Mom's bookshelf

>Mom's bookshelf

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I'd let your mom fuck me

Ha, I've got that exact copy of the Complete Works of Lovecraft and also a different copy of the complete works of Poe.

Did she get the separate works of Lovecraft before the complete edition?

Your mom is an antinatalist, dude. You're a mistake.

Your mom looks like a nerd dude.

kek you're a zoomer and your mom is a late Gen X goth girl who I probably banged

She have a cat OP?

>Insinuating you don't already know.

i banged ur mom dude

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Holy shit is she single?

I would fuck your mom, OP.

>tfw almost your whole family don't even care about reading anything but facebook posts and fake news

>tfw your mom is a librarian
Being born in the good family feels great

My mom loves Poe too

>tfw my mum only reads religious books

Same here user


wait for the day when you're talking to your girlfriend and say "yeah, instead of reading the deluded, impotent ramblings of some racist twerp, how 'bout, oh, I don't know, teach me to fucking swim? How 'bout that, ma?"

my mom reads Dan Brown. that's about it
why was the first thing that popped in my mind

>impotent ramblings

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Okay, but where's the lie though?

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Does your mom plays cthulu board game?

the frog laughs.. , my mom, crieds,,

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Is your mom Amanda Palmer or something?

Because you are based and, dare I say, Gripspilled.

I want her panties user

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Is your mom single?

Why is everyone cj over lovecraft suddenly

looks like your mom has a hairy vag

Stinky pucci I bet

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Based mom

Here's my dad's bookshelf

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Librarians are always socially awkward and unattractive. Why are you proud of this?

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Why does he have a book on how to poison cats and dogs?

What's it like having parents who aren't baby-brained retards?

>the 28 day alcohol free challenge

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.4mb img

Not all of us have fucking Lithuanian Internet

my mom reads romantic era fiction, latin american stuff, and shitty crime novels

>dad's bookshelf
>no WWII
>No Clancy or Cussler
I don't believe you.

I saw that title and it made me panic. I haven't gone without alcohol for more than 24 hours in the last 5 years. Not an alcoholic though, just a drink here and there.

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He's a veterinary surgeon

My mom bought that for him. He never read it, you can guess why.

I want your mom to peg me so hard

When did he upload a picture of his mum?, you fucking retard

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My mother read all kind of books but principally scandinavian thriller (we are not scandinavians) what does it say about her?
(put a pic to attract more readers)

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tfw no goth mommy

You've clearly never been inside of one

Tip: If you skip a day here and there it keeps your tolerance down a lot.

user, don't be scared, but I think your mother might be a cultist who secretly worships eldritch horrors.

my mom's favorite book is lolita :v

>t.never been to a library
I seriously don't know how this stereotype has emerged. In every library i've gone,the women who work there are usually in their 20s, fairly pretty and seem rather sociable

My dad has an extensive bookshelf that's probably worth an unexpect amount of money

Thing is, they're photo books.

i hope its black and called niggurath

Dark ass bitches

My mom only reads porn novels for middle-aged women.