Animorphs Thread

Post memories of reading this godly series.

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my dad wouldn't let me read them because of the covers. Should I read them now?


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What's wrong w the covers?
Yes. Btw here's reading order.

Glad I read the series young. Opened my eyes to so many concepts.. Like confusion about whether the villains should even be fought. Getting trapped as animals having to take on that life. Getting brainslugged and losing your identity.


The patrician choice.

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I wish they had produced more than just two CYOA books, those were the bomb.
Rolling for Jessica, Emma, or Claire.

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It's been over twenty years. The only things I remember is the andariak or whatever sperging out to the sense of taste, and me pronouncing Tobias "Toe-bee-us"

I skipped CYOA Animorphs. I don't think I ever knew they existed since I'd steal all my books from school or go to thrift bookstore and buy them for 25 cents....
No internet too...
I remember these being more fun to read than the main series though..

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never liked CYOA books, my autism made me mark every single decision to go back and explore every single path which ended up being kind of annoying

Between Animorphs and these , I'm experiencing hardcore elementary school library and book fair flashbacks.
Ahhh, good times. They don't make em like that anymore.

>Buy the goosebumps with the praying mantis on the cover.
>Wanting to read about the praying mantis.
>Read through the entire book to finally get to it at the end.
>My face.
>Play Turok 64 and Jet Force Gemini
>kill praying mantis
>frustration quenched

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I declare this a Goosebumps/Animorphs Thread.
Zoomers btfo

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that alien grandma book was dope, also enjoyed the werewolf choose your own story

Fucking based. Scholastic boomer niggas rise up, zoomers get out.

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Rollin for Claire

Same. I always tried to bring most pain to the protag while keeping him alive...

>be me, first grade
>have to go to the schools library for an hour every week
>love it
>find Animorphs
>think it's the nicest shit
>take it home
>my dad and grandpa almost laughed their asses off and talked for 10 minutes about how modern books are bullshit
>conversation leads to them nostalgically talking about Karl May books they read in their childhood
>I didn't really care and read three Animorphs books anyways

This is one of the first instances where the sometimes almost pathological belittlement of my dad for everything he considers "uncultured" I can recall.

Rollan for either Claire, Luna or Heather.

Fuck. She's got a nice tits and is probably a beast in bed, would be a good big spoon. Most likely has a smoked out, raspy voice. (in the kind of cute way)

Why not

Anybody ever read Applegate's Everworld books? I used to love them when I was around 12 years old. Are they worth rereading?


I'll roll.

Emily reminds me of my ex, I want to go back

Luna pls

Reading this thread made me feel a spasm of nostalgia. Not a subtle wave or a tingle, but rather a sensation much like a muscle seizing in the middle of my skull.

Life will never be that good again.

If you're into pan-ethnic mythology, they're cool as hell; however, they're also a huge disappointment, because Applegate sets up numerous plotlines throughout the series that are never resolved with the final installment. It is enormously anticlimactic.

Rolling for a night with Zoey and Chloe.

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pls be goth


Damn I loved reading those books as a kid, has anyone re-read them as an adult? Do they still hold up?

Gib Claire

dad sounds based