you aren't real, and no matter how hard you try to construct a "self" out of the books you like, you're still going to have to face the truth when it shows up at your door carrying a scythe
You aren't real, and no matter how hard you try to construct a "self" out of the books you like...
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why would th truth show up to my door carrying a scythe if i'm not real lol
because everything dies, even rocks and stars and time
Why the hell would a farmer show up at my door
And what's this truth you say I dont use drugs
Fucking hillbillies and their moth deals worse than fucking JWs
Reading books will still help me find a gf though
but rocks and stars and time are real and i'm apparently not.
Maybe he's lost?
youre real in the sense that youre a bunch of atoms arranged into meat. but the subjective experience of having a "self" is an illusion.
no its not you absolute fucking retard, the self is immanently real because it is recognized by other selves that are all in a network of constantly recognizing selves. networks immanetize all socially constructe phenomena. stop with this fucking retard materialism, like dude, people in 50years are going to be looking at these posts and pointing at people like you saying "Look at this poster. What an imbecilic little thing. Lord have mercy on him. He never had a chance at theosis." Get real LOL read Bruno Latour and Wittgenstien dummy
>you aren't real
Facing the truth is good, so I don't see a problem
Good doesn’t exist, nor does truth in this paradigm. Self affirming
Whether something is real is a strictly phenomenal distinction. I am real because I designate myself as such.
>but that's circular!
All proofs are either axiomatic, circular, or infinitely regressive, deal with it.
based, finally some good fucking post
> Because at some point we have to appeal to epistemic circularity then therefore I can believe whatever the fuck I want without any evidence
an axiom has to be consistent with all other axioms to be correct user
If im not real then who wrote this tough guy
unbased nonschizo poster get out
>So will you not cease loving the flesh and being afraid of sufferings? Or do you not know that you have yet to be abused and to be accused unjustly; and have yet to be shut up in prison, and condemned unlawfully, and crucified reason, and buried as I myself, by the evil one? Do you dare to spare the flesh, you for whom the Spirit is an encircling wall? If you consider how long the world existed you, and how long it will exist after you, you will find that your life is one single day, and your sufferings one single hour. For the good will not enter into the world. Scorn death, therefore, and take thought for life! Remember my cross and my death, and you will live!
nobody wholly ugly could ever be right
>not being a materialist
ligotti should be banned from the board
based and truepilled
I can't even establish that there's an external world. Why shouldn't I take my beliefs on the basis of how it suits me to do so?
An axiom is just an agreed upon starting-point for logic. It doesn't need to do anything but be agreed upon for the purposes of the demonstration.
>no its not you absolute fucking retard, the self is immanently real
>because it is recognized by other selves
Which you don't know are real either, good job
nevermind. you're a brainlet and not worth my time