Hey niggers I wanna start reading

Hey niggers I wanna start reading
Is Don Quixote a good place to start that book seems interesting
How many books do I need to read before my brain is big enough for Infinite Jest since that one also seems interesting

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Yes but don't get a shit translation

It's pronounced nigga.

Which ones are shit
I've been thinking about reading the Grossman translation

Grossman is a pretty good choice. Honestly your best bet is to read samples from a few and see which one is easiest and most enjoyable to read. It's difficult to get through a long book when you're just starting to read and there is no reason to make that task any harder than it needs to be.

>Hey niggers

>anglos reading translations
Hispanic master race

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Read Grossman if you want a "Don Quixote for dummies" version. If you want something closer to the original, read the Ormsby translation.

once your brain gets big enough for infinite jest you won't have the urge to read it

A bit of potential advice - Auerbach in his book "Mimesis" had an interesting view of DQ - that it's not really the parody of knighthood and chivalric ideals that is the point of the novel, but, simply put, how humane and comfy the whole experience of reading it is.
I hope you'll like the book, it's one of my favourites.
Regarding IJ, don't worry too much about getting or not getting the references and such shit, nobody can do that completely. If you think it looks interesting, just try reading it.

Your best options are:
John Ormsby, Edith Grossman, and the Orsmby revision that Joseph Ramon Jones and Kenneth Douglas did in 1981.
Ormsby is the most accurate, but his prose is a bit archaic. Grossman is the easiest to read, but she's the least accurate of the three. Jones and Douglas provide a nice middle ground (less archaic than regular Ormsby, more accurate than Grossman). Take your pick.

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>Is Don Quixote a good place to start that book seems interesting
>How many books do I need to read before my brain is big enough for Infinite Jest since that one also seems interesting
What have you ever heard about literature that make you think you would pass through Don Quixote on your way to Infinite Jest??

protip: you'll find Infinite Jest at the basecamp, if you ever get to the peak then you can read Don Quixote

If you're new to reading and really want to read Don Quixote, go for the Grossman translation. Her translation has its flaws but it's a fun read.

>Honestly your best bet is to read samples from a few and see which one is easiest and most enjoyable to read
Follow this advice, OP.

>Ormsby is the most accurate, but his prose is a bit archaic.

That's a good thing. A Spanish speaking person reading Don Quixote today also finds Cervantes' prose archaic and difficult. Ormsby's archaic prose gives you the feel and atmosphere of the original.
Grossman is a translator of modern latin american literature, she has no idea about the language of the 17th century so she gets a lot of expressions and words wrong.

Grossman's Don Quixote shouldn't have Cervantes name in it, to be honest.

Stop treating books like video game achievements, moron. Also stop watching anime.

I only like Evangelion, which is art

Yeah, I know. I'm just giving OP a warning since he's new to reading. I don't want him to read part of the Ormsby translation, say "this is too hard," and give up on reading Don Quixote.

OP, go here: gutenberg.org/files/5921/5921-h/5921-h.htm

Go to chapter 1 and read the first few paragraphs. Then go to chapter 2 and read the first few paragraphs. Then compare and contrast Ormsby to other translations. Go with whichever one is the most enjoyable.

Check out Gravity's Rainbow my man

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what happens in this passage? what is the raketen-stadt?

just read Crime and Punishment like the regular newfag

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If this is a real request, honestly start with shit like "The Phantom Tollbooth" and "The Hobbit". Then never read fantasy again and switch to classic novels.

This doesn't seem too hard. Definitely doesn't feel like modern English but I can understand it at least.

>800 page book as your first foray back into reading

>number of pages = difficulty

you seem like the stupid one desu