/write/ general

/write/ general
What are you writing, Yea Forums?

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my nation's true masterpiece

have sex

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I'm having an extremely comfy day writing comfy scenes. Changing a passive-voice recollection into a full passage, put into italics as a flashback. Finished the last scene up and reconnected it into the narrative (it was an addition.) More filled out setting with local flavor and cute character interactions. I'm pretty happy right now.

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Rolling but I'll probably not do it.

That's the best one, user!

okay, bend over

Halls of power hear AOC's heels click
Smashing the patriarchy brick by brick
Slender strides lure pages' eyes luridly
She dangles Loubs by deft dexterity
Dipping her toes in slippers velveteen
AOCs feet unites all the Levantine
Laying to rest centuries of squabble
Her anklets adorned in gilded baubles
Greed and pride departed from in haste
"To AOC's Feet, I pledge myself chaste!"
And so eclipse Zarathustra and Yaweh
Alexandria triumphant, hurray!

It's a three-part novel about a young man's descent into the abyss of modern gender-identitarianism. Part one depicts his panicked escape from his relatively normal life to California, in search of "freedom and adventure." Part two depicts a three-day weekend during which the narrator comes to realize that the gender reassignment surgery has destroyed his body and identity and therefore [he] "will never be capable of living a safe, comfortable life." Part three is narrated by an unnamed entity walking through the streets of San Francisco the weekend of the 2022 Pride Parade. [It] experiences dissociation and depersonalization as [it] dispassionately describes the decadent, crumbling scenery of a society in decay.


Bunch of short stories
Big fiction project
Philosophy treatise
Many youtube video scripts

Halls of power hear AOC's heels click
Smashing the patriarchy brick by brick
Slender strides lure pages' eyes luridly
She dangles Loubs by deft dexterity
Dipping her toes in slippers velveteen
AOCs feet unites all the Levantine
Laying to rest centuries of squabble
Her anklets adorned in gilded baubles
Greed and pride departed from in haste
"To AOC's Feet, I pledge myself chaste"
And so eclipse Zarathustra and Yaweh
Alexandria triumphant, hurray!
Chinamen, Rus and Turks fell prey too
Her feet on the bow melts resolve to goo
Soles likened to lattes, a smidge much milk
Earning pledges to never again bilk
That melody sung by her toes wiggles
Now haunts through Eurasian-wide epistles
Pashtun warlords and Chinese oligarchs
Fall abject to AOC, her youth stark
Supine surrender, betraying intent
To creep on AOC's feet sans consent
Memes then banners to nations, then churches
AOC's fans buy counterfeit Converses
Who discern by the absent scents piquant
Her fumes peppery, said more than frequent
Too floral or fruity, an acid musk
"Ain't AOC's shoes, sorry to be brusque!"
Jovian moons pay quite the premium
Imaging her feet on screens of helium

My commentary on the Book of Mormon. Hit 80k words yesterday, and according to my spreadsheet I'm now 31% done and the final product will be 260k words. I'll be done early next year.


If you don't like ideating about supple luxuriantly primped Latinx tootsies smearing mole or masa on your face, then why don't you motorboat one of your silicone tiddy contraptions because I think that might help calm you down. Then you could contribute to the thread

“Did you know there’s a fantastically large desert in China’s interior, very, very far inland, and the sands from it blow all the way across even to the sea here?”

“Does it? How do you know?”

“Fishermen have told me stories of it. From time to time the sand descends like snowfall over the vessels, blocking out the skies and casting the whole sea in golden dust.” The picture it painted for her was so vivid that she walked along the beach in a trance, imagining scenes from heaven meeting the sea and sweeping all the fishing vessels along in its arms. A cacophony rose nearby as a flock of gulls was disturbed and rose, a shuffling chaotic mass in panic, like a blizzard of white wings away from the rock they’d been perched at. A large white bird had bullied its way down through the center of them, landing, now the lone occupant, to spreads its flapping feet across the rock and cock its sweeping neck and oversized orange bill at her.

For what purpose? Are you Mormon or are you doing a criticism of it?

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You should link to the previous thread in the OP.

A series of video games called the Liber series

Are you making the whole game or are you just writing?

I developed schizophrenia so right now I'm just writing, even though my educational background should in principle allow me to make games. I suck. Even the Temple OS guy is better than me.

He had the talent, it was just misdirected. Making an OS isn't simple.

I know. I couldn't do that either. I keep looking for people to help me make my games even though I have no way to incentivize them. I dunno.

Maybe try and make a smaller scale proof of concept game first. Something to show to people so they know you're serious. It will be easier to find collaborators then.

I made a demo years ago. I made a very crude prototype of the main game recently too. I don't think anyone cares.

All you can do is keep improving. If it's good enough eventually people will want to get involved. You could post it in the amateur game dev thread here or even on reddit or something.

Question: is it bad if chapter lengths vary widely? Chapter one ended up being 2k words (can function as an independent short story, so that is intentionally short.) Ch 2 is 15k and ch 3 is 6k. I had reasons for them ending where they do, but should I split chapter 2 in half after all?

Otherwise I'm happy with the revisions so far.

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It doesn't matter necessarily, just keep pacing in mind. Maybe you can split up longer chapters?

Yeah, guess I ought to, then. The pacing should be alright enough, that's all been managed pretty well. Thanks.
Probably get another three hours of work in today.

I'm Mormon. I'm going to see if I can publish it but my main reason for writing it is that the muse hit me. I've got a lot of thoughts on the book that to my knowledge have never been written by anyone, largely since scholarship of the book is still young since it's less than 200 years old. I've got this persistent feeling that I've got to get them all down on paper. It's a literary and doctrinal commentary. The literary aspect is more important since it's been less well-explored. For example, there's a minor incident where the character Ammon journeys into the land of Nephi, and there's one irrelevant side verse introducing and irrelevant side character mentioned once named Amaleki. But this is not irrelevant--it's foreshadowing on the author's part of the later journey of their near-namesakes Amalickiah and Ammoron into Nephi. Little bits of literary depth like that are all over and have gone completely unnoticed. But even the doctrinal side has been inadequately fleshed out; for example, no one to my knowledge has made the explicit connection between Jacob's sermon in 2 Nephi 9 and the seminal vision of D&C 76, as obvious as that seems once it's been pointed out.

Well, I have no clue about any of that but you seem passionate, at least.