>6 more months of "ironic" peedurposting
fantastic, epic, I love it, you marxists are so witty and definitely not shitting up the board with your retarded hateboner for a random reddit boomer with no relevance to literature whatsoever
6 more months of "ironic" peedurposting
Other urls found in this thread:
Peterson just got exposed as a dilettante, and a poor one at that.
1) Anyone who has taken a 100 level course on Marx could have given as good or better of a rundown and critique of the Communist Manifesto that Peterson gave.
2) No serious Marxist reads the meme pamphlet Marx wrote for uneducated workers, it's not an academic source, it's a propaganda piece.
3) Peterson, although claiming to have read and understood at least a modicum of Zizek's works, was not able to produce a single meaningful critique of his theory, even going so far as to be impressed with Zizek's take on Christianity
3a) Peterson is in many ways a scholar of religion, in particular Judeo-Christianity; he also critiques Marxism for being an athiest doctrine which rejects these principles. So if Peterson had done so much as read Zizek's wikipedia article, let alone an article on him in an encyclopedia of philosophy, let alone read one of his books on Christianity, he would have known this position and not been impressed by it. It means he didn't even watch Pervert's Guide to Ideology. Incredible lack of research.
4) Peterson did not stick to his position that Marxism was bad, instead retreating to a simple repetition of his individualism (at one point admitting that the heart of the individualism leads to the position that you must do what is best for the community anyways "good enough for you/your family isn't enough" which basically recasts JP's position as individually enlightened Marxism)
5) Peterson hasn't read Critique of the Gotha program which is shorter than the Manifesto and much more important (reminder this intellectual has been arguing against the evils of Marx for decades and hasn't even read him in any meaningful sense since he was 18).
6) By the end, Peterson wasn't even able to formulate an argument against the form of Marxism which Zizek promotes. His only point to the debate which had any relevance was to point out Capitalism's productive force, a fact that he also admits Marx agrees with and discusses at length in the Manifesto.
7) Peterson being pressed on and subsequently not able to name a single postmodern neomarxist needs no explication.
Peterson has been exposed as someone who has no real education (or perhaps intellectual interest) in political theory. I am actually amazed there are people who watched this debate and think Peterson managed even the bare minimum of understanding of both Marxist theory and the historical realities of capitalist dynamics.
the biggest meme debate of decades and one of the memes turns out to be a Yea Forums native who doesn't read and shitposts out of rage and ignorance instead. he's one of us.
such a literary post, wow, thank you so much, this definitely belongs here on Yea Forums and not on r/selfhelp, you're not a worthless waste of oxygen at all
wait, how is that a slelfhelp post? did you even read it? J-Jordan... is that you?
I'm just pointing out how your frothing pasta about a self-help youtuber belongs on a board about literature and not a board about self help youtubers. peterson and any and all criticism or praise of him is such a Yea Forums related topic we should rename this board to /sjbps/ - Shit Jordan B. Peterson Says. I could just go on for hours and hours about how much I hate this random meme speaker, and threads and threads, too. I'd much rather discuss this guy than any actual books, yessirree.
>6 more months of marxists larping as buttblasted petersonians or newly zizek converts
epic i love it
the hate peterson got in this debate is all projection of people's own insecurity of not fully understanding the doctrines they purport to claim as their own ideology. none of the chapocels have a better understanding of marx than peterson, which is saying a lot because peterson knows fuckall about marx. they're just basking in the glory because of deep seeded insecurity of not knowing anything themselves.
look at all those arguments
the fact that you're seething only confirms my hypothesis. i don't need evidence
We are under a raid, do you think half of Yea Forums converted to communism after watching the debate?
a raid by who? Who gives a shit about this board enough to raid it
how can you be on Yea Forums and not be aware that we get raided from time to time?
not saying that this is a raid, but raids definitely happen, from d*scord, r*ddit or even other boards
i don't know that we're getting raided so much as our own posters are making bait threads because of the debate. it's like when Yea Forums makes bait threads about how captain marvel is a success and that women in marvel is based. i don't think /r/marvel is raiding Yea Forums and unironically making threads about their support for brie larson. they're just trolling. same applies to Yea Forums. nothing new for Yea Forums
>he thinks Yea Forums doesn't get raided either
you're either new or a shill, either way you should leave
raids are external. the blacked and /pol/ posters on Yea Forums are regular users of Yea Forums. how can you raid something you browse and post on every day?
>with no relevance to literature whatsoever
Has there ever been rightist with good literature?
tv defintely has actual raids going on. You can tell when there is a sudden barrage of posters who all type the same way and just repeat meme words and bait.
lit doesn't seem like it's really on anyone's radar
I hate Peterson because he is a hack and a fucking fraud. Read Maps of Meaning and tell me otherwise
try* to read MoM, aka 600 pages of meaningless impenetrable Jungian mumbo jumbo.
>n-no, stop making fun of my surrogate internet dad, you‘re shitting up the board!!
>n-no, Yea Forums didn‘t have 5-10 poltardian kermit threads at any given time during the peak of his popularity!!
they were shit then and they're shit now, just because you feel like you're winning your shitflinging baboon turf war now instead of losing doesn't mean that you get to take up the baton from your reddit brethren and keep spamming him for another two years
very dialectically
Besides "Jungian" you've just described every work of continental philosophy published in the last fifty years.
Absolutely, bubbaleh.
>what do you mean Peterson was outed as an uneducated shill? somehow this must be the Marxists fault...
moldbug should be the one debating zizek, peterson´s a fool
Darth Vader: Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope
even the most braindead of /pol/tards have the capacity of screenshotting a tweet they want to stoke rage over
was that really too difficult for you, to where you could only drop a plaintext url and call it a day?
stay on twitter
so basically the exact people JBP blames for everything. my personal favorite irony of his.
I would be embarresed enough to have ever supported JP; but to support him in not reading Marx before a debate on Marxism, a debate which was his fucking idea which he offered as a challenge more than a year ago, now that's what I call cringe and bluepilled.
Yea Forums? feeling schadenfreude? impossible.
>I have no excuse so I'll call him the boogeyman!
why do newfriends think pol likes Peterson? Do people not understand what pol is
he didn't read Marx or Ziek. please tell me you understand why that isn't acceptable in an academic debate. there are literally people on Yea Forums who could have dunked his interpretation of the Manifesto.
is this a new reddit meme or something? what is this supposed to mean user
pol is what you blame everything you don't like on if you're to lazy to type 'discord trannies'
the fact that there is a board that is called /pol/ is irrelevant
you realize pol and right wing whignats have been hating peterson far longer than chapocels right?
Because I was here when they did, poledditor, before they discovered he doesn‘t plan on naming the jew.