who here /wageslave/? ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
Who here /wageslave/? ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
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I wageslave and I'm working toward a career (tech).
I also hangout with a host of people in graduate programs / are recent grads from a top school. Honestly, despite having their lives infinitely more together than me, they still seem pretty lost when observed as a whole.
Who hear can't obtain any jobs despite applying for thousands of them, and can't even go back to school because his loans are in default?
What do you apply for? What are your salary / wage expectations? Your background?
Ah yes I dream of one day going several thousands of dollars in debt regurgitating what Academia decides is "real" literature and philosophy. Fuck outta here with that.
Yes, except it would be math.
That pay-cut though
About to graduate. I think I may apply for a copy editing position. Any of you guys have any luck with this?
Fuck real life. I don't care any more. Ambitions are for nerds.
>ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
No, because i always did what i wanted to do aka living the dream
From what I understand, grad school is largely free with financial aid and they even pay you to help teach undergrads.
Yeah, something like that.
People tell me to use my talents, my excuse is that the arts are a competitive field, but now it’s just that I’d rather not sell out. Soil myself and my art. I hate this system so much.
Now I plot my escape. Hiding some classes won’t do either
From what I understand books are largely free and I don't have to waste time teaching little shits who don't want to read it themselves.
how did you come to contact with them? i'd like to meet some grad students and get an idea of what it's like.
I don't believe this for two reasons.
1. No one is telling you to use your talents because
2. You clearly have no talents.
i am resuming a life of wage slavery soon
it's a nice idea, but graduate school will never happen for me
Imagine being poor AND anti-intellectual. Must be sad.
I’m clearly not sharing my talents with assholes on the internet
Learning among a cohort is usually more productive than learning alone. There are so many opportunities students get thrown at them. The barrier to entry is lower than undergrad so there’s a better chance at getting in a good grad program, with students that do care and it’s a leisurely life unless you’re otherwise getting free rent.
I’ve never been to college but I do get free rent from my landlord family - and I can always drop in on lectures at a local, top college. It’s just that there are other things I’m unable to go to. Technical challenge labs, technical bootcamps for recent grads. The grad students are also getting paid twice as much as me for comparable hours of work.
>my talents
>my art
You can't share something you don't have.
That's marxism as cope.
Anarchist and purist artist.
I am tinkering with story ideas, but whenever they’re finished I’ll just release them for free.
If you dont pursue it like its your mission during your off hours, its not your passion
Say that to someone who is starving.
Wageslave that got a meme degree, now throwing myself into cs as much as possible so eventually I can move on to something better. Have to try like hell not to dwell on the past because I always see my life as wasted potential with no mentors and I'm just now catching up late in life. So it is. I don't ever wanna go back to school if I can help it. It triggers me.
I feel like that isn't fair. You should be paying people to read your horrid tripe.
>Anarchist and purist autist.
anarchism is for retards
Look into sometime.
Why is it that anarchists are always such groupthink dummies?
thank you for proving my point
Uhh.. Ok?
Why are you on a literature board?
you dont kno wjow smart iam
anarchism is cool because you can actually apply anarchist principles to your life instead of just being a dumbass tankie who has to delude himself into thinking a fucking marxist-leninist revolution is going to occur in the first world
>who here /wageslave/?
>ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
nah, i like my job for now
Collectivism is the only way to free the world. There are lots of misguided individualists that don want to work with a collective. It your kind call them dummies too. Stupid cappie
>Me? Read book? Nuh uh!
Because I read a lot. Why are you here?
Anyone else here stop posting and browsing Yea Forums as much since Butterfly started posting a ton again come late 2018?
im a newfag but i can now quickly see why people hate butterflyfag
She’s doing it because of me :3 she’s in her 30s. We’re about to talk on the phone
I’m off soon.
They’re not big on reading I’ve noticed
clearly not you, cause here you are, posting
truth is, no one ever stops posting. its fantasy we have, a lie we tell ourselves "today is my last day posting, going to take a break now" or "that's it now im stopping for good". we never stop. we never will. we're here forever
anti academia != anti intellectual
Is going to college for philosophy or lit really worth it?
Isn't it better just read about it? What is the difference really?
>Collectivism is the only way to free the world.
Oh my god, how retarded can you be? This has been proven wrong over and over again-
What part of
>as much
don't you understand, ESLer?
Individualism cannot save the world from the collective systemic effort to destroy it. It has to be a collective effort. When we perish from the earth you can say it’s been proven wrong. Imbecile.
>Individualism cannot save the world from the collective systemic effort to destroy it. It has to be a collective effort. When we perish from the earth you can say it’s been proven wrong. Imbecile.
As a white nationalist I wholeheartedly agree.
"The world" you notice a collective, systemic threat to destroy is none other than European civilization.
Please stop pretending to be me.
The more individual the world is the more unstable it is.
She cute.
I’m all for a balanced individualism. A union of egoists naturally
Groupthink=/=collectivism. I'm contending that anarchists are often unthinking hivemind insects. They repeat the same general, vague platitudes like
>Collectivism is the only way to free the world.
>Individualism cannot save the world from the collective systemic effort to destroy it.
You're just repeating phrases you've heard and I doubt you even have a basic understanding of what any of this even entails.
Just stop. You're not me.
What do you hope to gain by appropriating my name?
Stop gaslighting me. You're the appropriater.
>wasting your time with wage career or academia
>not being a homeless pseud who doesn't care about anything except being catatonic in a single hobby
Absolutely despicable.
Oh sure, collectivism sure did help the world in the URSS, during the Chinese revolution using collective strategies sure helped, Makhno in Ukraine boy that was a success as much as Cuba. Unlike those retarded ideas of individualism and profit that got us cars, vaccines, advanced agricultural techniques and everything good in our lives. You dumb piece of shit, your rhetoric isn't saving the world from starvation individualism and pursuit of well being is.
>wow, a peepo die. Better stahp. This’ll never work evereverever
Go read something
You're a troll but for once you're right, imbecile.
A few deaths here and there are inevitable toward the goal of collective freedom. Individualism doesn't have the same bodycount because it isn't actually interested in freedom.
Have you read Hayek yet butterfly ? :3
The first part of this edit is so much better than the second half, it's so offputting
I don’t advocate state socialism, Makhno was fighting a war and Cuba is pretty successful for state socialism anyway. They’re doing alright for being under an embargo
If they had as much oil as Venezuela you know the US would have invaded long time ago.
Then he goes on to claim individual got us all the good things in life.
I do advocate individualism but balanced with collectivism.
Read Stirner. Fuck
To move that beyond sloganeering you would have to make clear what you mean by individualism, collectivism and freedom and then explain how these things would have to be balanced differently to achieve the goals you seek, what those are and what methods you would employ in getting there. I mean you do understand that there are biological imperatives underlying human society and that any worldview needs to recognize those fundamental variables, because leftists seem to have a real problem with getting that in their heads. They tend to ascribe any human volition to ideology, which is just ridiculous.
>He still thinks intellectualism is a good thing
It impresses me how much you must have read my posts in order to be able to emulate me this well.
You're an imbecile.
Forgot my trip
Do elaborate.
Yeah the 200 million people who have died because of communism so far clearly are not enough to decide that it doesn't work, it's evil, and it's a terrible idea. You and your kind are completely delusional. The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and failing, and in this case you have the added variable of absurd amounts of people dying each time you open your mouth and say "well that wasn't real communism lmao." Please take your ideas elsewhere and never come back. I'm tired of seeing you spew your communist and anti-christian rhetoric all over this board
me but no loans
tfw stemfag and almost 30
>the good of humanity is this thing
>this thing kills millions of people
>oh but in the long run it will be good
>never fucking gets to the long run
>my system works but only if people are nice to each other and never ever wrong one another
oh look, every fucking system works under those circumstances
and cuba is beyond fucked, you retard
On which part?
Through a girl I met from a dating site.
If you wanted to then I’d suggest looking throughout the university website and into the different departments. There’s reading groups, etc.
Also through any churches near the university.
No excuse in your case.
You can live off grad loan bux.
whats that
Living stipend part of loans. Quite generous at the graduate level. You could just keep being a student.
i don't wanna go back to a shitty university just for grad stipend
Then you're not desperate.
i have her filtered out
there is no escape
why wont you work in a place that suits your interests, like in a library or in an art museum, rent the absolute cheapest apartment you can find and create stuff in there?
Your a rich moron. You can't just get a cheap apartment. Even in the hood, you're looking at over $500 a month in a shit city ($6000 per year) and even there, they'll run a credit check and will want to see pay stubs. In a big city like New York, you're looking at over $1000 a month rent. Libraries and art museums pay around minimum wage and do not want you full time to save money. You won't have money to eat, won't have money for a phone, won't have money for anything.
Dubble fixt
>over 1000$ a month rent for cheapest apartments
even with an income of ~$800 a month and $500 rent you can easily live on it, not everyone have to live in nyc
Contradiction of terms. If You earn a wage You're not a slave.
No, you can't.
You forgot.
>transportation costs
>spending 65% of your income on rent
>Door number one: struggling to survive on the bare minimum
That's dogshit.
Want to know what's behind door no. 2? Collect SSDI, qualify for section 8 as a family of 1 and not have to worry about this shit.
Yeah dude I’ll be honest with you living like that is treating yourself like an investment. Like you know that your income is going up no matter what and that the rent eventually just won’t matter :3
It’s the way to live brooo
Sarcasm I hope.
>living the literary life in section 8 housing, while listening to black people fuck all day and listening to rap music while having some people come over to talk about how retarded you are
Your. Life. Is. Shit. :3
Not at all. It’s what’s happening with me right now. When I moved into this apt my income became like less than half the rent so I had to look for other employment opportunities and snagged one.
Life isn’t a slow depreciation, my fren. Life is a slow appreciation.
It's just you, man. If you are in America and can legally work, not being able to find a job means something is seriously out of whack.
I would love to hear your story. Where do you live? Thousands of jobs? Does that include kitchen work? I want details. What's your background?
Section 8 is a voucher program, not project housing, brainlet. Most places tale it.
well now we know why
At least he is able to capitalize and punctuate.
Actually their weakness is their multiple idealism’s and individuality, “lifestylists” as Bookchin called it.
So let me repeat myself. —We can only do it with a balanced approach
>muh gorillion
The system we are using NOW is killing those people NOW. I don’t care what name you use.
Go read something that challenges your dumb head.
I squeak by, in the wealthiest nation in history. I am trying to make the second half of my tolerable, but things are goin to get worse never better again. It’s too late for me to learn Mandarin.
Shut up liberal
i am i just know i'm not going to make it
If you were desperate, then you would go to graduate school for the loanbux money. It also could easily open career paths. You aren't desperate. You're just defective.
>Trust me bro, unemployment and poverty don't exist, man.
i don't think i can get in anymore
>can't defend own theories
>expects people to read shit books on shit theories
fucking commies i swear
Communists at least are intelligent to be able to ascertain their positions.
Butterfly is not.
Butterfly is a moron. Butterfly is aligns closest with the Democratic party platform of 2016, and is a lukewarm neoliberal LARPing as an anarchist (left-anarchism is untenable and is the sign of a child or mental illness).
The dude I know with a masters in philosophy is begging me for a job at my accounting department, and still doesn't know anything about accounting after a year. I'll stick to philosophy and literature as a personal passion, not to get some stupid degree.
>having a job thats anything other than your passion
how can you fail so hard
My passion is not starving.
>tfw too intelligent to have passions
>tits or GTFO, swaetty
Never forget, dipshit, you are with me, pic very related. Now dilate my neo mangina.
tech wageslave here.
I'd probably go back for the philosophy doctorate if school was close to affordable and my general expenses were lower. As it stands though? Way not worth it. College in the US is almost entirely a scam to begin with, and dealing with coursework knowing that you just spent 4+ years tying a 100k knot around your throat sounds like a good way to end up swaying gently in a closet somewhere, especially for a degree that won't really increase your hireability.
Maybe after we pay off the house, or if the wife swings a better job and I don't have to work anymore I'd consider it, but yeah, right now? There's just no way. Even in that circumstance I think I'd honestly rather just spend my time gardening and reading, taking care of the house, stuff like that. I can watch lectures on my own time.
I do wonder, if some UBI program or free/affordable college became a thing in the US, would there be a massive influx of people going back for degrees? What would that do to the value of existing degrees, which is already basically worthless? The impact that might have on the job market in 4-5 years might be really interesting, in a terrifying sort of way.
You're not repeating anything you said in response to me. You started involuting into this "balanced individualism" position after being called out so hard for mindless sloganeering.
What you're advocating for, I think, since this is such a mangled attempt at thought, is actually INCREASING the degree to which anarchists are unthinking drones. Well, you're already there yourself, I hope it spreads and you lemmings can somehow corral each other into a sufficient deathspiral. Maybe join antifa and get your head caved in at a rally? I don't know, a suggestion.
Start camming slut
Yeah, ever since she increased her presence I notice I don't come here that much, or if I see her in a thread I usually leave it right away
I’m 28 now. It’s too late. My life is over.
What? You get your tuition waived for a doctorate. They pay you a stipend. For engineering they give you ~$30,000/year. I think they pay less for humanities degrees
I went to graduate school for my passions and now I wageslave
What's that?
I'm getting the fuck out of this liberal hive mind before they rob me of even more of my money for some stupid piece of paper. Academia is shit for aspiring writers if you don't have teachers that know how to write themselves. I don't think further study would do that much for me although I have been able to improve my skill here. There is something to wading in the shit of modern liberalism when it comes to creating work. Plan to wageslave or do whatever it takes. My only goals are to have varied experiences and create at least one thing that gets popular. Good luck to the rest of you fags.
You studying a creative writing degree or something, user?
Do to a number of poor choices regarding my education, I’m stuck in a job I hate and am in far too much debt to consider going back to school any time soon. I’d give anything to study philosophy, but I don’t think I have what it takes to enter a grad program immediately anyways.
I was told to consider cheaper options in other countries, but I’m really not interested in how philosophy is done outside of the English speaking world.
I honestly feel like my mind is slipping. I wish I were athletic enough to become a boxer or something since I doubt I’ll be cut out for intellectual pursuits in the future.
Media production degree in comms and English creative writing minor. Shit has an extreme marxist bias and it affects everything you do. The only thing keeping me alive was being able to use some level of assignment freedom to my advantage. Higher than a bachelors and I would have to suck some major dick by doing a liberal thesis. No thank you.
I’m not a communist
>aligns closest with the Democratic party platform of 2016
1/10 for making me respond. Stupid liberal troll
Capitalism, oh sheltered one of the soft heads
>Did younlose yours, Patsy dear?
>god save the queen!
When are you going to stop posting?
Ignore it and it will go away
You can’t define her, she’s like Nietzsche :3
I think she is having her period right now.
Show me one apartment listing in New York for under one thousand. Not a room, an apartment.
>ITT anons think they could write philosophy papers at the graduate level because they have 100+ internet arguments under their belt, skimm philosophy texts in their spare time, and are the smartest kid in their social circle
>thinking a philosophy phd has value
Which holder of a philosophy phd has had an impact on my life?
butterfly we know you dont work nigger on my days off I see you posting non stop all day
>You can't just get a cheap apartment.
Yeah, you need to know people who can get you them. i.e., you don't need to be rich. You just have to be clever.
Replace wage with salary and philosophy with history/political theory, and yes that is me.
/wageslave/ and former grad student. Shit is dumb. No jobs in those fields. Theres a shit load of other grads chomping at the bit for any position they can get. Do something productive for a career and read/study in your free time.
>who here /wageslave/?
8am-5pm everyday
>ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
I do, but I've been at this long enough to know that I'll never have the money or the time. And if I did I'd be too old anyway.
I highly recommend all wagies read this:
I was planning on killing myself for years. Kept delaying it. Finally came to terms with the fact I'm an utter coward and that even if I wasn't, I can't kill myself while my parents are still around. Now I'm a state of absolute arrested development. I had no plans for the future other than blowing my fucking brains out. I have no path. I just graduated with a useless BA. I have no skills or talents. I never worked hard for good grades or a good internship. My job experience is menial labor at best. At this point I spend more time thinking about killing myself than applying for jobs I know I will not get. There is no reason to hire me; there is always someone more qualified than me. It's the same as women- why the fuck would you ever date a loser like me?
And my parents tell me on the phone to follow my passion or do what interests me, as if I haven't spent the last seven years of my life in a disinterested lethargic depression. I have no interests. I spend 99% of my spare time playing video games, browing Yea Forums, masturbaiting and getting drunk. And yet I can't kill myself.
You may feel lonely but you're not alone, user. A lot of people are in the same hump you're in right now. I seriously had a (real) nervous breakdown and almost shot myself.
Here are some tips that helped me after I graduated with a "useless BA" and felt depressed.
1. Get a different job even if it's basically the same and pays the same.
2. Move somewhere else. Anywhere with some basic opportunities.
3. Casually throw out a few applications a week. No pressure, in fact don't even worry about it, just make a copypasta cover letter and shit a few out from time to time.
4. Learn to reinvest time in yourself after college. College takes you away from yourself, start a hobby or pursuit of some kind, stick to it, join a community, don't be afraid of being awkward around others just shit your pants and dive in.
5. Failure is fine. Not trying fucking sucks.
6. Get a dog if you can afford it.
This is basically what I did and my life isn't perfect but I've got an alright job, a gf, and I'm working toward things I care about. Anyway I wish you the best of luck, remember this is a hump and you can totally get yourself out of this.
most people living in poverty are employed