Is he really the best modern poet
Is he really the best modern poet
based as fuck
i am better
why do black people smell so bad
>he's racist in 2019
Long hair genuinely looks based on him. He should adjust it a bit, and he'll be golden.
I'm not racist, I just use public transportation.
Please refrain from posting bestial golems on a literature forum. I don't come here to have my aesthetic sensibilities assaulted by the images of negroid variety primates.
I thank you for your understanding.
>It is the current year
>why you think like dis?
>it is the current year, and you don't think as I do?
>did I mention that it is the current year?
Off yourself, boyo.
not a high bar
no it's that skinnyfat british instagram model
Wow ur cool.
Best rapper sure but not best rap poet. Kendrick is a better vocalist than poet. Pusha T is a god tier poet however
t. triggered incel
unironically decolonize your nose
literally who?
no, it's not surprising his most popular album is his worst one though because it lacked the pretentious garbage that was included alongside his best work on his better albums
Dude fuck PDF wrong board
damn > butterfly > gkmc
butterfly was too heavy. damn is easier to listen too. and yes, listenability is actually important in a medium that's meant to be listened too.
nah Joanna Newsom is
it's more 'listenable' but not worth listening to
If you like rap I don't understand how you could argue DNA or Lust aren't as close to objectively good as could exist
Kendrick is alright as a lyricist imo. I really don't understand what people think is so great about him. The socially conscious rapper isn't a new phenomenon and he's not even the best at it.
Vocal delivery. His lyricism is just slightly above average but, he just actually raps really well.
Fucking based, show these niggers lovers whose superior
she's a fan of kendrick though
you, look at thisand then I tell you that I care more about lyrics and mostly listen to jazz now anyways because I honestly don't really give a fuck about vocal performance (and if I did I would listen to thug)
honestly he's very self-serious and uncharismatic compared to a kanye or doom and just seems hopelessly irrelevant in the face of nu-rap
Both me hah. But okay, if vocal performance is irrelevant to you, then I can understand why you don't care much for Damn. Shout outs Thug though, good taste
Add in self-righteous and this user has hit the nail on the head
These jabronies got seriously owned by , somebody get some tushy salve for the sore bums ITT haha
I agree. He can be uncharismatic at times. Mostly when he deviates from what's natural to him. He's at his worse trying to be funny (Humble). But self-serious? That's when he creates his best work.
No, poetry is gay
Nope, good rapper, shitty poet. Read his lyrics a capella and understand it's mediocrity. This is even after ignoring his milquetoast 'insights' and beliefs. Anybody who thinks DAMN is anything but his worst album by far are retards. Anybody who says tpab is not 'listenable' are brainlets. Also go back and listen to gkmc and see how badly it aged besides a few songs. Overrated but I enjoy his music in the car
>gkmc aged badly
Section.80 was his best shit anyways
>Anybody who thinks DAMN is anything but his worst album by far are retards. Anybody who says tpab is not 'listenable' are brainlets.
Tpab is too rich for comfortable repeat listening. They are incredible songs, but it's tiring. DAMN is much easier to listen to. More contemporary in sound selection too. Which makes it less abrasive.
Kendrick’s Lyrics really aren’t that grkundbreaking yet are way better than the median during the period leading up to when he released gkmc.
Only a pseud who never rode the bus to the library would disagree that niggers smell atrocious across multiple income levels.
Idk how you can write out the lyrics to most Damn songs and think it’s deep, especially the white mu fags who ignore Kendrick’s support black Israelites and how the listeners’ recessive phenotype is an abomination, etc. But considering the hatred most American listeners have of their 3rd degree social network and the spook of “their” heritage, it’s not surprising. The bar remains low.
Nothing more pathetic than nigger-music connoisseurs. You guys are talking about this chimpanzee babble like you were comparing fine wines. Fucking burgers. Stop polluting world culture with your nigger bullshit.
no seidel is
Nothing a nigger ever wrote is worth a white man's attention.
Average IQ of a nigger is 85, one standard deviation from clinical retardation and less than intelligence of a 10 year old white child
Niggers are incapable of maintaining ANY, I repeat, ANY moderately complex infrastructure, be it a corporate, or municipal, or managerial project. Any successful nigger (usually a glorified puppet on a stick i.e. entertainer) is propped up to his success by dozens of (((white))) people who manage his finance and marketing.
So, to your question the answer is no, the nigger is the picture, whatever his name may be, is not, in fact, the best modern poet, or even good one.
write a rap right fucking now you dumb little clown
I don't even believe you can write decently in the first, post prose bucko.