How come there have been no great philosophical works in the last 40-50 years...

How come there have been no great philosophical works in the last 40-50 years? Just a bunch of irrelevant Europeans with pedantic complaints of idealists that nobody should even bother reading. Zizek's whole career is a response to Hegel and Kant, who are dry and say absolutely nothing that isn't common sense. All current philosophy is stating social norms in a vacuous and verbose manner. Ooo morality. What happened to Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Plato, Wittgenstein, Montaigne, etc.

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The kikes ruin it

Because of their promotion of slave morality?

Judith Butler is more important than all of those apart from Plato


Religion dominated, with the Enlightenment came a surge of philosophy, and now science has superseded it.

How about eastern philosophy? Try Alan Watts.

That's a literal meme answer. Shouldn't there be philosophy of science then?

>no great philosophical works
1000 plateaus was writer in the 80s and the CCRU happened in the 90s-00s. Philosophy moves and developed stop being a nostalgiafag it makes you seem weak.

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mega cringe dude


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I'll bite. Explain how Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Wittgenstein or Montaigne are more important than Judith Butler.

you're obviously not knowledeable about the absolute state of philosophy and cognitive science in the universities and outside right now

what a pointless presumption to assume nothing of matter is ever said now, because you presume already had been before. We're in a context of accumulation and confrontation of informations and ideas on multiple levels
Just wait for the next paradigm shift
calm down,
you can even try to think - if you can - about how to bring it down here

Judith just seems to be saying we're all but players

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you're a fucking moron obviously.

there is, although it's not really taught in school or university

They’ve actually written something legible

What do you think there are going to be new ideas or something? All problems and thoughts had already been experienced by the Greeks, who were by that point already were in an old civilization. Do you just think there are going to be new ideas or moral issues in a civilization as old as ours? Are you that stupid? Philosophy is useless.

No you should be explaining to me, you fucking castrated dog

Nothing of substance to this piffle

Nick land and Deleuze. Absolutely pathetic, why r they worth reading?

Hans Jonas wrote "The Imperative of Responsability" in 1985, and in it he BTFOs every ethicist that came before him.

I didn’t say Land so much as the CCRU which did consist of several members. Basically their value was furthering the academic nature of horror fiction breaking down the fantasy of the genre further and granting it greater presence. All of the major members contributed greatly to music theory (Kodwo Eshun), Art (Jake and Dinos), and philosophy. It also had major influence on occultism which isn’t my thing but I know people in the sauce who find the work valuable.
Deleuze is just fun to read desu I don’t have any deeper thoughts about that I’m not really into classics.