Write about the last dream you had. I wrote mine in French since it's my first language! I just want to point out that I write like a highschooler but writing prompts are what will make us better!
Pic not related
J'étais à un triathlon, en visite à Londres avec kathryne, elle était venue me voir performer. J'ai commencé à la nage et elle est arrivée par la suite. Je lui ai mentionné qu'elle était en retard puisque j'avais déjà nagé mais elle ne me croyait pas. Elle a mit sa main dans mon dos, sous mon chandail. Elle décida de colller sa tête sur la mienne puis m'a embrassée la chevelure et remit sa tête contre la mienne. Par la suite, j'ai tenté ma chance, j'ai essayé de l'embrasser sur ses lèvres mais elle m'a gentiment repoussée en fesant une blague sur ma moustache. Puis plus tard dans la journée, avec notre équipe du Québec, nous nous sommes retrouvé dans une ecole. Dans une classe, un professeur préparait un film. La classe ne contenait aucun pupitre, seulement des chaises de camping et des radios en forme de tente aussi grosses que les chaises. Chacun d'entre nous était attribué une chaise et une radio pour le film. Les chaises étaient placés 3 de larges puis 4 de longueur. Je me suis assis dans la dernière rangée puis kathryne aussi mais nous étions séparés par un siège. Elle a insistée pour que je m'assois dans le siège vacant entre nous deux alors je my suis rendu. Les lumières de la classe se sont fermées puis le film a commencé. Le son des tentes était très fort, nous devions donc se chuchoter à l'oreille. Kathryne m'a félicitée pour ma performance d'aujourd'hui, au triathlon. Un momment à passé puis elle m'a embrassée sur la joue.
I was graduating in the tiny little village where I grew up, rather than the big city where I didn't graduate because I didn't have the grades to.
Went down to the shop to buy a graduation cap, pic related, and got one under the table, illegitimately. Guess I didn't graduate there either. I saw lots of old childhood classmates, them being actually happy, and me being envious of them. Then, I saw the school bully, celebrating his own graduation while tied to a wooden pallet on a trailer. I laughed, really hard, so hard i didn't see where I was going, and almost walked into a signpost. This made me laugh even harder. Then I woke up from the laughter.
A rather peculiar dark dream won't escape my mind. It must have been years by now, a freshmen in college, I dreamt of a construction site below a giant bridge. Scaffolding towering above me, I stood on a ramp of mud, leading up to the construction site. Someone I knew from my studies was there, some acquaintance from a few drunken nights, in a car. I stood there, watching him drive, and he reversed just as a stray cat crossed the dirty ramp. The animal's paw got stock under a tire, and he revved up the engine, pulling the cat's skin right from the pawn with the tire.
Later on, I found myself strolling in an elegant, yet dark house. I entered the lobby, dimly lit by lamps on the wall. A figure sat on a cream leather stool right by the door, his back towards me. Just as I was to ask the person where I might be, I heard a muffled thump. As I saw the blood on the ceiling, voices filled the corridors, then I fell, and awoke. I went straight up and could not rest again that night.
Cooper Morris
>kathryne wtf op must be a teen called Dylan or sth >chandail wtf op must be 80yo >Québec ok, got it
Cute. It's worth keeping a dream diary indeed. I may post sth but then it'd be in french too
Evan Hernandez
I was in a stoa, someone pushed me then tried to attack me. I pissed on him
Jacob Clark
>tfw regularly dream about killing people in extremely vivid detail >usually same person, actually, and it's almost every night now I just want it to stop. I haven't seen that whore in over eight years and I probably never will again. Yet night after night I dream about grabbing her by the hair and slitting her throat with a kitchen knife and watching her bleed out. It must be nice to have normal dreams. I wish my childhood hadn't been so shitty. That cunt was my father's oneitis, but was a crackwhore (fucked men in exchange for drugs) and was just using my idiot father for money. She wasn't even nice to him, was a habitual liar and always started drama, didn't cook or clean, constantly cheated on him. I wanted to kill her in order to free my father, but realized he didn't deserve to be saved. He took her side instead of mine when she abused me, every day was a battle, endless terror. He left me to eat what odds and ends I could find in the cabinets and suffer in silence because there was no money for a doctor, while he took her on luxury cruises. The only way I got her to stop abusing me was, when I got tall enough, iirc 14, I slammed her against a wall and threatened to throw her down the staircase. After that she kept mouthing off under her breath but never got in my face again. I had to do that kind of shit to survive in my own home. They can both go to hell together. If people don't save themselves they don't deserve salvation. My father's price for his foolishness was 50k in credit card debt, 15 years of his life lost, his only child won't speak to him now, that bitch is gone and probably dead in a gutter somewhere, and a history of drug addiction and probably ungodly STDs because crackwhores are not the most safety-minded. By clinging to his past he sacrificed his present and future. I try not to be mad about it but the dreams aren't stopping. They're getting worse actually, and escapism writing pretty, sad novels set in foreign places doesn't seem to be working. Maybe if I write a short novel about it I can get the feels out and stop the dreams. I have to walk around every day feeling like a murderer. Separation by degrees of location and time do not sever such connections to our past, apparently. The more I've tried ignoring it the more my brain is screaming at me every night demanding I deal with it somehow. I want to have nice dreams again.
I dreamt the boyfriend of a female friend of mine was angry at her and at me because he thought I cucked him in their appartment when I was alone with her. I tried to explain to him that it wasn't true and the dream ended before he gave a reaction, but he didn't seem angry. (I really was alone with this girl in their apartment a while ago) I'm wondering in what sense this is as a wishfullfillment.
Camden Fisher
I have no dreams. my sleep is vauge and unremarkable, unremembered for its dulling nature. For when my eyes close, it is merely the unhinderence of conciousness, and not the subconcious' release to run amock, and paint the space behind my eyes with the fantasy or pleasure no others see. For to me, sleep is naught but the speedy delivery of tomorrow's toil, also to be forgotten as an amalgam of vauge blandness so dreamlike in its own concistency.
I never dream, for i do not sleep with purpose to dream, only for the subtle practice of death which encroaches me.
Hows that OP?
Samuel Cooper
That’s cool and all, but last night I dreamt that I fucked a big titty vampire.
Daniel Gutierrez
Op here, Oh, please do share! And yeah, I will definitely start a dream journal. This one was the first i wrote about.
And kathryne is actually my ex from a few years ago ahahab
Cameron Price
I mostly have nightmares about me getting killed.
Dylan Jenkins
Last night I dreamt about fucking myself. In my dream, I somehow managed to put my dick into my arse. I'm not even kidding, I just feel compelled to share this with strangers online.
Tyler Fisher
How are you getting killed?
Jaxon Lopez
See what the fuck, why can i fuck big tiddied dream vampires? What the fuck?
I was driving up this mountain road not far from where I live. My father was on the passengervseat but he was way older than he is irl. We were going up, higher than I remember this road could go when suddenly Lava started flowing down one of the peaks. I realize the Mountain is actually the volcano Aetna, so I think about the myth of Empedocles and start telling about it to my father. The lava doesn't frighten us, I keep driving and talking to my father, he just stares in the out the window . The dream ends here
Benjamin Rogers
Had a mommy fetish dream about one of my coworkers. Was kind of odd, like I looked at one of her profiles online and in the bio it said she wanted to treat people like she was their mother so I said fuck it why not. I met up and layed on her tummy and she like sang or something idr. I have a gf too and im not particularly attracted to this coworker at least so I thought. Freud would have a field day with this one
Leo Johnson
I barely remember it. I was in love with some woman who turned into a lizard and was dying. I have never been in love but the love in the dream was raw infatuation beyond what I have ever felt while awake. It is ironic that my life is more dull than my dreams for it would seem I am awake when I am asleep.
Isaiah Reed
I had a dream once about four or five years ago where I turned into a lizard and had to get medicine from town for a boy who was very ill who I was in love with.
Lincoln Hill
The last one I can remember was when I was basically like a video game character running through an ice level, which was in my basement, then I went upstairs and opened the door and an angry Mexican man shot me
Ryder Turner
I write all mine down. Last night was especially horrible.
Passages opening in ground similar to scene in Pan's Labryinth. Disney characters inside as I traverse down basement staircases. As i go down I realize they torture and rape children after dimensional gates are closed back up. Escaped just in time but trapped enemy.
Luis Murphy
last night I dreamt I was eating crabs alive with shell and everything on the beach. It was my only way to eat them before other animals/humans eat them. I just really wanted to have all the crabs. The texture was digusting but I had to have ALL THE CRABS. I guess its a nice metaphor for greed or compulsive hoarding or something ? Dunno what to do with those random dreams. Feels lke browsing /wsg/. Lately I had a dream where a blue fish was the cause of autism, in another I had to sit on a running emu and throw a basketball in a ww2 bunker while witches were doing cheerleading while running after the emu.
Xavier Sanders
In my dream I was observing these pig like things being fattened up to the point where they couldn't move. They were sort of like the pig creature from the monty python scene restaurant at the end of the universe if you know that. But what really disturbed me about this dream was that when the pigs had gotten too fat for their body, or perhaps caused some disease inside from eating too much or something else, they would have their head lopped off and transplanted onto another body. I remember it disturbed me for a long time, and even throughout today I have been thinking about it a lot.
I came to the conclusion that in fact this is what the do to animals, of course without the transplanting of the heads bit. And thinking about that disturbed me also.
dreamt i was a major hollywood actor exposing all my colleages as being manlets which then turned into a saw-like murder drama
Wyatt Lee
I dreamt that I saw Michel Houellebecq on a bus. I went over to him, and I saw that he was holding a copy of Serotonin (his latest novel, still no English translation). I told him that I was eager for the English translation to come out in September, but he laughed in a sort of haughty and supercilious French way and mumbled something about it being funny that I thought it would actually take that long which made me feel very embarrassed. I can't really remember much else besides that. I also had a dream about Sam Harris a week or two ago.
Lately, I've been a woman in my dreams, always raped violently by the end.
Hudson Thomas
Lately I dream about visiting a dirty ghetto, full of addicts and strippers. It's mostly basement and if there are any windows, they are broken, dirty and you can see the neons of nereby brothels shining through. I always hang around for a while, and then I am somewhat forced, but also not purely against my will (sort of as if I knew I HAVE to do it?) to go lie down on a dirty mattress with a disgusting junkie. Then the dream stops, so I don't know what would happen next. I don't do any drugs or visit places of that sort, so I have no idea what to think about it.