Greetings from the void

Greetings from the void

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Imagine my disappointment when I slowly realized there are no good books in that giant pile

What have you gotten out of that pile?
honest question

I second this

Saw this on Twitter today

>nitchee instead of manelinder
why read

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>checking out this many books at once
what the fuck are you planning to do here? surely you can't read these before you need to return them. you're being a dick

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He's saving all potential lenders from a life of pseud wankery


Implying he didn't steal them

My school library has Schopenhauer books that haven't been checked out for 30 years (including a copy The World as Will and Representation from the the 1800s, no one is going to care if I take a few of them.

ex libraries commonly sell off their books on the cheap, notice not too many libraries around anymore

>stealing library books

Man, that's pretty niet


a person who takes pictures of books is the opposite of a person who reads books

I don't think that's quite....right.........

add more periods, and then your point.....!

>The birth of tragedy
why not just read tragedys lul

That looks so fucking boring. Fuck all ya'll philosophy cucks.

no zarathustra or will to power, although heideggers exegesis mostly relies on it? whats your endgame?

they don't keep the DDS labels on them when selling, do they? i buy from library sales too

>no Kant
>not even late Heidegger
Ask your librarian for help next time, because you're going to find those authors assuming your competence in shit you'll never read.

I third this