>Shits all over christianity and makes a huge boogeyman out of everything minimally related to their values
>Meanwhile, asks crazy bitch for marriage, gets rejected, more than twice.
>Blames alcohol for being a refuge of the weak who cant face the struggles
>Praises opium for making him feel as if he is still inside a womb
>Makes a whole theory claiming christian values to be the product of "slave morality" praising hellenic cultural values.
Doesnt he see the irony behind this? How can he fail to see that his views are also the product of "slave morality"? Shit on things like marriage and some levels of prudeness while praising the Hellenic culture despite that it also had many of this same values that he hates.
Shits all over christianity and makes a huge boogeyman out of everything minimally related to their values
He never claimed to have risen above slave morality. It is an issue we all grapple with.
Do you expect anything else from a literally crazy person? The entirety of his philosophy can be summed up by simply looking at his persona life. Just like any other incel, he coped for his personal weakness with crazy power fantasies. You would get the same level of intellectual erdution as Nietzsche within the average r9k thread.
He was a literal scholar of Ancient Greek and it shows if you take the time to read him for non-meme purposes.
>taking highschool tier b8
Summer rolled in early this year
So what? Anyone can study Greek. That doesn't make their ideas right.
jesus the state of the board
He's bang on about opiates
You'd be surprised how many true highschools retards there are here. But it's not like it's ever been different.
We weren't talking about being right, were we ?
>minimally related
Wrong. His understanding of "Christianity" is also purer and more accurate than yours.
>Meanwhile, asks crazy bitch for marriage, gets rejected, more than twice.
>Praises opium for making him feel as if he is still inside a womb
Getting high on opium for creative inspiration =/= getting drunk to escape your sorrows.
>How can he fail to see that his views are also the product of "slave morality"?
How are they?
>Shit on things like marriage and some levels of prudeness while praising the Hellenic culture despite that it also had many of this same values that he hates.
Why not actually read him?
alcohol has calories, opium doesn't
>Getting high on opium for creative inspiration
>for creative inspiration
people can't be cucked by neetche so hard that they actually believe this?
Not me though
>a person who is not a practitioner of a religion somehow has a better understand of it than the initiates themselves
I will never understand the obsession with Nietzsche that leads people to make such obviously wrong statements as these
>Wrong. His understanding of "Christianity" is also purer and more accurate than yours.
Atleast give a brief context instead of just outright accusing.
Its not, in the terms on what he "stood" for. it is indeed very relavent to the topic in question
>Getting high on opium for creative inspiration =/= getting drunk to escape your sorrows.
Despite the fact that he didnt. Or atleast those werent the intentions he had in mind. He clearly used it to escape reality. What part of "feel as if he is inside the womb" didnt you get?
>How are they?
Listed in the OP
>Why not actually read him?
I have and he does indeed shit on those things.
>You would get the same level of intellectual erdution as Nietzsche within the average r9k thread.
hahahhaaha ok then
>his use of opium is equivalent to the uses of alcohol he criticized
What's "cucked" is this bullshit.
Nietzsche was raised Christian though. He went to church and was quite devoted before encountering Schopenhauer.
>Atleast give a brief context instead of just outright accusing.
So you want to be spoonfed? You won't get anywhere then. Don't bother with philosophy if you're lazy.
>it is indeed very relavent to the topic in question
How is that?
>He clearly used it to escape reality.
He clearly didn't, otherwise he wouldn't have written as much as he did, almost all of it some of the most lucid prose ever written, even while having a number of medical issues his whole life.
>Listed in the OP
But the OP is full of inaccurate bullshit.
>I have and he does indeed shit on those things.
You don't know what exactly he shits on, which is why you think he's contradictory. Your understanding of him is on par with a summary reading.
>Granted I am a decadent, I am also its opposite
t. Ecce Homo
>I am the Alpha and the Omega
Nietzsche was the spirit of ironic mockery incarnate. The King-Jester. He did not spare himself, either. You are an idiot. See
>He clearly didn't, otherwise he wouldn't have written as much as he did, almost all of it some of the most lucid prose ever written, even while having a number of medical issues his whole life.
Nonsense. Everything he says indicates the contrary, and you are being too much of a fanboy to admit it so you make stuff up.
>So you want to be spoonfed? You won't get anywhere then. Don't bother with philosophy if you're lazy.
Yes i want your expansion on those thoughts. And not wanting to present them because of some odd premisse that you can "spoonfeed" people here sounds to me like a massive cope.
>How is that?
"Do you want to be spoonfed? You wont get anywhere then."
Jokes aside, its relevant in the sense that he hates christianity and their values, saying they are prone to "decadence" while praising those values, like asking for marriage the pseud bitch. Anyone that looks at his theory of the "slave morality" can see that his resentment towards christianity is also a product of it, because he wasnt "strong" to attain those things.
>You don't know what exactly he shits on, which is why you think he's contradictory. Your understanding of him is on par with a summary reading.
I have read Beyond good and evil, Twilight of the idols, Will to power and brith of the shits. Also having read previously the standford articles. Many philosophy graduates and teachers also indeed say that he is contraditory on his works.
read deleuze's take, this is sheer brainletry
>so you make stuff up.
Such as?
>Yes i want your expansion on those thoughts.
Well you aren't getting them, because you're lazy and dishonest. If you're OP you obviously don't give a shit about what the truth is anyway.
>saying they are prone to "decadence" while praising those values, like asking for marriage
Christianity didn't invent marriage or love, dude. Not even the Christian sense of those things.
>his resentment towards christianity
There's no resentment towards Christianity in him. Nothing about his text betrays any form of resentment.
>I have read Beyond good and evil, Twilight of the idols, Will to power and brith of the shits.
This isn't enough. And obviously you got nothing from what you read, either.
>d-d-daddy neetch can’t have just been a hypocritical uncle he must’ve had a super secret great reason for being a smack addict
imagine stanning a dead old virgin this hard
>Well you aren't getting them, because you're lazy and dishonest.
Coming from the man being dishonest and making stuff up about him since in his mind the dear Nietzsche couldnt clearly take opium for escapist reasons despite his claims and quotes.
>Such as?
Claiming it to be for "creative" reasons just because you like the man's prose. Cant you read the things you bought into the discussion?
>Christianity didn't invent marriage or love, dude. Not even the Christian sense of those things.
While that is true it also isnt the answer for the statement.
>There's no resentment towards Christianity in him. Nothing about his text betrays any form of resentment.
Expect his personal life. Thus the point of the OP
>This isn't enough. And obviously you got nothing from what you read, either.
ofc you would say this, the schoolars and professors also didnt knew enough in your opinion i bet. The dishonest here is you trying to give him even more abstractions than he actually did and claiming every attack as "not getting him". Your dear lord Nietzsche cant be wrong about anything.
>despite his claims and quotes.
Go ahead and post them. I'll return the favor and post everything regarding his health to illustrate that his use of opiates is not equivalent to the uses of alcohol that he criticized (the tl;dr being: Germans are fucking drunks, dude).
>Claiming it to be for "creative" reasons just because you like the man's prose.
Do you not understand how much work is involved in writing and publishing everything he did? It's an IMMENSE amount of work. And his health was horrible. Clamping down on his use of drugs is extremely dishonest.
>While that is true it also isnt the answer for the statement.
Where's your argument if Christianity didn't invent those things?
>Expect his personal life.
Betrays no resentment towards the religion whatsoever.
>the schoolars and professors also didnt knew enough in your opinion i bet.
Appeal to authority nonsense. And for sure they didn't. Nietzsche's ideas are not easy to comprehend and he has many of them. Just because you have a PhD doesn't mean you're going to comprehend them all, if any.
>Your dear lord Nietzsche cant be wrong about anything.
Not true. He was wrong about Islam.
did anybody ask nietzsche why christian countries, supposedly feminine, conquered the world, while islamic countries, supposedly the superior, became irrelevant backwater states?
if hearing those church bells after a good hit doesn't make you feel something, nothing will
t. former drug user
By "those church bells" do you mean actual church bells or the sound of one's own cardiovascular system?
no. its a hallucination, the drug talking to you back to you, a different state of consciousness, whatever you want to call it
>Go ahead and post them.
You can literally google his quotes on opium use.
And i know he had health issues and opium also served for him as a way to ease it. And i also do know where he stands agaisnt alcohol.
>Do you not understand how much work is involved in writing and publishing everything he did? It's an IMMENSE amount of work. And his health was horrible. Clamping down on his use of drugs is extremely dishonest.
No one here is shitting on all his work, he had some very good insights and it sure did require mental skill to make them. The "contradictions" we are aiming here dont refuse and place his work into the garbage.
>Appeal to authority nonsense.
Maybe you are right, but many of those people also did read all his works and personal life. But i would much rather trust their takes than some user on the web.
Look im really tired and i need to get some sleep, just had a car accident today and im all fucked up. You can reply to me if you want and i will reply back in the morning if the thread is still up. Have a good day user.
He explains it in his books. Read them.
He overestimated Islamic culture. But he did understand the effects that abstinence had on the psyche:
>The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).
i.e. Christianity had the inverse effect on Europeans: it made their pagan blood come out even stronger than before. This isn't a refutation of the claim that European countries were becoming soft and the upper class effeminate. Feminism was beginning to seize Europe during Nietzsche's lifetime.
>The "contradictions" we are aiming here dont refuse and place his work into the garbage.
But they aren't contradictions. A drunk takes to alcohol as an easy way to forget his sorrows and then passes out in his stupidity; Nietzsche took to opium just so he could make it through the days and then stay up at his typewriter which he occasionally would for 10 hours straight. He wasn't interested in forgetting his sorrows except in order to create something beyond himself. Your average drunk doesn't compare to that.
>Look im really tired and i need to get some sleep, just had a car accident today and im all fucked up. You can reply to me if you want and i will reply back in the morning if the thread is still up. Have a good day user.
Same to you, hope you get your needed rest.