This entire debate was just clickbait bullshit...

This entire debate was just clickbait bullshit. Zizek pussied out and didn't embrace his Marxist label which is literally the only reason anyone cares about him and why he is so popular among Leftists. Instead, he backed down from it and it turns out him and JBP are essentially the same person with the same ideas. Fuck both of these clowns

Attached: zizek.jpg (630x330, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>which is literally the only reason anyone cares about him and why he is so popular among Leftists
Leftists hate him, though.

>This entire debate was just clickbait bullshit.
Good. Stop taking part in any of this.

>h-haha they were both retarded, r-right guys?
t. desperately coping JP fan

>Instead, he backed down from it and it turns out him and JBP are essentially the same person with the same ideas.
That was quite the plot twist, worthy of David Fincher, I'll give them that.

>caring about debates between e-celebs
I have no idea who any of these 2 guys are but why do you fags care? cant you come up with your own ideas? do you need to listen to what other morons think to repeat it like monkeys? do you need someone else to explain to you why someone's thoughts are incorrect? cant you make up you own opinions?

Dude, zizek didn't say anything different. Anyone who has watched his videos knows this. He didn't pussy out of anything. The one backtracking was concederson

Everything about it was exactly what so many predicted. They talked in different directions most of the time and their fanbases cheered them on in victory. It's literally the manifestation of our post-egalitarian culture
>unified hierarchy destroyed
>infinite number of sub-hierarchies created
>top of each sub-hierarchy treated as celebrity and truthteller
we just saw two of the """intellectual""" celebrities debate and their cult fans reacting predictably. The only positive thing out of their discussion was the importance of Christian philosophy and Eurocentricism. Of course that went over the heads of Zizek fans who cheered on "bloody and revolutionary conflict" after paying $100 each to see a fucking philosophy debate.

lmao zizek literally called him an idiot that should read more.

Is this some kind of Petersonfag cope? Peterson got exposed as a BRAINLET. The fact that you people don't see this is amazing lmao
He looked like a fool. He already started by saying that he hadn't even read Marx.
Then he was shocked to discover the guy he was debating wasn't the caricature that he had formed in his head and then looked confused. He was about to cry.

I don't know what the fuck you people were watching.

Attached: disgust.jpg (1516x960, 329K)

If a nigga reads Kapital once and starts applying some of the lessons in his own analysis of social and economic relations is that nigga a Marxist?

Another thread about Lobster Peter Capaldi vs Cocaine Mark Hamill.

>durr gurr ppo disagree wi me, it muh be cope
fucking brainlets these days

fucking EPIC bro peterson got REKT

What's your favorite book by Peterson? Mine is pic related

Attached: jp.png (500x621, 145K)

and yet he continues with dissonance. keep it up user!

>if you dont like my commie meme celebrity you have to like the boomer he 'debated'

'Debates' are for niggers, this was two popular thinkers expressing their ideas and discussing them and there is literally nothing wrong with that. Zizek was the right person to gently but convincingly make JBP (and his fans) question their stance without being an asshole about it, and Zizek got the chance to promote his work to a new audience who previously would have seen "marxist" and wrote him off.

I'll just leave this here.

>'Debates' are for niggers
Stopped reading right there.

>waaaah this was actually a popular event reddit found out about my obscure favourite band and now i have to react like i am totally over their ideas because i have a desperate need for contrarianism
anons are so predictable

>Peterson BTFO
>main stream media BTFO
>Yea Forums BTFO

Zizek wins again. How does this Romanian gas station attendant do it???

Attached: 77h1lvz7pet21.png (600x415, 391K)