you travel to the 1500's, and you can bring only FIVE books. which ones do you choose?
think wisely. (a series/several volumes of one work count as 1 book)
You travel to the 1500's, and you can bring only FIVE books. which ones do you choose?
The rarest grimoires lost in time
any book written before or during the 1500's
i meant you can take 5 modern books with yourself, but you made me consider an addition:
> on your way back, you can ressurect 3 lost books, including important lost physical copies of now-existing books.
resurrect* ahem excuse me
ah shit, I totally misread the post. Well, I wish I could get those alchemical and magickal works when I come back.
Books I'd bring there?
Phenomenology of Spirit should be neough
nice. grimoires are a solid choice
thinking about what i myself would take, no fictional works seem to be that important - they'll be written later anyway. i'll take 5 fullfilling, complete textbooks on medicine and some technology. imagine if we had electricity in the 1600's already and didn't torture people with retarded medical superstitions
and gogol just because, figure out the specific book on your own cant be fucked, compiled full works if allowed
obviously i'd take a history book about the 1500s and use it to predict world events instantly become a revered prophet
of course that would also create a time paradox but let's not worry about that
the other four books would probably be porn or calvin and hobbes
5 books on math, physics and construction. We're doing the industrial revolution 300 years early bitches. I bring back my diary.
Literally all fucking useless in 1500's.
cool idea to become a magnate of extreme wealth and circumstance
best route for maximum fun
Five very heavy books to defend myself against the natives
The Principia Mathematic
The Prince
The Princess' Bride
And something about computers
Mein Kampf, i'd travel to an African village and pretend i am a wizard/deity using my 21st century knowledge. I would then tell them that this is a holy book written in an unknown language of the Gods and that they would have to preserve it in a divine shrine.
Then i return to the modern century and check what archaeologists think of this.
They'd wonder why an obese caucasian skeleton was found in a random african village
user did you sleep during biology class?
The Harry Potter books.
Then I just wait 500 years, publish them, get stinking rich and insufferable.
Joke answers aside, it's actually an interesting question. You can't just bring back some modern textbooks and push humanity forwards a few centuries sooner. If you show up in the year 1500 and start talking about electricity, let alone computers, they'll probably just burn you for being a witch.
You'd have to be really careful with even basic stuff like telling doctors to wash their hands.
Semmelweis was born in the 1800s
Shakespeare's works and The Prince were written in the 1500's.
For that reason, I also take those two, along with Don Quixote, Gulliver's travels and Gargantua and Pantagruel.
I know they're close enough to the social conditions of the times that i'm not overly likely to be shot for carrying them, and by publishing them before the original authors, i'll make a goddamn fortune!
based and nostradamuspilled
>Literally all fucking useless in 1500's.
just trying to see whatd happen with them to be honest
i mean, what could possibly happen?
they'd probably think Gogol's stuff is some unknown and mystical, but cool fiction (given that you translate it properly).
phisosophy would have probably zero impact, they only mildly jerked that field and antique thinkers were enough.
Marx would be absolutely irrelevant since there are no factories and no working class to begin with, only a caste-like strict system
The only acceptable answer
i wonder if i could get mad monies with my rather average drawing skills but unconquerable will to draw any depraved porn.
i haven't heard of many openly pornographic pics from 16th century, but i think they just didn't survive so there was some market
any five books that discredit martin luther and protestant heretics
how can one man be so based
The other only acceptable answer
You can generally gauge obesity by examining a skeleton the same way you can gauge general musculature.
considering i'm an average hobby writer as well, i could be some de Sade tier shitboiler. which gives a comedic short story idea
> de Sade's fan and continuer is afraid of prosecution in puritan Victorian era, so he goes back to high Renaissance times to be chased by the inquisition, then skips to the modern times to be bullied by censors
engineering, physics, mathematics and medicine. ones that are thorough and take you from stone age to modern era or close to it, then lessee, one fiction book... probably Don Quixote. just cuz.