Redpill me on Alan Watts

Redpill me on Alan Watts

Attached: alanwatts.jpg (680x790, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread: Project/other/watts/tribe-net-on-watts-death.htm

esoteric boomerism


He's quite a nice zen buddhist theorist, don't make the mistake like everyone else here of thinking his work limits itself of shiny citation next to lotus pictures though.

Attached: Komuso_Buddhist_monk_beggar_Kita-kamakura.jpg (1868x3084, 879K)

dude nondualism lmaooooo

What is wrong with non-dualistic thinkings again ?

people like to bring up his last words to his kid. to show how much of an out of touch yuppie this guy really is.

its all platitudes, truisms, radical acceptance, wrapped up in an easy package of validation.

its basically a white dude who fled his culture and became an expert in another one. then helped other white college kids escape their culture, or atleast replace old cultural justifications for new ones

i admit his talks have helped me when i was particularly depressed.
Can someone explain the joke story at the end? Am I retarded or what

What were the last words of him ? Never heard about those

>esoteric boomerism

>people like to bring up his last words to his kid. to show how much of an out of touch yuppie this guy really is.

What did he say? I can't find anything about this.

Attached: 40 k commie.jpg (552x729, 66K)

>old chinese thinker is talking about the flow of nature
>it's a legitimate philosophy and gater billions of follower for 2000 years

>one guys start to talk about it and try to make it simpler for occidental thought
>it's esoteric new age bullshit for nostalgics boomers

Really make me think

dude personal omnibenevolent skydaddy still never found even a trace of lmaoooo

(also sends you to everlasting torture for being a bad boy and not reading your Gosbels :DDDD)

It's not a joke but a zen story
The monk that is doing calligraphy is bottered by his assistant and cannot do proper work.
As soon as the assistant goes away, he does a drawing without any other intention of doing it quickly because how much a harassement the student is. It turn out this was the plan of the student all along and the drawing become the most beautiful piece of calligraphy.
This s a story about mushin

The doomer version is better

Attached: Watt.png (1424x1080, 543K)

he had two kids.
he told his daughter that he would be reincarnated into her baby, and it would be red headed..
sure enough....
reports of alcoholism
he son reported his health failed or got depressed after going to some event .
i guess he may have also alluded to him being poisoned. Project/other/watts/tribe-net-on-watts-death.htm

lmao imagine giving birth to your dad

Well al of this sure doesn't cancel the life work of this man, I don't know how this would be redpilling anyone with the slightest faculty of dissociating thinkers and their writings.

lmao, it is indeed a funny idea, but that's a narrative you very often hear of in cases of children claiming of previous existences - i.e. a literal girl exclaiming "i remember when i was your mommy" to her mother. the basic concept people have theorized from it is that you reincarnate according to your attachments, in this case, within the same family lines. i don't necessarily believe it, but i've done research on it and find it very's also very beautiful, if true

he had seven kids

A certain holy man once said it is nearly impossible to ever meet someone who wasn't your mother in some past life.


Who said this, and what did he mean by it?

Buddha said it and he was referring to the rounds of rebirth in Samsara which are without discernible beginning, and how the chances are incredibly slim that you can find another being who wasn't your mother in a past life, due to the seemingly infinite (or at least countless) number of possible lives you and the other being(s) have had.
>"At Savatthi. There the Blessed One said: "From an inconstruable beginning comes transmigration. A beginning point is not evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigrating & wandering on. What do you think, monks: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — or the water in the four great oceans?"

>"As we understand the Dhamma taught to us by the Blessed One, this is the greater: the tears we have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — not the water in the four great oceans."

>"Excellent, monks. Excellent. It is excellent that you thus understand the Dhamma taught by me.

>"This is the greater: the tears you have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — not the water in the four great oceans.

>"Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears you have shed over the death of a mother while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — are greater than the water in the four great oceans.

>"Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a father... the death of a brother... the death of a sister... the death of a son... the death of a daughter... loss with regard to relatives... loss with regard to wealth... loss with regard to disease. The tears you have shed over loss with regard to disease while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — are greater than the water in the four great oceans.

>"Why is that? From an inconstruable beginning comes transmigration. A beginning point is not evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigrating & wandering on. Long have you thus experienced stress, experienced pain, experienced loss, swelling the cemeteries — enough to become disenchanted with all fabricated things, enough to become dispassionate, enough to be released."

just listen to his lectures and come to your own conclusions. he's a very pleasant speaker and a decent entry point into eastern philosophy

who this?

Why are redditors so obsessed with this word? Do they have daddy issues?

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if there were proof of God faith would mean nothing

So do you believe he's worth reading? Or is there any better writers who have similar speakings ?

Which lectures would you recommend listening to? Have you read, "The Book" by him?

>le hat joke
kys christcuck

the way they hold their cigs is kinda gay isn't it
can't believe lit had a whole thread on it the other day

Really any lecture by him is good, you type anything you are interested in next to his name on youtube and you will always find insightful relationship between thing that seems distant at first sight.
One random lecture about him I like thought is this one were he just talk very clearly about the nature of zen

Attached: 1549580556310.jpg (444x720, 86K)

Dude just be like water LMAO

Kek, not exactly true though

yeah but it's completely incongruent to the innumerable aspects of harshness observed in our reality. entirely anthropocentric too, not explaining a word about the animals of our world, and the immeasurably brutal system they live under, which we ourselves only recently escaped. it doesn't seem like something anyone would even conceive of on their own, only believing in because there are still documents in our culture which promote such a view, and promote it being believed in on faith. has no explanatory power at all either. literally explains nothing about any phenomena

nope, but it's what Christians literally believe in, no offence. a personal transcendent masculine entity that created the universe and everything in it and needs you to pledge your soul to him or perish forever

>I'm not going to chase the absolute Good because it didn't reveal itself to me the way I wanted it to
American Christianity has left a stain on the world and you new atheists are oblivious to the fact that you live in a stain's shadow

>a personal transcendent masculine entity
t. never read the bible brainlet

I'm not a "new atheist" mate, we're in an Alan Watts thread and the typical
Christian narcissism within you still assumes that everyone here critiquing Christianity can only be an atheist? And no, sorry, the Christian God is certainly not the Absolute Good, far from it. From any analysis of Genesis, literal or symbolic, God is the source of all evil in our world, which his fury at the sight of his creature's transgressions made him bring into reality. From any naturalistic perspective, we find a world of immeasurable suffering, of which God presumably does absolutely nothing while also apparently "working through the world" for such a petty, tribalistic cause as ensuring that people follow the cultural practises of a single world culture, and none other. I'd prefer if he'd maybe cure some of those diseases he created instead...hell, I'll even join his dang religion if he would do so for us first...

what is he then, user?

so he doesn't care about you then, lol? and you're still praying to him?

so he's not even Divine, lol? is he made of matter?

if masculinity isn't a definite aspect of him, can i call him a "her"? and a "mother" instead of a father?

>Dude something something LMAO

Why are bot autorised to post on this board again ?

>instead of a father?
That's what you get for reading English translations user.

the original greek also use masculine pronoun

If your heaven is so good why don't you do mankind a favor and shoot yourself? I'm sure god will understand.

Alan watt

just read up on alot of therapy techniques, or self help
pretty much the same
or go straight to the source.