Is Satan from the bible and Allah from the Quran the same entity?

Is Satan from the bible and Allah from the Quran the same entity?

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Other urls found in this thread:*b#

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This post is like the cancerous philosophy groups on facebook
>the real Satan is the friends we make along the way.
No, the real Satan is this person!

Satan hates Muslims more than Christians at this point, I think.

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But Arab Christians call God Allah too

God, Satan, Allah, Yahweh, they're all just different names for the same cancerous monstrosity responsible for entrapping us in this hellish material plane and these husks of rotting flesh.

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If you ask a Muslim to explain they will probably say something along the line of Allah is the best/master deceiver because he is the best/master of all things ergo he is the blah blah blah.


No the Quran’s form of the devil is Iblis. Which is conveniently where the Judaics got their interpretation from. Iblis is an angel who refused to bow to Adam and was cast out of paradise he was also made of fire. He then tempts people to do sin. Other mentioning of Satan in the Judaic texts simply refer to the word as an accuser opposition to god only comes in the form of accusing that people don’t really believe in him

Iblis is a Djinn in the Quran since angels have no free will

Boomer tier thread.

Allah is just a translation for God

hardly. Christians wage spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness. Muslims do not.

God is the absolute. He is the ALL, satan, is included in all, as is everything.

>eternal death
Isnt this a Jewish doctrine?

No, they will say decievers is a deliberately incorrect translation choice for that word, and plotters/schemers/devisers/planners is actually what it says

The word used in this verse is

Deceviever is this term*b#

Allah cannot break His word, it is literally impossible for Him to do so.

Funny, Zoroastrianism is all about truth and creation (ahura mazda) verses lies and destruction (angra mainyu). It preceded the 3 abrahamics as the first monotheistic religion, and was destroyed upon the invasion of muslims. OP is feasible. islam also has taqiyya (policy of lying to unbelievers.)
islam is pure evil, irrefutably. And I say that as an atheist.

Taqiyya is a Shia thing.

Muslims were a lot more tolerant than Zorastrians were.

Allah comes from Allat, arabic pagan godess of war, hence also explaining the sickle and the star, symbols of islam again of the proto ishtar.

>they're all just different names for the same cancerous monstrosity responsible for entrapping us in this hellish material plane and these husks of rotting flesh.

Pure sunni taqiya right here.

Sunnis are objectively the worst

Allah is the singular and definite article form of God, it comes from the same semitic root as the Hebrew El

Shia started the permitting of suicide bombing and address homosexual with sex changes

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you leave johnny blaze out of this.

>Muslims were a lot more tolerant than Zorastrians were.
>zoroastrians, jews, and christians living in harmony
>islamists invade persia and kill everyone who won't convert to islam, with a good dose of rape on the side
>muslims are tolerant
okay. muslims are so tolerant they even hate and kill other muslims, but yeah mang. just look at this thread and shia vs sunni anons.

Ironic that boomers are the ones decieving here to discredit Islam, also using the word for God in Arabic (among all Abrahamic faiths) as their name for satan.

Truly Boomerism is the worship of satan

When the Zorastrians invaded Jerusalem they enslaved the Patriarch and monks and took the cross

>and took the cross
that's true. however, that was a move against byzantium. there were plenty of christians living peacefully within persia and allowed to openly practice christianity.

Also they returned the true cross not even 30 years later.

>have no understanding of Arabic
>make claims about Arabic etymology and grammar

And? Christians could practice peacefully in al-Islam as well, but are talking about how they treated in invasion. Muslims were not prone to enslaving clergy, in fact the Qur'an speaks well of priests and monks (5:82).