How are you holding up Yea Forums

how are you holding up Yea Forums

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Well enough. I am currently vacationing in South America with my family, and loathing the fact I'll be back home in a few days.

Would be a bit better if I had the name of OP's painting author as I, too, feel I rage against the gods and destiny.

i wish i lived in medieval times

It's four in th the morning and i've woke up hungover because I ended up getting drunk last night and playing darkest dungeon until 1am instead of going to bed with a book early like I should because I've got work today.


I finally rekindled the spark inside of my soul, I have been with out any fire for quite some time... It feels like waking from a long hibernation, my goals and my life reawakened to the light outside of a cave. I rediscovered the stomach, and it's need for food.

are you like anorexic or something

How'd you do it user; I need to know

Sounds like you should read some Schopenhauer

I did the exact same.

It's nearly midnight and I'm trying to read No Longer Human, it's hard to read nowadays.

Wish I could have been born in a time before modern medicine so I could have just died young.

Ah, first time? It's like stoking a furnace. It needs fuel. Don't forget that.

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>girls are herd mentality

who woulda thought

Smoked weed with a girl and her underage friend...
Nah I'm not much of an existentialist

Not the first time, but the first time I was aware of the happening

I think I might subconsciously be an immoral person.

What do you imagine doing back then besides dying of dysentery?

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Farming, maybe join a monastery and copy books. Rape, too.

*Dies at twelve

eyerolling @your life

i am too lonely
and i hate myself too

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great read. i’ve had similar thoughts to his.
what makes it hard for you to read?

Im ok

I cant think of a good design for my main antagonists
Its the only thing bugging me with my project

i think i'm getting better :) i'm reading more and have rekindled my desire to learn rather than just passively sit by

me too user

ego insanus sum

>Painting author

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i am the servant of every living human

please ignore everything i ever have to say

With my raw fucking intellect

Can't sleep. 1.5 hours until I can get up and cook myself some food. Urge to die absent, consumed by numb inert tedium. Abstract hunger in the chest, in the wrists. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

The drugs don't love me like you did.


Pretty good, m'man! Read 15 books so far this year, got a new position at my job because of organizational changes (some departments got scrapped/outsourced to slav countries lol) with a higher pay and loads of free time and I figure it's only about six months left before I finally get my very own apartment without having to rent it second-hand.

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Feeling great. All the shit that held me back I'm over and done with.


t. Novalis

i believe in metaphysical concepts, which is giving me a purpose and life still seems exciting from now. the best thing is that i cant be proven wrong, so i basically cheated life. i also have my own reasons to believe that, so its not just "it makes me feel good lol"

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powerfull stuff; men are also like that in their own ways; sometimes i feel like i'm a different species, inferior yet superior to those around me at the same time

No idea, maybe it's just my own retardation but sitting down to read is just uncomfortable, for lack of a better word. A few pages in and I feel like I just have to move or do something else, almost an unease. Then of course there's times where nothing I read sticks as if I didn't even read it, like I read thew words but no meaning has been attached. I usually set page quotas but if I miss a day then I'd completely forget and have an accidental hiatus.

I saw it on all the chart threads and suggestions so I decided to get it, about halfway though so far.

I finally fell in love, I thought I already knew how it feels, but god damn, never like this. I can‘t eat, sleep or think about anything else. Never in my whole life have I been so overwhelmed by my feelings. I have a feeling she also really likes me, everything just seems way too perfect.
Only problem is she has a boyfriend and they‘ve been together for 5 years and I‘m also in a relationship for 2 years. It would probably be better to just forget the whole thing but it‘s like I‘m completely losing control over my thoughts and actions. I just want to be with her, look at her, talk to her. I‘ve never felt such a desperate need to be with someone, I feel like I‘m going to fuck up the life of 4 people at once, but I don‘t know if I can stop myself, I‘m in a haze.

Post nut clarity thought:

Jacking off is the maximum expression of Carpe Diem.

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I need to start reading again. Otherwise, I'm completely fine besides feeling a bit guilty about my laziness.

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more like carpe mentulam

How can you learn to enjoy parties? I have no idea what I should I do. Like bars I can understand but this shit is weird.

Bad, literary theory test next week. My professor is really into poems and i'm fucking shitty in it. Fuck, i'm a brainlet when it comes to make test, too anxious

>literary theory test
what kind of questions are asked? i didn't study literature/humanities at uni and I've always been curious.

Less suicidal than usual.
Excellent taste.

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>no internet