Claims to have understood Nietzsche

Claims to have understood Nietzsche
>thinks that pedophiles and rapists are bad
>gets angry when reading news about some random girl who was raped by a nobody somewhere that will have no impact in your personal life whatsoever

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Understanding doesn’t mean agreeing with him.

I understood the communist manifesto. I am most certainly not a marxist or communist.
I understood Walden. I am not some faggot living in a shed in the middle of nowhere.

I think you worded your post poorly

#1 is proof you're too young to be wasting time with nietzsche
#2 is true

Why don't you agree with him on morality?

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Nietzsche isn't a nihlist retard

You have to be 18+ to post here.

Yes, he was.

Nice argument, Christian.

>claims to have understood Nietzsche
>treat him as Jesus Christ and follow every idea he had to the letter even when he contradicts himself instead of appreciating him for his ideas and thinking for yourself

jesus NEVER condradicted himself, you cunt

Nietzsche didn't advocate anarchy, those are things people in all ages would have upset about except against an enemy people

Not an argument.
I don't treat him like Jesus. I'm just not a moral relativist like yourself.

Of course. He never existed.

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you're either underage or an awfull troll


back to where you belong

Still not an argument.
Your morality is flawed.

Re-read him brainlet

It's some underage south american fag from Yea Forums. Seen him around.

Okay, I give up.
Not a single argument so far.
Keep calling me underage because you don't have an argument.

Life has no meaning and that's why you should do this in order to cope with it

>not true nihilism

>Life has no meaning
you are literally retarded if you think that's what Nietzsche is trying to say. he is literally the only philosopher of his time trying to revitalize meaning.

Just because you dont care or recognize "le evil" on those actions and the holiness of morals it doesnt mean you are a nihilist.