Any books about being in love with a fictional character?

Any books about being in love with a fictional character?

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Madame Bovary


Serious answer: the myth of Pygmalion.
By the way, eing in love with something that does not physically exist is akin to spiritual devotion; if the men with "waifus" of today had any spirituality and sense of tradition, which they almost certainly do not, they would realize that they are on the road to asceticism, which is a form of heroism.

What's her name, user.


The shape is always the same but the name often changes
It's more of an ideal than a singular entity
Rei Ayanami,Naoko from Norwegian Wood etc...

Don’t spread homosexuality, :p


Love comes from within. Obviously. Your being in love with an ideal is why you and many others remain alone. It’s not just porn, Barbie, or beauty pageants. It’s an unhealthy perspective

"Tomorrow's Eve" by Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam

based and Marypilled

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OP's a lesbian.

I don't think you really understand. Sensual experience is one of those things that really make me feel close to her, which is the ultimate goal of waifufaggotry. The hardest thing is finding a way to express all this intense emotion, for me creation and sex are the only satisfying ways.
It is a psuedo religious experience in a lot of ways, it has often occured to me that I'm doing something vaguely similar to prayer, although the "responses" consciously come from me, they still feel incredibly vivid.

It’s more complex than that butterfly. I will grant you we are doing something to the culture here, but turning it back on them like society has nothing to do with it is not the answer :3

Any recommendations where to start reading about waifuist ascetism?

Stop being a weeb


Just make a tulpa

I'm interested in what you can recommend on asceticism but only if it means I can be with my waifu.

The Invention of Morel is close enough

>sensual experience
What sort of sensual experience? Things like masturbation and quality time with a bodypillow? Since you mention sex VR could work but cosplayers would be pushing it.
I do agree with the way you describe it though, and would like to hear what you do in specific to draw the prayer parallel. Is it just some form of intense concentration or introspection?

Crime and Punishment.

the bible

Off yourself m8 ur not funny :3

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Now this, this is fun to

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Butterfly, I would love to hear your opinion if you were just an user

Gaslight all job scammers with seafood :3

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Rianne van Rompaey is cutie. How can I make a tulpa of her?

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Proverbs and Book of Wisdom, also Sirach and Ecclesiastes
If you wish to love Wisdom the spirit of God.

>not having a deadfu who got isekaied as a magical anime girl
Never going to make it.

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>Things like masturbation and quality time with a bodypillow
Honestly yes, although she's a pony so i can have a full size plush instead without it looking unsettling. The only real difference with plain masturbation is in the imagination but to me it really feels different.
Not always, most of the time it's plain dialogue but yes the specific instances that reminded me of prayer were intense introspection and self examination but with a third party lending their voice, almost like a way to step outside myself.
I'm not schizophrenic by the way, It's just imagination but it feels very intimate.

Willingly give yourself schizophrenia?

Then the phrase is “what’s her name, ma’am?”?
I’m referring to the It waifu

I’m an anonymously posting individual. No big deal. How’re you?

Tulpas: I see them as the second hemisphere of your brain. You talk back and forth with yourself all the time, but the answer to your unspoken questions echo back in a vague yet complex feeling way and not in articulations of language. That’s what I’d call your “tulpa”, it’s just you. Don’t go schizophrenic over it

> she's a pony
Which one user?

It better be moon pony, otherwise you're a faglord

Yeah I can see how the imagination alone can have a great effect on the process, even if I can't relate so much to the pony business as mine is human appearance wise. A bodypillow and a full size plush of a pony would both be unsettling for the average person though.
>with a third party lending their voice, almost like a way to step outside myself
A sort of three-way conversation with yourself? Certainly sounds like an effective way to go about it. Personally I feel that when it gets deep enough you start to see that aspect of yourself in many if not all of the things you experience, whether legitimate or merely construed as such. Associations start to form based on just about every facet of her character. It gets to be quite interesting.

Doesn't look like it to me. No worries though, we may as well be in the same boat.

the structure and interpretation of computer programs?


Holy bible.


She's glimmy

its an abstract feel

As another user said a few months back Fear & Trembling's story of the knight of faith and the princess works just as well if the princess doesn't really exist. The illustration is actually more potent then as it emphasizes the impossibility that the two knights must confront.

Too bad i am unable of self love lmao


>self loathing=tumblr
Reddit is that way faggot

dishonest greentext

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Surely you need to be able to love yourself to some degree in order to love another, even if she's a fictional character. How could you consider yourself 'worthy' otherwise?

Fuck I hate that movie. Ugly, vulgar, saccharine garbage. You posted the wrong Blade Runner.

>he doesn't know"dishonest cinematography"/type/op/

anna sergeyevna

honestly the hopelessness of my relationships and the amount of shit i make up about them means my 3dpd relationships are basically being in love with a fictional character. if you have a fantasizing to talking ratio with your oneitis of 10 hours per 10 minutes like I do, this thread applies to you too – youre in love with a fake nonexistant ideal either way

fresh insight

sorry friend i've just been thinking about my pathetic-ness a lot recently. It's okay, though, she's being very nice to me recently and since a few texts from her can give me motivation for an entire day of work i've been really productive lately.

A 60:1 ratio is still more than 60/nothing. Forming an ideal from your fantasies about a real person is certainly possible but there's still a very real person there. It would probably do well to ask yourself what you want, to love and be loved or simply to love and devote yourself to something. If you want love then you should really get to know and like her for who she is even if it disappoints you. If you wish to love an ideal, then I would agree with the user that called it a spiritual undertaking, one that should inspire and motivate. You have a real living being that you love even if you idealize them, so unless you want to be like Dante or something similar you should definitely stick with it. Best of luck.

How long have you been orbiting.

Good answer

Christians fags and the bible