Short stories > Novels

Short stories > Novels

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Short stories are actually harder to write


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Joining the based club

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Plays > short stories


lmao yikes! I bet you come from the Shakespeare thread, butthurt Anglo.

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tragedy > epic
action > narration

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Try to write something like War and Peace and then come back.

>Short stories > Novels

That's what people who cant into longer forms say to themselves to cope.


Novels have filler and garbage. Borges doesn't like filler. He's about conciseness when it comes to his work. He could've written novels like his friend Bioy Casares but his artistic ethics were different.

Novella > short stories > novels

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Greentext > short stories > novels


short stories > long stories

God tier: Epic poetry
Divine tier: Other poetry
Great tier: Short stories
Good tier: Novellas
Pleb tier: Novels
Shit tier: Plays

doorstoppers > short stories

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He had difficulty observing real humans and paying attention to their interactions, the subtlety of relationships. He is a writer who combines and recycles works of other writers, plus an author of philosophical tales rather than a creator of striking characters.

I love his work, but I can very clearly understand what his limitations were. He was extremely shy, withdrawn, hesitant in his relationships. Romance, sex, love, games between lovers and between the sexes: all this is absent from his work. He is a poet of concepts, of the literary, of the philosophical, but not a poet of the bowels.

I admire his language, almost classic poetry written in prose, and his philosophical ideas (although he repeats the same themes of infinity, mirrors, labyrinths, the river of time), but for me it is much more satisfactory (and much more difficult to achieve) the creation of characters that seem more real than peopleof flesh and blood, as well as the revealing of how humanity thinks, feels, acts, relates, experience pleasure and pain, how it lives and how it dies . I miss that in Borges; after a while his erudition and his intelligence in creating narratives about philosophical concepts end up becoming dull.

Butthurt Dante fan

can you recommend a good short story from him

Fair enough. I'm actually the opposite of you. I have enough of common people already in my life so when it comes to art I want purely artistic creations. I'm not into artists who try to represent reality in a realistic fashion. Different tastes, I suppose.

Circular ruins is a great place to start. Tlon uqbar orbis tertius is his best.

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Hi,I'm the guy who made that post. Ficciones and El Aleph are pretty much perfect works. You can read both books from cover to cover without fear of wasting your time.

My favorite short stories are:

The Aleph
The Immortal
The Circular Ruins
Funes the Memorious
Deutsches Requiem
The Writing of the God
Three Versions of Judas

Some of his most famous (not my favorites, but considered some of his best by experienced readers) are:

Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (1940)
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote (1939)
The Lottery in Babylon (1941)
The Library of Babel (1941)
The Garden of Forking Paths (1941)

>nip comic exposition

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Is it that much of an unpopular opinion?
Novels, like someone said earlier, are filled with unimportant details and dialogue in an effort to create "realistic" or shocking characters, as if that were the only thing that's important in literature.

Novels are bloated novellas

Plays are very limited, it makes inner monologues very hard to accomplish, you can't describe anything besides character action/dialogue and you have to watch a play. Reading books is better desu
