But yet you brainlets complain

But yet you brainlets complain

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>implying she actually read it and this isn't just a staged photo op

>staring intently at the blank endpage

Knew you’d said that

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She read it user I swear ARGHH

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Being beautiful doesn’t make you a brainlet and being ugly doesn’t nene you smart

>"She was very sensitive about her education. It’s known widely that she never graduated high school, but she did focus on self improvement and development throughout her life. Her personal library contained over 400 books on a variety of subjects, reflecting both her intelligence and her wide-ranging interests. No surprise to those familiar with Monroe, they were the books of a well-read and inquiring mind. Works of Literature, Art, Drama, Biography, Poetry, Politics, History, Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology covered the walls in her library. Among the First Editions was her own copy of The Beat Generation classic On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man and William Styron’s This House on Fire. From Tolstoy to Twain, many other classic works of literature were represented, including her copies of The Great Gatsby, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, James Joyce’s Dubliners, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and The Fall by Camus. Her library also contained books on gardening, her Bibles, and children’s books, including her own copy of The Little Engine That Could which was possibly marked with her own childish scrawl."

Stop making me horny for dead girls you maniac

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This, based


Marilyn Monroe is buried in the same small cemetery as Truman Capote and Ray Bradbury.

you don't sit like that on a hard seat for dozens of minutes or hours when your read?

It's interesting to see Nana there

Composition ruined by cropping dem toesies

>Throughout her life
Leaving her sooo much time to get wasted, have a celebrity life, and bine presidents.

A person with 400 Yea Forums books, and hasnt attempted to write even one book? No essays? No journals? No poems? The most optimistic slant is she read without being inspired; the cynical slant is her eyes just went over the words.

why do you expect so much from a woman who converted to Judaism just to marry some rich kike.

Blonded brunett

In a swimsuit

In a playground

Sitting on a narrow plank

No shoes, no hat, no drink, no bag of lotions, for a super celebrity whose chief asset is her good looks.

Photo taken by a crank film camera

Reading James Joyce Ullyses

And like user said, reading the inside of the back cover, not the middle; maybe she didnt want to crease the spine, because she wanted it pristine for her DISPLAY library.

I dont care about those stacks; they mean nothing

show me her other stacks

Lol she should have stuck to being a fuckig staci.

Multiclassing to a Karen was just the WORST idea.

woah i didn't know we were supposed to become writers after reading a couple hundred books. i should just stop reading now, my writing is terrible and no one would publish it.

ah shit, i think i have that same typewriter

What did he mean by this

Someone sell me on Ulysses because every time I open it up I feel it's the biggest pile of shit only hipsters would love.

My dude, you make my point exactly.

You have read less than a couple hundred and you are ALREADY writing, catching and exploring ideas.

OP claims MM has 400 books, therefore she must have read them, therefore she is Yea Forums.

I say thee nay, sirrah.

She collects stacks to show off, not to read; thats why no writing came out of all her alleged "reading". If she HAD been Yea Forums, Sotheby's would have listed her writing before now.

>You have read less than a couple hundred and you are ALREADY writing, catching and exploring ideas.

we could be having this exact discussion irl. this discussion is not worth more because it happens through writing instead of talking. you don't need to write an idea down in order to exchange and explore it.

plenty of people have time to read without time or the inclination to write.

Should I read Ulysses

Yeah why not, what else have you got on that would stop you?

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Sure, an idea can be discussed face to face.

That doesnt mean it is most time-efficient to do so. How often a week can i meet you? How long can you stay here?

Most of the exploring you do with ideas is personal, because you spend the most time with yourself.

I like this intimate detail. Thanks, user.

So the entire graveyard's soil is chock full of HPV, gross. Don't go tryna huff the dirt for pussy fumes, incels

I did kek, but read this anyway.

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What did the book do for you, user?

I could have saved her anons

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It's quite good and like most all his books both mentally stimulating and (therefore) entertaining to read. Essentially it contrasts contemporary cynical rationales with the ways, means, ideas and practices of the ancient cynic school (Diogenes- far more interesting than he's too often made to appear on Yea Forums) from which it derives its designation. Written in the cynical '80's (when it became more than apparent that the ideals of the '60's youth movements had fallen flat on their collective face) it does feel a little dated, but what it counsels, a kind of rehabilitation of ancient cynicism in modern dress, still strikes oddly home. It moves through all phases of culture.
If asked to rec a Sloterdijk tome in general it'd be You must Change your Life, however.

World is already choking under piles of diarrhea in paper form. Graphomaniacs who "feel inspired" and write their ramblings down should be treated the same way we treat people dumping toxic waste.

>This level of cope

No, usually beautiful people are smart and ugly people are dumb. Women aren’t capable of being geniuses though, unless they’re my wife.

that's sorta the plot of Blindsight, except with radio / tv.

she did marry arthur miller

Yeah while she got spitroasted by John and Bobby Kennedy. She was a stupid bitch

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No, read the cuban version instead: Three trapped tigers. Much better than anything that anglo sack of crap ever produced, and a much better version of """Ulysses""".

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is there an epub/pdf of this available?

But that's the best part!

I wouldnt complain if I was a qt girl living easy life in actual booming economy.

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espero que no lo hayas leido traducido

Iggy was such a qt trap

>heh heh I understand women perfectly through the science of: never being close to a woman intellectually, romantically, and as often as possible, physically.

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Plenty of pornstars in the 70s claimed to have read it too, it was the book everyone pretended to read before Infinite Jest came out.


Si, claro. Está bien.

ya it's funny and fun

is this real? is ulysses one big joke that people who read smart books have been playing on us airheads for decades?

arthur miller is the chad that puts Yea Forums to shame

but ulysses was published 45 years prior. that's almost half a century, user

She read stuff like that. Of course it’s a photo shoot, but it’s her book. There’s some picks of her besides her little bookcase.

I only said the cuban version is better, I never said it was published first. Imagine Ulysses, with better language, taking place in pre-Castro cabarét Cuba and if you Three Trapped Tigers. How is that not superior?

>better language
English>>Spanish and it's not even my native language
>taking place in pre-Castro cabarét Cuba
How's that any more interesting than in Ireland?

>Of course it’s a photo shoot, but it’s her book. There’s some picks of her besides her little bookcase.

"Owning/buying books necessarily means that you have read them".
I DARE you to make a more simple-minded argument in defense of the dead lass. PLEASE!

The absolute state of this board, when people think 400 books over a lifetime is an achievement. What on earth do you with your time? Browse Yea Forums?

All of the books noted are very basic and should be in everybody's library.

Who are you quoting?

user. Take what I wrote at face value only.
She was no intellectual for having this book in her collection. Same as the rest of you.

you've got it backwards, the ugliets people are always the smartest. sometimes they just look ugly because they don't take care of themselves, sometimes they get socially ostracized because of looks and focus on intellectual pursuits.

>English>>Spanish and it's not even my native language
user, please.
I can give you that English writers are more diverse when it comes to themes, but the literature of Spain and Latin America is amazing and beats everything produced in the US and UK.
And the Spanish language is far superior to the English language.

Facial symmetry has a correllation with high IQ, this is likely what that poster was extrapolating from.

Smart people find success in life and marry attractive people. Sorry but no one was ever forced to marry an uggo because they were smart. Its just natural selection that all good traits gather together

>implying it a brainlet reading Joyce is any surprise
Pro-tip, Ulysses is a pseud book.
Not a big brain book.
Praising Joyce significantly is a sign of a low IQ.

You don't learn about women by taking hormones either.

You've identified the failing of "art" in general - it's for pretentious pseudo-intellectuals being overly sentimental and it has never had any value beyond basic observation for anyone whose head isn't deeply embedded in their own ass so as to better smell their own shit. The fact that a concept of "outsider art" exists at all proves this.

Depends on the art.

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Hahahahaha shut the fuck up faggot


>Praising Joyce significantly is a sign of low IQ
Man what?

In the photo she would be reading Molly's stream-of-consciousness, which is the most fun & easy part, which doesn't even require a particularly deep reading of what comes before for it to make sense, as a consummation of it. Joyce's endless word-play and period Irish underground-isms can be as tiring as they are trying at times, but in that last chapter he lets most of it go, so it stands more on its own as a separate piece for re-visiting. At least this is how I treat it. I could see Marilyn doing the same, especially considering the censoriousness of the times, Molly being the antithesis of the neurotic prudes thereof--or for that matter any time like it. It doesn't hurt that both Bloom and his old lady are among the most lovable couples in all of literature.

It's ok to be dumb