What is the closest equivalent of the word "based" from the common lexicon. I'd say it's TOUGH.
What is the closest equivalent of the word "based" from the common lexicon. I'd say it's TOUGH
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fucking what pal
It's basically like boorish but still admirable right?
The most recent equivalent is, "TIGHT."
>yeah, he's tight! that's tight! fucking tight!
prima materia
not tough
you are not based
That isn't what based means. Based is when you don't care about popular opinion and do your own thing, so when you say something controversial with complete confidence in yourself, that's when people will say that you're being based. e.g.:
>Anon1: Attack of the Clones was the best Star Wars movie
>Anon2: Based
cringe and bluepilled
Admirably grounded, and contrary to popular opinion or ideality. Laudable and powerful. Correct. Right. Self-vindicating.
>tries to correct someone on the meaning of a word
>doesn't actually know what the word means
epic, i cry evry tim
it means 'grounded'
'based' as in 'with a base', 'base' as in 'foundation' as in 'grounding'
it means 'grounded'
that isn't even a word you mong
Based; there's also a more ironic or negative connotation (cf. "basedboy") which suggests that the subject falsely believes themselves to be based, akin to "woke," wherein their false perception of their own baseditity in fact makes them less based, oblivious, idiotic and unmanly.
Consider also "with basis" vs. ironically "without basis" except that the basis is not a thing that is possessed or maintained so much as actively done, that the based person bases themselves, or perhaps acquire basis from God, that they have been based from above.
fuck off
like the man who builds his house upon the rock (his base)
No need to thank me
well founded?
based af
I wonder how many here are aware that Basedgod is the one who blessed us with "based"
For me, it's さすが
bona fide
Everyone who browsed Yea Forums prior to 2016 knows that lil b is where the term comes from
Post 2016 newfags have probably never heard of him before
daily reminder that joe buddens dissed the based god on twitter and FIFTEEN MINUTES later lil b had written, recorded and posted this video to youtube youtube.com
truly the rawest rapper alive
heres the pic
Lil b for lil boss
I got bitches
basedboy is basedboy, mods just became bigger faggots and put in word a word filter. it's the same as onions boy, a failed attempt to get around filters.
An idiot can't be clearly an idiot? Good word, though.
based doesn't mean much beyond "I agree with this man and I think his opinions exude an aura of chad-ness"
Only right answer
That's impressive
How do you even get this fucking based?
Righteous and true to itself
basedboy is a filter for söyboy, you imbecile. I can't stand you newfags who after a week browsing the site think they can intellectually analyze what goes on here. I bet you are one of those faggots that think greentext is the next step for literature lmao.
ur just a dumb little basedboy
anything that expresses approval but in a way that can be circumstantially interpreted as sarcastic