What is the Truth?
What is the Truth?
Let me fuck your wife and I'll tell you
The opposite of falsehood
The truth is that this is a world deprived of possibilities. Only under the right circumstances, can you do something in this piece of shit life. This world is very close to nothing. Mostly because there's nothing you can really do, no matter how much you want it.
I will answer if you can tell me why the answer matters.
God is the only truth
This, OP. There is only I.
Scary, but apparently it will set you free.
Mнe cтaлo вcё paвнo, и вoпpocы
вcё yдaлилиcь.
И вoт, пocлe тoгo yж, я yзнaл иcтинy.
what is truth?
A spook
Everything you know but can't put into words
That's what the truth is
The truth is
These motherfuckers are reptilian with blue dick
That's why you never vaccinate your kids
Cuz something something farmaceutical biz
And eating meat is murder
And eating cheese is murder
Better to eat a tofu vegan cheeseburger
2:7.1.All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.
2:7.2.Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.
2:7.3.Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience.
"World" cannot be deprived of possibilities
Truth, beauty, and goodness are divine realities, and as man ascends the scale of spiritual living, these supreme qualities of the Eternal become increasingly co-ordinated and unified in God, who is love.
2:7.11.All truth—material, philosophic, or spiritual—is both beautiful and good. All real beauty—material art or spiritual symmetry—is both true and good. All genuine goodness—whether personal morality, social equity, or divine ministry—is equally true and beautiful. Health, sanity, and happiness are integrations of truth, beauty, and goodness as they are blended in human experience. Such levels of efficient living come about through the unification of energy systems, idea systems, and spirit systems.
2:7.12.Truth is coherent, beauty attractive, goodness stabilizing. And when these values of that which is real are co-ordinated in personality experience, the result is a high order of love conditioned by wisdom and qualified by loyalty. The real purpose of all universe education is to effect the better co-ordination of the isolated child of the worlds with the larger realities of his expanding experience. Reality is finite on the human level, infinite and eternal on the higher and divine levels.
We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.
If a human is capable of doing something, it is natural to humans, and therefore there is no one objective truth. We can only create artificial boundaries designed to keep society structured and stop humans devolving.
Where is the Love?
(Where is the Love?)
Where is the Love?
How big is it?
Who the fuck ARE (you)?
>What is the truth?
'said jesting Pilate, but would not stay for an answer.'
i want a solid ethos
Thruth is my dick is long as hell. And thick too!