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>Liking a 1,200 page book padded to hell because Tolstoy was a hack and was paid by the word by the magazine it was originally published in
Cringe. This is how you tell if someone has shit taste and is only reading books because other people say they're classics. The only positive criticism I've seen of this book on Yea Forums is that it's "comfy", if that counts as criticism

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The real war was the War of Independence, btw (fuck Russia), and the real peace was the sense of peace I attained by taking a shit on the cover of this shitty book

did you read it?

Are you angry because he criticized Shakespeare?

No, but that's another reason to hate that hack Tolstoy

The real war finishing this book, and not dropping to find peace.

maybe try reading it?

>Tolstoy did it for the money
He was a rich aristocrat

And just like that OP disintegrates

epic bread

I thought it was good, and I'm the first to get bored to death by boring old books and rant about them on lit.


Second half is not as good as the first but it's still great and Andrei is such a great character that everything else could have been shit and he alone still would have made the book worth reading.

Tolstoys philosophy of history gets old pretty fast, but other than that it's a great book.

I'm laughing.

This kind of criticism when you haven't even read it ( ) is how you tell if someone has shit taste and is only dismissing books because other people say they're classics.

The book is actually pretty good, it doesn't suffer from "classic-itis" where a book is famous just for the sake of famous. Sure, there are honest criticisms you could hold against it, but no art is perfect. The structuring and craft alone of the plot lines and characters he balances for 1000+ pages is pretty impressive. This is leaving aside all of the brilliant individual scenes on the micro level too.

Honestly the Shakespeare thing is frustrating about Tolstoy, it's kind of like Nabokov's witty criticism where he off-handedly dismisses very good canonical writers. Tolstoy's thing is that later in life as he became a spiritual leader and shit, he became very ego-driven it seems. Despite the pacifism and vegetarianism and whatever else, it seems like he loved the idea of himself and his greatness. Thus I think the deeper reason he felt so bitter against Shakespeare was because he didn't want to be a lesser legendary artist than Shakespeare, who is sometimes regarded as the world's most famous writer.

Tolstoy was a count from an old and rich family. He couldn't care less about the paycheck from a magazine.

I liked AK a lot but W&P was a slog. It was just a jumbled mess. Gave up part way.

>tolstoy marries a girl because he had an image in his head of what a perfect family is
>ignores her for 6 years as he writes war and peace and ignores her and the kids

what did he mean by this

>ignores her for 6 years as he writes war and peace and ignores her and the kids
I like your prose.

it was just me remembering and listing it as i wrote the sentence

It's an amazing book and Tolstoy was fabulously rich and didn't write for money

He also gave up the rights to the book, or at least tried to

the book is a crime, and the idiot author deserves punishment. i am glad he is now underground. if you like tolstoy, you are a demon.


OP absolutely and irrevocably BTFO

Just read it, bro. Trust me.

>you are a demon
nice, I never knew

Needs more Dosto cryptic references.

He's too much of a raw youth to possess those nasty anecdotes

I don't think user wants to become a gambler, at a certain point you get double trouble. I don't think that Tolstoy was what you could consider poor folk. He wrote the way he did because he was a gentle creature, apart of the raw youth, a grand inquisitor if you will. War and Peace wasn't the dream of a ridiculous man. I think the real War and Peace was the friends we made along the way.

> reading War and Peace is an enormous achievement meme

Literally nobody said that

Only for the ones he wrote after his "conversion" though, if I remember correctly.

I think he tried to give up all of them but his family (quite rightfully) forced him not to. Could be wrong though, I'm going off vague recollections of the Confession introduction

Tolstoy had to sell a whole big portion of his family house to pay off massive gambling debts. I guess that part of Nikolai Rostov's arc story written from experience. So it's kinda disingenuous to claim he never had money issues. Of course, that doesn't discount the fact that the OP is a retard and War and Peace is an incredible novel.

Almost done with Anna Karenina and i really enjoy it so far. Will I like War & Peace too?

I could ask the opposite, I loved W&P but haven't read AK yet

>Nabokov's witty criticism where he off-handedly dismisses very good canonical writers.

He doesn't really do that though. The meme shit posted on Yea Forums is just a condensed version. His longer form criticism of dosto for example is well reasoned and not just a dismissal

You will probably enjoy the Peace chapters, yes.

>you are a demon
you really didn't go for the obvious "you are an idiot" huh?