living better than North Americans
The United States of America is the greatest history on the planet. Yes, I am a Canadian, I've never so much as stepped foot in America, but as far as I'm concerned, nowhere on the planet (ESPECIALLY not in modern authoritarian UK) could I have a life as good as one that I could have in America.
>Progressive taxation
Unnecessary if you have a small and reasonable Government. Military, Police, Fire Department, roads, a welfare system to take care of the most vulnerable in society (primarily the physically or mentally disabled, or perhaps those who are badly injured and can't work), and perhaps also they can tend to public schools though those have become an ideological disaster. I'm home-schooling my future kids so that they aren't indoctrinated with disgusting leftism.
>Don't let the poor starve
That's one win for Capitalism, and millions of losses for Socialism/Communism/Marxism. Ask Venezuela.
The problem lies with the rate of activity on the board. If you've ever been foolish enough to put effort into a post on Yea Forums you'd have been disappointed to notice how not even 5 minutes later the thread is on the cusp on 404'ing. When just about any thread is allowed, tens of them pop up each minute, and only the ones that have clickbait, inflammatory, contentious titles stick around more than 20 minutes. The result is a cesspit of bait and shitflinging, as the premise of every thread is to incite that type of division. Why put any effort into a post when the thread is probably dead in less than an hour?
Yea Forums is going down the same path. I used to be able to post something overnight and check back in the morning. Hell, sometimes threads would be alive for days. Now if I make a thread and it didn't happen to take off, it's totally buried hours later. Yea Forums is heading down the path of Yea Forums - look at all the "Books for [inflammatory issue]" that aren't really book threads at all, but a battleground to sperg out about /pol/shit. All boards will descend further into shit while the barrier to thread creation is as low as it is.
>Die without going to a hospital
In America, to my knowledge, it's illegal to turn someone away at a hospital if they're clearly injured. But if they don't have health insurance then they'll have to pay. I like the idea of health insurance being cheaper at young age and more expensive at old age, but only when you first pay. If you start paying health insurance while young and you can maintain that your WHOLE life, then you can keep that low pay. If you ever have to stop and restart, then you get the amount appropriate for your age. Just an idea, and one that I rather like. If people avoid it their whole life and then they get old and sick and need it but can't afford the high amount, then they should look for help. Friends, family, their church or synagogue or what have you, but really they should have started paying much younger. If they lived their life well, there will be plenty of people willing to help. I don't think socialized healthcare needs to be necessary.
>They made profit, the workers worked
So you think that, without Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, we'd have the computer and cell phone technology of today regardless? I REALLY don't want to start becoming unpleasant, but I have to say it; I think what you just said makes you look like a fool, and that you're further foolish if you're not appreciative of their accomplishments. If you hate them for being (or having been) rich, you need to look into yourself and think hard on your prejudices. "I hate Blacks for being Black." "I hate Jews for being Jews." "I hate Muslims for being Muslim." "I hate women for being women." "I hate blind people for being blind." "I hate the rich for being rich." Sounds like all the same thing to me.
>Trump is no different
He moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He's actively working to keep his people safe by implementing travel bans with nations that Obama pointed out as being terroristic. He's absolutely rocking the economy harder than anyone had anticipated. He's standing up for free speech by forcing Universities to let right-wingers speak. He's standing up for gay rights by putting economic and political pressure on nations who still have homosexuality illegal. He's the FIRST US President in history to be pro-gay marriage from the beginning; even Obama was against it initially. Also, all Trump has to say is "I'm a woman" and he becomes the first female/trans President in history. I hope he tweets it someday just to thumb his nose at Hillary and the left. He's also got a big connection with the people via his tweeting; we don't have to wait for him to make a big public speech to hear him; we can just check Twitter! California wants illegals and yet when he says he'll send them over, they get mad. During the State of the Union a bunch of women dressed in all white in solidarity against him but he STILL managed to get them all up singing and dancing! God Emperor Trump is a legend and one of the greatest Presidents the US has ever seen.
>Yea Forums is going down the same path.
All things tend to entropy. That fact applies to every fucking thing. Look at /wsg/, a very slow board with long-lived threads until tik-tok fuckers spammed the board to hell.
>So you think that, without Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, we'd have the computer and cell phone technology of today regardless?
Are you a child? Do you actually think that Gates or Jobs created any of the tech of today?
Newfriends, please.
I see... you seem to be quite bigoted against wealthy people. Personally, I'm grateful to them and inspired by them.
newshit retard
>all these triggered /pol/ responses
/pol/ used to be ironic, then they transformed into the other side of the sjw coin. It is what it is though and Yea Forums has a good way of self correcting. You can already see how much other boards loathe /pol/, many even want to see it deleted. I don't think that is necessary or wise. Just let /pol/ burn itself out. They are a bunch of limp wristed, LARPers trying to take edginess to the extreme.
hiro could get rid of pol easily. All he has to do is tell pol that pol is over and they have to post on /new/ now. Where they can only discuss news
>hiro could get rid of pol easily. All he has to do is tell pol that pol is over and they have to post on /new/ now. Where they can only discuss news
>Just let /pol/ burn itself out.
Yea Forums is dead. The people that used to be anons no longer exist, the conditions that created Yea Forums (and its contemporaries to an extent) no longer exist. When memes are watermarked so that they can be copyrighted, I think that means the good times are over.
you are zero man
and answer to his question