what are some Yea Forumserary tattoos? I'm thinking about getting pic related.
What are some Yea Forumserary tattoos? I'm thinking about getting pic related
Don't get a tattoo of something you've found already tattooed on someone your fucking loser
^get your own tattoo.
Imagine coming up with a meaningful design you want. Getting it tattooed. Then you see some cunt copied your tattoo.
Few things are better at revealing a shallow character and a shit aesthetic than tattoos. I'm not being autistic about it it's just a reality. I'll except people following a long tradition from that rule.
Fucking hell OP listen to this guy and try to be original for once in your life. This is why you're not published
the cover of culture of critique
this is the evil butterfly speaking don't get a butterfly tatoo
Tattoos are a desperate call for attention and a form of self expression to people whose interests are limited to partying, alcohol, hookups and social media
Everything before the first "and" is correct
> limited to partying, alcohol, hookups and social media
Not everyone is born to a life where they can avoid such problems. We try to fill holes before we come to learns that they aren't cavities which can be filled with mercury or extracted with surgery.
If OP want's a tattoo then he shouldn't let the internet pic it, nor should he show it off to the world once he has it. I think we agree on that part yeah?
Shitposting is for faggot incel neets
h*** s**
Only MK Ultra CIA/CABAL-HOLLYWOOD slaves get butterfly tattoos.
>My whole life I’ve been a fraud. I’m not exaggerating. Pretty much all I’ve ever done all the time is try to create a certain impression of me in other people. The fear made me work really
hard, so I’d always do well and end up getting what I wanted. But then, once I got the best grade or made All City or got Angela Mead to let me put my hand on her breast, I wouldn’t feel much of anything except maybe fear that I wouldn’t be able to get it again.
- DFW, Good Old Neon
A pathological narcissist's only source of self-assurance is when the identity he wants for himself but doubts he has is affirmed by others. Tattoos are a desperate bid to make other people think you're a certain kind of person.
Imagine living life with this kind of fear.
>I'm the kind of person who fully appreciates life's short-term pleasures without regard for consequences haha! I'm not like those idiots just doing it because TV ads told them to, my hedonism is philosophically justified! R-right guys? I'm really enjoying this overpriced cocktail and conversation about the new Marvel movie, and tonight's loveless one-night stand is going to be so hot... Right?!
thinking about getting "this is water" tattooed somewhere no one can see it
Most young people have tattoos now. It's not for attention, or to express a fraudulent identity but to be accepted as normal by the herd. They aren't even conscious of this as a desire, they get a tattoo because it's just something you do and they don't question it.
Getting a tattoo is just a normal thing normal fags do, it's very banal. No pretentiousness or insecurity comes with getting one for the typical normal fag anymore. it's something they can compliment each other on or make fun of behind their backs, kinda like black youth and their jordans.
oh my god you fucking retards
OP's fucking ask was simple: get him a lit tattoo. If you can contribute, do so. If you cannot, move along.
Nobody asked you for your sociological, ethical and moral judgement.
Imagine being that fucking pathetic that you try to force others to gulp your 'distinctiveness of character' on an internet llama trading forum.
the state of this board.
No one cares faggot
Get a big one of Hemingway blowing his brains out on your back.
I have a Sisyphus tattoo on the right shoulder for years and I'm pretty happy with it
I like tattoos. It's just that I like them on other people. I'm too indecisive to ever go through with getting one myself.
What are you, OP's boyfriend, fag?
don't wear clothes you've seen someone else wear
Yea Forums tats would be something that's anathema to normalfags. Something you aren't using for shock value or any conviction but just to drive them away because you are now a social pariah. You need to convey an unreasonably extremist position without attracting pretentious art fags that think you are making a statement. Something too extreme like a child vagina on your forehead probably won't cut it. I actually can't think of a good example.
honestly not very hard. The inventory cycles frequently and clothing lasts a long time.
memento mori tats would resonate with me.
any other suggestions?
so gay
Finnegan's Wake plus the disgusted frog.