How does it feel to be a total phony? Everyone on this board is a useless pseud...

How does it feel to be a total phony? Everyone on this board is a useless pseud. None of you know anything beyond how to name drop people smarter than yourselves. You jerk yourselves off for having read the right people, and act like condescending pricks to anyone who hasn’t. I’d be offended by the smarmy attitude if it wasn’t such a thinly veiled mask over your own insecurities. Fuck this gay board and everyone who visits it

Pic related, literary narcissists, the lot of you

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Okay retard

user, it's not healthy to think of yourself like this.

You good, my g?

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There are much worse narcissist boards on Yea Forums.

Yea Forums is the worst

>it's a 'someone insulted OP in another thread' episode

love and benis user, love and benis be upon you

who hurt you

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Not me. I only read comic books.

Holden pls

I agree, but there's no where else to go. Even a bunch of affectatious phonies are better than the absolute state of literally read-it that the rest of the internet has devolved into. At least posters here have heard of my favorite writers.

>he got BTFOed on /pol/ by someone who actually read Marx and Adorno

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>I’d be offended by the smarmy attitude if it wasn’t such a thinly veiled mask over your own insecurities.

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Look at the bright side: /pol/ discovered hegelian dialectic! Baby steps..

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No one discusses leftist politics on /pol/ you fucking retard. Holy shit what an absolute dipshit.

Leftist POLITICAL thinkers are discussed EXCLUSIVELY on Yea Forums or /his/

>I know who narcissus is! look!
pppffffffffahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhaha get the fuck out of here pseud

You clearly havent spent much time on pol because leftists do sometimes come by and make threads. At least they did, I havent really gone on pol since 2015 much

>4 years ago
The absolute state

Feels pretty great tbqhwyf

>Yea Forums