South Cone Literature?

South Cone Literature?

I am currently in Chile and about to tour the Argentine Republic; for some bloody reason I cannot work with Neruda.
What artist does Yea Forums recommend for me to read down here?
(Already bought the first edition of Condorito)

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Borges I believe. A more fun one though is always to look at European records of the natives.

Mario Vargas Llosa

He's Peruvian, I thought

Cesar Aira

Reading Thus Were Their Faces at the moment by Silvina Ocampo and I'm liking it a lot. The author is actually Argentinian and she's been recommended by Borges. I like her style so far, very dreamlike and dejavu sort of feeling.

Borges, Cortazar, Sabato, Piglia, Aira, Puig, Arlt, Pizarnick, Bioy Casares, Quiroga, Bolano, Mistral...

Mainly Argentina, which has one of the best literary traditions in the world.

Good Chilean poets: Gabriela Mistral, Pablo de Rokha, Enrique Lihn, Vicente Huidobro.
Good Argentinian poets: Borges, Leopoldo Lugones, Juan Gelman, Alejandra Pizarnik, Oliverio Girondo, Silvina Ocampo.

If you are going to buenos aires capital read Cortazar, he captures the essence of the city perfectly. Also go to the cafe london city besides la casa rosada, they have a really nice Cortazar statue where he used to sit. Also read Borges and Sabato, and for chile Bolaño, Nicanor Parra and Isabel Allende are great. Also if you are planning to tour for all latin america you must read 100 años de soledad while doing it

OP here
Forgot to mention I am, myself, latin american and can therefore read spanish.
I've long read Cortázar and García Márquez. Don't know if something lakin to the Araucana or Martín Fierro are worth it. I adore Ruben Dario and have heard that Leopoldo Lugones is of that same vein.

Thanks for all the recs, anons, I'll look into them once I return to the hotel

Surprised no one has mentioned Bolaño. Although he spent virtually his entire career outside of Chile, he's still a Chilean poet/novelist at heart.

>I adore Ruben Dario
I'm Nicaraguan so I grew up being able to recite El Caupolican from memory without truly appreciating the poems. I do enjoy Lo Fatal, A Margarita Debayle (which my mom would read to me going to bed), and a short story called El Rey Burgues.

What was your experience reading Darío and getting to love his words? I've been meaning to read him more and fill out whatever crude sketches are left from my boyhood.

My mother is Nicaraguan, and her father owned multiple anthologies of Daríos ouvre.
Never much cared for them until, visiting Granada one summer, a relative recited an extract from La Cabeza del Rawi and I was instantly awed by the fact that we do infact have high culture. Once I got home I read the anthologies and can recite a handful of personal favourites.

Due to my line of work I end up a cultural ambassador for Central America quite often, and little makes me prouder than sharing Darío.

Vicente Huidobro is all you need

>ignoring Bolivia
Rookie mistake

I'm Chilean myself and mostly read European/American/Japanese literature.

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top 5 books?

Read la ruta del general, I forget who authored it, though.

puto el que lee

Are you reading Neruda in spanish or english? I'm from Chile and I've had the bad luck of reading some of his poetry translated into english. If you happen to read him in english, drop him immediately

Lautréamont, Lautréamont, Lautréamont.

Era estudiante de español, y tuvimos que leer La Mujer Araña. Creo que el autor, Luís Puig, era argentino.
No me gustó el libro, pero mi profesor nos dijo que era una novela famosa en el mundo de literatura latina.

Should I try to read him im French? I'm learning French rn, and I'm a Spanish native speaker.

I think that's a good idea, yes.

But be warned that the prose is quite difficult. He uses animals in his imagery CONSTANTLY. This is a young man from the 19th century who knew about TARDIGRADES. I think that if he had lived, he would have made a competent zoologist.

I like to think that his extensive knowledge of animals was influenced by where he lived, in South America but also near the ocean. Also traveling to France, back-and-forth a few times.

En la lengua de Cervantes, mi señor

>Reading translated poetry
My pleb sensor is going off-charts

it's a literary wasteland. literally nothing good after freyre.

Ignoring Bolivia is one of the most advisable things to do in pretty much any field, not just literature.

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Basado y rojoempastillado

isnt that burgess guy from argentina?

George Louis Burgess was an Argentinian writer

Proper lad, Georgie. 'Ated slags. 'Ated footie. 'Ated military dictatorships. Loved tigers. Loved labyrinths. Loved singularities of infinite knowledge. Just a proper lad.

>Paragay being considered conosur but not southern Brazil


I agree, but I don't speak portuguese. I also bought Yo, El Supremo by Augusto Roas; and this map maintains the narrative.

Marin Fierro is the "national epic", so idk. i liked it but i love country life and all that
so i'll aprovechar, don't know what word to use this thread to ask. any american philosophers, anything that talks about ideas in america or about the "idea" of america?

read José Enrique Rodó

thanks user

If you go to the Café London you must eat some medialunas. They make one of the best in the city.

where are you going OP?
arg here, why do we have the worst beaches of latam

bc its not a tropical country you retard. mar del plata beach is temperate, rio or punta cana are not fair comparisons

t. marplatense

Mendoza, I went to Buenos Aires a few years ago; also visited Montevideo in that same trip (afterall Uruguay is just la provincia oriental)

I am not very well versed in Chilean literature, but you should check out Vicente Huidobro, Pablo de Rokha, Gabriela Mistral, Enrique Lihn and Nicanor Parra.
For Argentine literature, including Uruguayan, for Uruguay is just an Argentinean province, you should read Macedonio Fernández, Roberto Arlt, Juan Carlos Onetti, Juan José Saer, Antonio Di Benedetto, Juan Filloy, Osvaldo Lamborghini, Leopoldo Marechal, Georgie Borges, Bioy Casares, Felisberto Hernández, Alejandra Pizarnik, Juan Gelman, Alberto Girri, Juan L. Ortiz, Rodolfo Wilcock, Rodolfo Fogwill, Alberto Laiseca, Mario Levrero, Ricardo Piglia, Leopoldo Lugones, Antonio Porchia, Ida Vitale, Idea Villarino, Samantha Schweblin, and Almafuerte.

It's not just the climate, Chilean beaches are much better than the Argentineans and they have similar climate

this faggot, where i'm from there's also better beaches than porteñomar they're the same ""mine""" and """yours"""
mendoza is great

Miguel Serrano

Vení a san rafael y te invito una fresca gatoo

Jajajaj creía que era el único sanrafaelindio que andaba por acá

OP should just read Martin Fierro

Somos un par largo jaja

>Uruguay is just an Argentinean province
kill yourself
funny that Borges considered uruguayan national identity more consistent and authentic than argentinian

never heard of backhanded compliments, have you?

Iría primo, pero ando con la familia y ya tenemos un itinerario pendejo.

argentina es literalmente mierda
por qué alguien habría de venir aquí?
está llena de mestizos, africanos y otras razas inmundas como los indios del norte
los unicos escritores con algo de talento eran marginales (borgees, un judio y cortazar, un zurdo)

Que mierda hace gente del interior en Yea Forums?

oh shit hi

i'm representing uruguay with
quiroga, benedetti, rodó, galeano and onetti

latin america is a real tragedy in its history, but our literary tradition is immense.

Happy countries have no art

la gente lee libros papu