Are Ted Kaczynski's works worth reading? I've been seeing the name Kaczynski pop up more recently

Are Ted Kaczynski's works worth reading? I've been seeing the name Kaczynski pop up more recently.

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Other urls found in this thread:

quads wasted on lit = gay butterfly stops tripfagging 4 eternity



Every book deserves to be read at least once :)

Ted deserves your attention. But be aware that after him you are going to despise every movement, left and right, that does not advocate for the collapse of the techno industrial complex.
To be truly anti-capitalist is to reject progress through indirect production and the resulting alienation. We are not here to tame capitalism but to end it. This means that marxists that dream about post scarcity are going to be our enemies. Every neocon and neoliberal too. If you are a technophile you support this complex and you are his enemy. He is a neo-ludite and that should not be used as an insult.

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sure, he made an interesting contribution. his writings aren't complicated or difficult to understand, but he certainly had a knack for rhetoric, and a unique, cynical view of history. perhaps he is how rousseau may have ended up if he lived long enough to see full life cycle of the machine he helped to set in motion - the noble savage is dead, and the industrial revolution put his corpse through a woodchipper.

Get says Ted is the reincarnation of Christ.


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Holy shit

put me in the screencap

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Hi redd*t


Holy shit checked

Wasted get. You should've said "mods ban the Butterfly."

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Someone make the screencap, now

No, he's a retard and so are the people who post him here.

Ready for Armageddon?

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By Jove!

Go back to ... Reddit.

Shit, what are the mathematical odds?

You can read the manifesto in an afternoon. The first part is valuable in and of itself so just read it.


It was posted 15 minutes ago and there's been 62 posts since then, so I would say whatever the odds are that someone could literally just wait to post the get.

The truth is not up to chance.

>tfw we imprisoned jesus

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Whoa. Lets see if this works for me.

If trips the industrial complex falls in less than 20 years.

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last time we tortured and killed him so this is an improvement


not happening

Maybe he is Christ's avatar. Isnt it ironic that he is an atheist?

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The People fear the truth, so they put their Prophets in jail.
Charles Manson

Don't tell the truth god what to do with with his dice.

I got dubs for nothing now. I am going to try again.

Dubs and the techno industrial complex colapses in less than 20 years.

Uncle Ted is the Anti-Christ.

So... the industrial complex wins and the singularity arrives. Shit.

Quantum mechanics says hi

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Nick Land is St. Peter.

Welp, time to go to bed

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Here is an excerpt by which you can estimate generally how based but also in fact redpilled the man was.

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Give Ted your energy RIGHT NOW all he needs is a chug jug and a golden scar to get out of prison


Holy... this will go down in history... or history will go down! :O

very well done lad

kill yourself if you think this is deep :)

it's just accurate if simplified

yeah, simplified past the point of any relevance

It is accurate enough. He is describing the kind of left wing usefull idiot that serves the system and it fits like a glove.

other authors are accurater; he's a fun novelty, nothing more.

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mom get the camera!

Not a waste of time. His manifesto is fairly brief. Does that mean I agree with his theories? No.

Oh no

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Ted admits that it is a generalization and that the leftist psyche is way more complicated than that.

The digits have spoken

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Dumb question. Does it intrigue you in some way? Then fucking read it.

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There are 100million + books, if you read a book a day you would not even start to get anywhere without some direction
It is not an inane question, you have to pick you time and asking others is a reasonable way to sort through this.


Posting late just to be included in this absolute truth

Put me in the screencap, I want to be part of the new coming

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Here's my credit card number btw: 377558155692843

(please put me in the screencap)

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Yes, yes, YES

yikes sweety delete this please

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They're interesting but his violent methids are unjustified.

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I'm not a Christian but methink that's a good thing!

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Bring me home, uncle ted

god is an atheist

how he differs with ted?

Fuck I guess he was right about everything, fellas we're smashing our computers now

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No, it's essiently "stop living in a society" and be anti-social because it'll make you feel superior too all the stupid normies. It's just literally every idiotic hot take on Yea Forums but stated better.

The Manifesto is worth a read so you at least know what everyone's talking about.

cope is a surrogate activity.

holy ted

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Holy shit this may be the greatest achievement of this board

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Let's bump this thread for eternity

I have no words

You never read it. It's literally the opposite of everything you said

i knew it

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Hi /r/Yea Forums!

what kinds of goofs and gags is he thinking about in this picture

Industrial Society and its Future is worth reading, Anti-Tech Revolution, his letters, and miscellaneous essays are not.



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have sex

You know I was just thinking the other day if Yea Forums was close to an ebin get and this exceeds expectations.

It's happening!


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If I ever find a book that has never been read by anyone I'll make sure to pass it to you. You can then give me a summary.

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well shit, I knew it.

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Worldwide ecofascim by 2020 CONFIRMED

oh... oh NO

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better start reading the gospels


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mods pin this

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Holy B A S E D

toasting in epic bread

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So it is written.

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I better see this as a fucking banner within a week

Is language technology?


Landshits BTFO.

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The parallels are... there are parallels.

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If dubs, 20 years at most.

Don't worry, friend. Dubs says it will be happening in 9 years.

No it isn't.

based and dare I say... redpilled



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beyond based

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no, he is mentally ill

didn't he even have CIA niggers test him without his knowledge

he is probably CIA nigger shit

I witnessed history

I knew It

Not really. He was a legitimate crazy. It's more interesting how they couldn't catch the nutjob.

no yes

lol yes

christ is deep eco

Is it so?

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>cave man looking fucker wants to return to cave man times

no way, you can't just close your eyes and go back to a primitive form of consciousness

Based beyond based.

I liked his essay destroying anarcho-primitivism almost as much as ISAIF.

/pol/tards will attach themselves to literally anything and anybody who can give their retarded worldview an intellectual veneer (see: Jordan Peterson).

TED! is perfect for the job, for a number of reasons:

First, he rails a lot about "leftists" which is catnip for the incels.
Second, his neo-luddite views provide a simple-to-understand and plausible explanation for the typical /pol/tard's sense of alienation.
Third, he is a murderer. His lack of any sort of moral reasoning beyond the egoistical "what is a good society for me, and how do I achieve it?" is appealing to a crowd that explicitly rejects consideration for the 'feels' of others.
Fourth, and most importantly, TED!'s underlying perspective is mired in a deep sense of nihilism. He is misanthropic to the core. He openly attacks any chance of reform or betterment - anything less than a complete destruction of "The System" is futile. It's this reflection of 'blackpill' hopelessness that leaves the lumpen of /pol/ feeling like TED! is a great thinker whose prophetic word should be spread far and wide.

(The fact he is a Smart™ old white man also helps a ton)

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Will you read my dairy? :)

user... I...

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>>i litteraly Don't understand the first thing about quantum mechanics and i decided to let fucking new age gurus disguised as scientists guide my interpretation of some of the most earthshaking discoveries of this age.
Fucking murder yourself.

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He parses myriad ethical quandaries

>Kaczynski is only 5'2
manlet rage strikes again

This explains so much...

only lord ted could calculate them

Can't argue with that.


put me in the screencap

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Hahahha now we are going to see a surge of people reading the dam book.

Please don't start sending out bombs in the mail Yea Forums.

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Include me in the screenshot, please.

shut up, you begger

this man will be the most important thinker of the 21st century. mark my words.


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Yes. Absolutely worth reading. His two books "Technological Slavery" (2010) and "Anti-Tech Revolution" (2016) are groundbreaking, and go far beyond any prior critics of technology (Mumford, Ellul, Postman etc.) in their comprehensive, lucid, and scientific appraisal of the world-situation, in particular the way societies evolve and the dynamics of revolutionary movements.

Whether you agree with him or not--even if you end up bitterly opposed to what he represents--he should be required reading to familiarize yourself with the anti-tech and anti-progress position.

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Just downloaded all his writings to my ereader.

i swear to god im being turned schizo by this site

We're going schizo together, friend.

based mr thirteen million


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Armed and ready sir

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Watching Butterfly and the ':3' fag have made me assured that nature is still currently at work, even within technology. The goal of the modern woman is to enslave, entrap, and ensnare. And clearly that is what is at work here.

Not only that, but she most likely enjoys it, stringing along this individual. Meanwhile he doesn't stop. And he is so persistent and dogged, I swear to god I must have seen her masturbating one time.

It's like any Darwinian struggle for sex, I am almost thinking of the picture of two piges trying to fuck or some horses mating, as is typical the female horse plays hard to get and tries to get away but the male horse is so dogged and persistent, so absolutely mind-numbingly deadset on fucking her, that he gets that horsedick in there eventually.

It reinvigorates me with a sense of hope in this post-industrial chaotic world

That's a misquote. I'm very familiar with Anti-Tech Revolution. The letter "of" in the second line should not be there. Notice how this dramatically changes the meaning. It's not a "process of inevitability" he is speaking of (which is nonsensical), but a process he lays out in detail over the course of dozens of pages backed up with hundreds of sources.

But also, the point is a silly and meaningless one. You can take any sentence from ANY book of highly intellectual social science theory and make it look bizarre if its completely taken out of context.

Attached here is the real quote from p. 58 of Anti-Tech Revolution

Good God, how desperate and insecure must you be to have to LIE about his writings in order to try and discredit him. Is your position really that weak???

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not true. and besides, it's about how comprehensive and yet concise the critique is. In that respect, it's unparalleled.


Unironically everything in his manifesto was correct.

Not everything. His "leftist psychology" is pretty weak. Reads like someone who's mad he can't say faggot. The rest is sound reasoning.

found the oversocialized leftist with an inferiority complex

Well, that proves it. I'm a primitivist now.

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cap me

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well then

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His conjecture on leftism is piss poor and wholly unrigorous. You agree with it because it is agreeable to you but it is not rationally supported ans it reduces complex social behaviour of a grouo to a single cause.

That is not sensible.


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The truth has been told

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He is 5'10. I had a picture as him as wallpaper a couple of years back, and asked Stacy in class to rate him from 1 to 10, she said 8. He was a chad.

lost at terrifyingly efficient way

Houston we have a bruh moment

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*Ted is the Messiah and Jesus was a Jewish poser

those are some satisfying numbers

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I think the tweet in the screen cap was praising him, not attacking him. Although using a confusing double negative to do so.


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damn son whered ya find this


Burn it all for Uncle Christ

and i've accepted him as my lord and saviour.


Is Get like the new Lord Kek or something?
I'm not very hip on the poltard memes.
So your telling me all I have to do is speak for 'get' and I get a see of (you)s.. well then. . .
Get says everyone butterfly now

What an awful post

lurk moar

>t. retard


this can't be real
post-electionfags pls go

Here the first draft of the screencap. I can't be bothered to resize it so here the link to download it and maybe someone else can lower the resolution

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yeah...except for the whole focus on racial identity. Kaczynski would laugh at that.

I just like the image, I'm not interested in what it represents, you nazi

love it when ecofash claim uncle ted as their own and just ignore the literal hundreds of pages of writing he's devoted to slamming any ideology but individualism

This one takes the Cake for me, someone extremely interested and fairly learned in ecology. Nothing could be more politically contradictory to an ecological worldview. At least it's an obvious joke, but it really besmirches radical ecological beliefs. It's not alienating like the neoliberal view of ecology, but it feeds into it. Just look at ASS man or Peterson when they point to Malthusian "ecological" sentiments to claim that environmentalists hate people. It only provides the powers that be an easy way to dismiss radical ecological political positions and market the Benthamian view as obligatory. "Eco"fashies are retarded, and so are Ted retards, both serve the same function. Try Paul Shepard, Coming home to the Pleistocene, instead of the ridiculous memes.

what is retarded about eco fascism, any political system can decide to care about the environment

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trolled hard

masterpiece, so many unappreciated subtleties


LOL what the fuck, he's only 5'1“

This and this.

nice. chad. high IQ.

Kaczynski is Christ reborn.

"What is significant is that when you live in the woods, rather than just visiting them, the beauty becomes part of your life rather than something you just look at from the outside...

In living close to nature, one discovers that happiness does not consist in maximizing pleasure. It consists in tranquility."

-Ted Kaczynski

from his first book, "Technological Slavery" (2010), pp. 405-406.

>What's so retarded about ecofascism
It's just regular fascism with environmental concern. It's not ecological, the way fascism is structured and functions is not ecological. Call it fascist environmentalism and it will at least not be contradictory. Still retarded, as fascism is retarded. The ideology has absolutely nothing to do with ecology.


Just read this.

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t. 73 IQ

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How is the structure of fascism not ecological

why would christ kill people though

According to Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, Fascism is:

"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

In order to have most of the above (severe economic and social regimentation, a centralized autocratic government) you have to have a high level of technology. Technology is fundamentally incapable of being predicted or controlled in the long term. It's use is dictated by powerful forces of natural selection among competing systems.

You may get nice looking parks and solar panels in the short term, but even these are not ecological as they disrupt wilderness, which is the most fundamental ecology as evolved over the course of millions of years. And even if you had nice ordered parks and great trash collecting and recycling and renewable energy etc., in the long term the wild biosphere would inevitably be fundamentally disrupted in ways that are impossible to predict or control.

Fascist governments do not at all work like the living, more-than-human world. I'm too high to bother explaining this now and I'm never never gonna come down.
Sure right on, but I was pointing to a deeper, fundamental animosity. You're still talking about environmentalism.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

-Matthew 10:34, King James Bible

Dude, Jesus tried to save us by preaching all the lovey dovey stuff. He looked down from heaven over the course of 2000 years as the world-situation just got worse and worse, and was like, "crap, now I gotta gotta get real with these mofos."

Hello there everyone!!! This is Ted from U.S. Penitentiary ADX-Florence. Please stop using that mug shot of me. Look, I'd been through quite a lot, as you can imagine, right up to before they took that photo. And so I look, well, you'd look like a mess if you went through what I did. Anyway, then the dishonest media paraded that photo around everywhere to brainwash normies into thinking that's basically how I am--some crazy ugly freakish monster. For more information on the crazy media, and my detailed inside accounts on how the media operate, please read my unpublished book "Truth vs. Lies" or access my letters at the University of Michigan's Labadie collection archive. And from now on, please try to use a picture of me that more accurately represents how I look!

For the revolution,


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This is true and holy fucking shit

Uncle Ted makes sense of leftism.


I wish this was real.

are you telling me we betrayed Jesus twice?


It accurate describes why you are a little bitch. It's only deep in the sense that it has to cut through the layer of bullshit you surround yourself in order to hide from the fact that you are in fact a little bitch.

this. lol. wow, that was the most truth i've read on Yea Forums all week. On that note, I'm signing off!

Oh! And make sure to check out Kaczynski's two fantastic and groundbreaking books "Anti-Tech Revolution" and "Technological Slavery."

what does that mean?

Thoughts on John Earnest's manifesto anyone?


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Who's get tho