I'm tired of being hateful. I don't want to be a racist misogynist transphobe anymore...

I'm tired of being hateful. I don't want to be a racist misogynist transphobe anymore. What books can help to change my perspective?

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I hate this shitty board and everyone in it

Paint your skin black

skip the books and get a lobotomy

Marcus Aurelius's Meditations

Go out more and talk to the people you hate the most. Small talk or whatever.

U can tell this is a fake post cause he included transphobe, no one actually gives a fuck about those niggas

wtf don't say the n-word


what you need to realize is that you can be a non-misogynist non-transphobic but still have a sense of humor and irony/etc. Otherwise it's going to feel more hollow because you're going to be unable to fall back on old crutches as easily.

look more towards dirtbag left boards/discussions.

read Zizek

My apologies,

Unironically read feminist lit. Also Du Bois and Fanon are some good anti-racist writers. As for trans stuff idk

I've read it, but stoicism is nice so have a (You).

I can see what you mean by that.
I thought about reading Zizek, although I'm really not a fan of psychoanalysis. But I'll try, thanks.

Thank you, I'll look into them.

Listen to Alan Watts.

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victims often blame themselves, you've been stolen from, lied to, coerced and molested, a liberal is a conservative who's never been mugged

A conservative is a cunt who's never really suffered. Or a retard

I don't; instead, I say nigger.

Do people actually want the world without hatred? Some sort of dull, tepid Starktreksian liberal utopia where society is all smiles and hugs and higher education, really? I think in this world most would just start murdering one each while not ever knowing why. Things like racism, misogyny, all these x-phobias, they're anchors, you know, to the fiction of purpose. Without them, you're adrift in the sea of absurd, the whole unbearable lightness thing.

Not here to push you along a path mentally, but to remind you that if at any point you want to keep laughing at racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and generally hateful:
Listen to the Cumtown podcast, I recommend you look up Threatening Pedophile Ray Romano, do it right now.

Fuck off zapffe, go climb up and off a mountain


All Zizek will teach you is that life on Earth is doomed and therefore you might as well laugh and get along with people on the way down. it's jovial nihilism, perfect for halfmen

>needing a book to change something as banal as belief


Huh, why would you ever be a transphobe?

Read Nietczhe

they're icky

Not that guy but I see transphobia as a phobia against validated craziness. People with mental issues should be helped, not encouraged.

You can hate people for dumb shit they do, but you can't control being born whatever race you are. Trans people, I don't really understand their struggle, but they're just trying to be what they want. Hate wastes so much time and energy spent on other people because we just want shit to complain about and fight for.

>but you can't control being born whatever race you are.
A rapist pedophile schizo maniac didn't have a chance to control his defective genes either. Anything can be blamed on circumstance or genetic scapegoat. Most people who hate blacks don't do that because brown skin offends their aesthetic sensibilities, they do because blacks manifect despicable behavior, violence, low culture, and general inhumanity.

>Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?
Go read 12 Rules For Life you dickless faggot lmao.

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>12 Rules For Life
>just pet a cat or a dog or something lmao

Niggers are subhuman though. Jews are pests. Women are weaker and shouldnt be in charge, not even in kitchen. Trans and such are mentally ill people. You already changed for the better if you relaize this. Why do you want to revert back to delusions of the masses? Its like knowing about different religions and realising they are all wrong and then you want to revert back to ignorance so you can pick one.