Thoughts on Brave New World?

Thoughts on Brave New World?

Attached: 220px-BraveNewWorld_FirstEdition.jpg (220x330, 26K)

it's interesting how in all three of the well known dystopian and utopian novels there's always the guy: o'brien in 1984, beatty in F451, Mustapha in BNW - that all know the things they are suppressing and choose to do it anyway


WE is better.
Also this:

That because those characters are just representations of how every single influential political actor acts.
They all suppress truth for they believe is in their own interest.

Reality is much more insidious

Im just wondering when will SOMA be released in our world.

Is chapter 3 the first use of rapidly swapping perspective in narrative?

It's pretty boring, felt like I was reading a required text for school or something. 1984 made the point much better and was a more entertaining story, also We is a bit better.

>Made the point
Not even the same point. Imagine misunderstanding such simple novels.

Do your own assignment, Jamal.

me thoughted good

I found it dry and mechanical but the warning is conveyed well enough. Its wackiness and dated prose are admissable given the short length and it remains relevant to this day.

A better philosophical hypothetical than it is a novel. Whenever people cite it, they always talk about either the premise or the early chapters. John the Savage is a faggot who deserved what he got.

It's called morphine, fella.

It’s called fluoxetine and it’s an anti depressants

the best Civ expansion for sure

Its called Soma (carisoprodol), and it is a muscle relaxant.

It was a good book.

We > Brave New World >> Clockwork Orange >>> 1984 >>>>> Fahrenheit 451

Its more or less legalized weed in our time.