What is courage?

What is courage?

Books about courage and strength, and their relationship?

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the spartans were feminists

That was such a gay comic

think about what a modern man would do then do the opposite of that

I can't define it very well, hopefully others can. I do know that 'physical courage' is way more common than 'moral courage'. People would rather get shot at than speak out when their boss does shady shit. The military is a great example of this. The guys who drive around playing IRL Minesweeper with IEDs are also chickenshit burraucrat yes-men.


they were definitely henpecked. their women had them by the balls. pathetic

About courage per se Lord Jim
There's also Hem's The Short Happy Life of FM, which concerns overcoming a state of acute cuckitude, if a little too late alas


Lol what?

I like to think that I have high physical and moral courage. I’ve proven the former more than once and never have a problem speaking truth to power.

But morality exists outside of what Christianity preaches. Morality can be any guiding system. I have enough intellectual courage to admit to myself that not all morality is equal and that absolute selfishness is the height of true morality.

I think courage along these ends is a lot harder to than doing something your mom would consider ‘the right thing’

Examples of when you displayed physical and moral courage?

>The guys who drive around playing IRL Minesweeper with IEDs are also chickenshit burraucrat yes-men.
Ah yes, a bunch of 18 year olds who got told they could blow shit up for 3 years are totally a bunch of pussy yes-men.

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if they were male feminist how could they had such historically approved high man right right wing society, even before the christianity?

it wasn't right wing it was collectivist de facto gynocracy

You mean fags with gyno were the ruling class?

Start with Plato's Laches
Why would their be a relationship between courage and strength? Do you mean physical strength?

kek meant "gynecocracy"

Laches by Plato I think. Stop posting cringe pics

Courage is one of the 4 cardinal virtues and is talked about by many ancient philosophers.
In de officiis cicero says courage must be based on justice. It involves indifference to external circumstance and the readiness to do useful but dangerous things. Another form of courage is the ability to resist excessive desires and avoid arrogance and flattery.

Fucking FINALLY.

they are, though, and many can't function when there's no longer someone telling them what to do every minute. why else do you think there's so many homeless vets, jobless vets, junkie vets, and incarcerated vets? they certainly didn't get that way from running the motor pool in macon georgia

borges said to die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely. that said i think in every example, (good) soldiers are more courageous than pacifists. war, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

Our man Tolks was a deeply sensitive very religious person who saw the very worst of humanity in the trenches as a young lad, then went on to compose a work of mythology to encapsulate how the twin motives of hope versus despair play out in the hearts of men. Not everyone's cup of tea of course.

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Women ran the day to day workings of society, were educated, owned land, and slaves did all the housework. They were even encouraged to make "sassy" nagging remarks and chastise men. The men were so gay that they literally had to be forced to marry and fuck them, and if they refused they were publicly shamed. So basically you had women running everything with a dumb as shit warrior caste to enforce their demands. Compare this to Athens where women were discouraged from leaving the house.

the times i've felt truly courageous has been after accomplishing some daunting (usually "anti-social" task). something as trivial as approaching random girls or sneaking into music festivals can elicit this. Other more serious examples include what anons have defined as "moral courage" or adhering to ones moral code in the face of power. Precisely put what these experiences have all shared in common is the breaking of social bondage and through this the expression of freedom.

another point i forgot to add is perhaps what im describing as social may in fact be tied to the idea of safety implicitly, so all courageous acts can be defined also as "risky".

There are things that reading about weakens them.