>Pieces of story and memory slowly fit together.
Pieces of story and memory slowly fit together
>Mack Dennis was a homely, agreeable, sheepish man their age whose wife, Eleanor, was in Wyoming suing for divorce.
Come on, this shit can't serious.
>The negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal european women lusting after the african male.
Fuck Evola...
>Evan looked around hopelessly at the small cell, the heavy bars.
>And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once.
She hurried at his words, beset with fears,
For there were sleeping dragons all around,
At glaring watch, perhaps, with ready spears—
Down the wide stairs a darkling way they found.
>According to him, Dylan Thomas could be the most engaging and entertaining of men at a safe distance, but this turned out to be pretty far.
>Malekith outlined the next stage of his plan to his fellow prince, the Sapherian wizards alighted upon the smoking towers of the bridge and set free the bindings upon the huge drawbridges.
I'm confused.
"I understand. I'm trying to, at least."
>There was the most awful urgency to the way he said it.
Often a battalion or regiment was put together at pier side.
>"G. Wilson Knight says Shakespeare's sonnets express "the recognition in his adored boy of a bisexual strength-with-grace" and identifies this view Plato's, calling it "the seraphic intuition."
also epic
>Without you, I am lost.
>If a woman in her distress were to have the idea that she would give birth to a monstrosity or were to ponder just what would be born to her, she would have a certain similarity to you.
oof Kierk that hurts
>All in all, and without counting the informal connexions Browne, Hobbs and other military unveilers had with right-wing bodies, possibly one in four local memorials were unveiled by senior officers who were conservative politicians.
And the Prophet (S) bethrotted the camel.
Precision instruments, grinding tools, digging tools,
Mills, drills, and rotary devices!
Hey! hey! hey!
>"You are accused!" said the priest in a relatively lower tone. "Yes, i am aware of that".
Holy fuck.
>book doesnt have a page 206
>book has only 137 pages
>MY CHILD, if you place your peace in any creature because of your own feeling or for the sake of his company, you will be unsettled and entangled
The rain was incessant, it was cold and they carried a long time riding to the limits of the poor mare (I think this is the correct translation).
El asesinato de Pitágoras, Marcos Chicot.
> The emperor stalks angrily around the room, sniffing from his snuff box.
I have no idea how to interpret this.
>the game was tied and we all agreed that whoever scored next would win
Source: some shitty autobiography from Bill Clinton that my girlfriend unfortunately owns now. By the way I fucking laughed my ass off.
Gongs and drums,
banners and flags,
are the ears and eyes
of the army.
Try harder.
That is related to your gf in more than one way.
>Your suspicions are right, though your terrors are unfounded.
Help me interpret this
All I've got is "I am angry at my lack of a love life, and will resort to the use of legal stimulants."
>Bonus pirozhki are distributed to a brigade.
i wish
Her ass does stink, but you're going to love eating it anyway
Don’t go gentle into that good night, basically.
Fortunately, I still have the letter he wrote in reply, addressed to the 'stud. mus. Gustav Kubizek'.
stud mustard?
Student of music?
Shestov said of Chekhov, a great creator of novellas: "There can be practically no doubt that Chekhov exerted himself, and something broke inside him.
>But why is the line of flight, even aside from the danger it runs of reverting to one of the other two lines, imbued with such singular despair in spite of its message of joy, as if at the very moment things are coming to a resolution its undertaking were threatened by something reaching down to its core, by a death, a demolition?
>R: 0
Of course not. Literal fucking bigcocked STUD is meant.
That is not a sentence illiterate. Stop trying to be extra special.
>The Program should be nondeterministic if the maximum value occurs more than once in b.
>Let L:V->V be a linear map of a finite dimensional vector space into itself, so L is an operator.
any advice anons?
>And now there came another dwarf bearing light to greet him, and they spoke together, and passed swiftly down into the darkness of the cave; but Turin followed after, and came at length to a chamber far within, lit by dim lamps hanging upon chains.
Stop being so one-dimensional in your love life.
L = love
V = vagen
V->V = lesbianism
>'Oh, he must be taught a lesson so that it doesn't happen again!'
Uttered with total disgust by the father of the elementary schooler you touched.
"He's a man who takes real pride in his work and he has all kinds of good knives."
Literally Mengele.
>Nonsense, she's laughing at me.
>"On the other hand, Hermippus tells us that when Aesion, a contemporary of Demosthenes, was asked his opinion of the ancient orators as compared with the moderns, he said that anyone who heard the orators of the past must admire the decorum and the dignity of their manner, but that when we read Demosthenes' speeches, we must admit that they are superior in their construction and more powerfully in their effect."
what the fuck Plutarch
>The Inspector He Tao left the court with the signed order and went into a private chamber to discuss matters with a number of his men.
This nigga calling me a gay slut wtf
>to love, to dream, to feel, to learn, to understand - all these are possible to me if only I may be relieved from willing.
jersey genisis by henry charlton beck, got it from all the leftover books nobody wanted when my momom finally died
yes, im from joisey, i say momom like a hick. fagettaboutit
>But you got to find it.
not enough, ill add one more
>And there's always work if that is what you want."
not actually helpful, fuck you op
You're a real operator. Congratulations.
Johnny and his brother should receive symbols of love and kindness but, instead, they learn that Mom and Dad must be pushed, squeezed, and coerced into giving.
v& incoming
what the fuck
pg 206 is just an list of learning objectives for the following chapter
>Snow-Balls have flown their Arcs, starr'd the Sides of Outbuildings, as of Cousins, carried Hats away into the brisk Wind off Delaware,-- the Sleds are brought in and their Runners carefully dried and greased, shoes deposited in the back Hall, a stocking'd-foot Descent made upon the great Kitchen, in a purposeful Dither since Morning, punctuated by the ringing Lids of Boilers and Stewing-Pots, fragrant with Pie-Spices, peel'd Fruits, Suet, heated Sugar,-- the Children, having all upon the Fly, among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon, coax'd and stolen what they might, proceed, as upon each afternoon all this snowy December, to a comfortable Room at the rear of the House, years since given over to their carefree Assaults.
That's not from page 206
>In Such instances of rhythmic displacement and changes in the accentuation,where the meter is often nothing more than than a method of counting, it sometimes happens that the six-four chord comes on the weak part of the measure.
I guess I have orgies with a good sense of rhythm and moan in 4 part harmony.
Stopped and awful as a photograph of somebody laughing,
But ten years dead.
From Sylvia Plath's "The Babysitters"
Actually pretty good.
fuck me, i'm all retarded.
>And that's how these miserable situations arise,-- in particular between fathers and sons.
>Watching a fully clothed girl showering in an open air trough shower, I teased him about being a pervert, but then a second girl appeared, and then a third.
- My diary desu
>He tries to save time, and yet he is eager to kill the time he has saved.
>The public key represents your identity for incoming connections to your account.
I don't know how I feel about this.
>The passage of the Danube at Donauwerth and Ingolstadt in 1805 was a very similar operation.
problem heayah?
>It was along this very street that I passed one day and saw a man lying on the sidewalk.
Perhaps I should get tested.
>It's like the intoxication keeps your tattoo-type-class person from being able to project his imagination past the adrenaline of the impulse and even consider the permanent consequences that are producing the buzz of excitement
>Ultimately, I suppose all Oriental mysticism can be reduced to techniques that do the same thing, but in a far more subtle and advanced fashion: and if that is true, it is not mysticism at all.
Chaste and Breadpilled
>This suggests that he was seen as a nuisance and likely to alienate their royal mistress, rather than as a hero standing up against an authoritarian government.
Fuck me
>There is a poor German boy with a foot that will not heal and secondary syphilis, who comes here for treatment.
No homo though.
>Oh to hell with it all!
>She playfully tugged the captain's ear.
Am I cucked?
>Amongst us, on the other hand, our harlequins imitate all that is good to degrade it and bring it into ridicule; knowing their own baseness they to to equal what is better than they are, or if they strive to imitate what they admire, their bad taste appears in their choice of models, they would rather deceive others or win applause for their own talents than become wiser or better.
Perfect imperative: very rare in either middle or passive
From Athenaze Book II. Quite interesting
>Amid the unnatural shower, a few hungry ravens struggled with the gale; but no sooner was the green ocean of woods, which stretched beneath them, passed, than they gladly stooped, at random, to their hideous banquet.
>so Lichas, hurled away / By those gigantic shoulders through the void, / Blood-drained by fear, all living moisture lost, / The old tale tells, was turned to flinty rock
What does it mean?
>It's like the intoxication keeps your tattoo-type-class person from being able to project his imagination past the adrenaline of the impulse and even consider the permanent consequences that are producing the buzz of excitment.
kinda makes sense
haha gay
>"If Jupiter would only give me back
>the years that passed, let me be as I was
>when I cut down the foremost ranks beneath
>Praeneste's very walls - when, as a victor,
>I burned their heaped-up shields, with this right hand
>sent down to Tartarus King Erulus
>to whom at birth Feronia, his mother,
>gave three lives and - how terrible to tell -
>three sets of weapons for his use: three times
>he had to be cut down by death; and yet
>this right hand robbed him then of all his lives
>and stripped him of as many suits of armor."
Badass passage but if it means my best years are behind me that's pretty sad.
>We note that in chemistry every body extends its power as far as it is able
>If I have shrunk unequal from one contest, the joy I find in the rest becomes mean and cowardly.
-The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well, I've failed in at least one relationship. This bodes poorly.
"well, what does happen?"
Wouldnt i like to know inherent vice. Wouldnt i like to know
On the other hand, I see that Amadís of Gaul, without losing his find and without performing mad acts, achieved as much fame as a lover as anyone else; because what he did, according to his history, was simply that finding himself scorned by his lady Oriana, who had ordered him to blablablabla fucking hell this is a longass sentence
>William stayed quiet for a moment, while he raised towards the light the lens he was carving. He lowered it towards the table and showed me, through the lens, an instrument that was over it.
Trying to get better at translating.
>I was only trying to let him know as transparently as I could how what he was doing was directly affecting at least one person—me.
Damn guess I’m gay now boys
"Note that we have a premium bond for the case of (a), with the price higher than the redemption value."
>She did not approve of grass.
"But as we can apply to it none of the conceptions of our understanding, the representation is for us quite void, and is available only for the indication of the limits of our sensuous intuition, thereby leaving at the same time an empty space, which we are competent to fill by the aid neither of possible experience, nor of the pure understanding."
You're a fucking magician, OP.
>In June 1573 Bartolomeo Bruti sent a Petition to the government of Venice.
Should I send a formal petition to my crush? Bartolomeo's succeeds.
>I called upon the bard Kinch at his summer residence in upper Mecklenburgh street and found him deep in the study of the Summa contra Gentiles in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the coalquay whore.
>The Wind begun to rock the Grass
I'm in awe at this gnosis lads
Memphis therefore was practically isolated from the balance of the command.
sample apa page s
Sample APA list of references
Wellness program proposal 3
2.Hall.B.(2006). Good Health pays off! Fundimentals of Health Promotion Incentives. Journal of deferred Compensation 11(2) 16-26 retrieved from....
what does this mean anons?
>I am in the process of divorce from my wife, who lives in Paris, and who claims that I have immoral relations with Rimbaud.
Sounds about right.
>By means of such reasons even people of experience and capable of doing things in action can be caught out by those with no capacity for architectonic or practical thinking.
>Few popular movements in the medieval world seem to have inspired greater fear among the ruling classes of this era or more seriously challenged the very basis of the social order than this "shepherds' crusade."
>He said with dignity: "I beg of you to be more careful as to what you say."
I wish she was posting tonight :3
>Until the eighteenth century, the European idea of childhood "was bound up with the idea of dependence: the words 'sons,' 'valets,' and 'boys,' were also words in teh vocabulary of feudal subordination.
This is very accurate, the book has less than 200 pages, so...
>of a foreigner you may exact it, but whatever of yours is with your brother your hand shall release.
Incest is bad I guess
>For a cell to respond normally to an extracellular signal, it must have mechanisms for turning off the signal-transduction pathway when the initial signal is no longer present
Or if you limit to fiction
>However, the loss of this adornment, taken from him by Hercules, was the only humiliation Achelous suffered: in all other respects he was unhurt, and he concealed his loss by wearing on his head a wreath of willow leaves, or of reeds.
If we limit to philosophy
>THEAETETUS: Yes, these too; in these, above all, I think the soul examines their being in comparison with one another.
>In E.T.A Hoffmans "The Sandman", for instance, the protagonist Nathaniel discovers that the too perfect girl to whom he proposed marriage is really just an automaton.
>killing men who are your own fellow citizens, executing them on the most paltry of charges, even killing children!
What did my love life mean by this
>Even when they love you, it's as if they hated you...
Sounds good
>ROSINE (slumping into his arms): Ah!
>Ineffective oversight of the financial reporting process by the entity's audit committee
This does not sound good...
Shucks. And I had just gotten my racism under control
>Ineffective oversight of the financial reporting process by the entity's audit committee
You didn't give your ho enough money to buy dresses, she found out you had more money than you said and she's leaving you
good luck bro
Im still not sure on mine's meaning
“Bravo! That’s frank, at any rate!”
B-based Doestoevsky
>The artists who see how much this man has overcome the difficulties of painting kneel down before him. He is their god.
>"So much the better!"
Thanks Dostoyevski
>Dostoyevski out here saving people's love lives
On either side the earth looked turned and plowed, massed with clods.
“I will pay it,” said the mother. “I have eighty francs.”
I am like an ignorant fool deluded by the goblin known as the ego-sense which creates the false feeling "I am so-and-so".
>The Victim is a sacramental one, enclosed in that world where effect is produced through signs.
>"Kept her voice up to the very last."
>From the following day onwards, the affair was on the front pages of the newspapers - not only in Spain, but also in Europe,and soon the rest of the world.
well alright
>Alle großen Persönlichkeiten der Antike bilden eine Gruppe für sich, deren seelischer Habitus von dem aller großen Menschen der arabischen oder abendländischen Gruppe streng unterschieden ist.
>Blank Page
Well that's accurate tho
>In other words, for realism humanity is more real and is of higher value than the individual man.
What does it mean?
>After a string of shattering defeats in India and Canada, the French, too, lost interest in pursuing further a war whose objectives now seemed strangely irrelevant.
i just watched this series on amazon, i forgot what it was called, even though i literally paid money to watch three "movies (series? idk)" of it. didn't know it was a book, i'd have figured it was a manga?
>When I found Misaki, what should I say to her?
I don't want to have a body anymore, desu.
Stop biting your fingernails, Vlad
I know, but sometime I do this without even realization that I'm doing it until I feel pain or there's blood.
>He was probably in his early thirties, but this was nothing unusual in this age of ambitious young men
Haha yeah ambition, that's why
>"Dieses Verhältnis mit dem König und die ausgezeichnete Gnade, deren er genoß, erregten ihm Feinde und Neider."
>This relationship with the king and the extraordinary grace he enjoyed summoned enemies and the envious upon him.
Thanks, Schiller
What do you think i do?
From american psycho
No the Monogatari series started as a Novel
"And she looked at me closely"
"Yes, rare enough, dear; we do have the most unaccountably strange weather."
Fuck me, it's true. My love life is rare enough as it is, almost inexistent.
>It must be admitted that Virtue is an exception here on earth, and so it was excluded from the Naturalist framework.
>There is, in fact, a joy that is immanent to desire as though desire were filled by itself and its contemplations, a joy that implies no lack or impossibility and is not measured by pleasure since it is what distributes intensities of pleasure and prevents them from being suffused by anxiety, shame, and guilt. In short, the masochist uses suffering as a way of constituting a body without organs and bringing forth a plane of consistency of desire. That there are other ways, other procedures than masochism, and certainly better ones, is beside the point; it is enough that some find this procedure suitable for them.
>The preist's superiors had done nothing but suggest he contact some organization.
Well then.
>I look at the man and ask, 'What sort of silly prank is this? Who is this letter from?'
"Whether someone finds it easy or difficult to learn. Would you expect anyone to have the right kind of passion for anything if doing it causes him distress and even small progress with it costs him a lot of effort?"
Damn that's not that far off
>110.bier, the stand on which a coffin, or dead body, is carried or placed
>As if asking for protection, he looked at his mother
oh boy
>Our major interest in Lie algebras and Lie groups in in their relation to classical mechanics.
What did the author mean by this?
Keats Poetical Works
Best in the thread.
>how now! are you sadder than you were before? how do you, man? the music likes you not.
Indeed this passion for a phrase of music seemed, for a time, to open up before Swann the possibility of a sort of rejuvenation."
Not sure what this means
I fucked that post up
It's ok.
Closest book to me is a German dictionary.
Fallbeil, n. (~(e)s, ~e) - guillotine
Explains a lot desu.
it's from Ulysses
¡Ay amigo mío, qué calamidad inconmensurable, qué sino atroz!
>”And yet this licentiousness—which, if practised in one’s home, could only be done there in secret—was practiced as a public lesson in the temple; and if any modesty remained in men, it was occupied in marveling that wickedness which men could not unrestrainingly commit should be part of the religious teachings of the gods, and that to omit its exhibition should incur the anger of the gods”
Wait a minute. I thought this one was from Ulysses (Oxford University Press)
>There is no doubt and no matching name
No matching name as in Im dying alone? Please help me out here
You're gonna marry a stripper
I’m blaming Augustine for that. I mean’t to pick up Summa Theologica but I accidentally got City of God instead and flipped to 206 without realizing it. Now my dreams of being chaste and pure are wholly shattered
idk different edition maybe
>"To the Prefecture of Police at Paris".
>An obvious implication is that if we had bodies with significantly different physiological structures, for example exoskeletons rather than endoskeletons or unilateral rather than bilateral symmetries, the schema underlying pervasive metaphoric networks would also be radically altered.
Wondering what this means for my love life, lol
Based Kempis poster.
Ayylmaos should be careful around you
>And she started going home.
>suppose we have a tomato defined with...
>For the even later prose novels not even the wed, Parsifal, who lives a wordly life suffices, the Gaal needs a virginal knight Galahad, the prince of the Far Islands.
>Fine, I have faith in you, and you don't have faith in me.
what did Epictetus mean by this?
'When the party was dead, they stuck his carcass all over with flowers, and after carried him to the place appointed for burial, where, setting him down (the priest having given some godly exhortations concerning the frailty of life), then do they take stones (a heap being provided there for that purpose) and the nearest of the kin lays the first stone upon him.'
>Doesn’t there have to be some sort of accountability in a matter of such importance?
It really is the Jews / illumninati / lizard people but don't worry, they're the good guys :)
In living creations appear'd
In the flames of eternal fury.
>The Transnistrian variant of the wooden language is best reflected in Petru Chior, people's commissar for education in the Moldovan SSR.
laffin at all the illiterate retards who probably picked the book closest to them and not closet to them
>Faust sieht immerfort in den Spiegel
Translation: "Faust looks constantly in the mirror."
This does not bade well.
>he began to descend into the ravine and was met by some senior officers, including the staff officer and Zherkov
T-thanks war and peace
*bode well
"From that time forward the four of them have been inseparable."
>Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months.
>Break, O my brothers, break this new tablet too.
Volceldom it is then, thanks Zarathustra
> The first of my foremast hands is a great, surly, raw-boned, ignorant Prussian, who is so timid aloft that the mate has frequently been abolished to do his duty there.
From a book about boats
>What the devil’s the matter with me?
>the bodies had to be exceedingly fresh, or the slight decomposition of the brain tissue would render perfect reanimation impossible.
pretty accurate
It only have 106 pages. wtf
>As soon as Bryson's body disappeared, the hallway became silent once more.
10. Q-K8, ch, Q-Kt1; 11. Q-Q7 and, on account of the bad position of his Knight, Black has no means of preventing the further advance of the pawn.
>He thinks you have a secret. I think the same
>Thomas has not proceeded far before he has brought in consideration of the perfect happiness attainable only in the next life, this happiness consisting principally in the vision of God, though it also includes, of course, satisfaction of the will, while other goods, such as the society of friends, contribute to the bene esse of beatitude, though no good save God is necessary for happiness.
Of course, the rule-book could attempt to list a specific rule for every eventuality, but this leads to a game which the rules must constantly be referred to and in which everyone is restrained by a rule on every action.
Man that explains a lot.
Stop reading booklets.
Sisphyus: In gloomie vapours made them vanish quite
and the walls of Jericho shall fall.
Moreover, see whether he has placed the genus inside the species, e.g. by taking contact to be essentially continuity, or mixture essentially fusion, or, as in Plato’s definition, change of place to be locomotion.
>Come, we will all put forth, body and goods.
Thanks, Shakespeare
>Inteligent conversations, and Mijail Averianych listens carefully and nods:
Pretty accurate
"That is good, Eryximachus," said Alcibiades; "and yet the comparison of a drunken man's speech with those of sober men is hardly fair; and I should like to know, sweet friend, whether you really believe what Socrates was just now saying: for I can assure you that the very reverse is the fact, and that if I praise anyone but himself in his presence, whether God or man, he will hardly keep his hands off me."
>"For shame," said Socrates.
He tried to concentrate his mind, tried to envisage a really lifelike dragon.
The colour of magic
Fuck it got me really good there.
>Do not be afraid, the woman whispered silently
fine's basic endings?
>specious present: an extended period of time surrounding the actual present which it is sometimes claimed is, in some sense, given as present
does this mean I'm claiming love that isn't present?
tarrasch - the game of chess
So you've dropped the drawbridges, what's the next phase of your master plan?
I don't want her here.
>Johnson joined the men changing their clothes.
>Before the end of 757 Offa had driven Beornred into excile; but the confederacy which Æthelbald had found fell to pieces on his death, and for the first seven years of his reign Offa seems to have possessed little, if any, power outside Mercia and its dependencies in the southern midlands.
>In other words, gradual emancipation usually limited the economic losses suffered by slaveholders to a relatively small fraction of the value of their slaves.
Without Consent or Contract (1994 ed.)
>tfw no slave gf
>There were foreigners traveling with the Israelites.
>When a tow truck from the auto club gets here, the front desk girl needs to go out to meet it, so I tell her, sure, I'll watch her desk.
>In the quiet grayness of the gravity tank, a faint moaning cry.
Sure why not.
>Lord, Sir, I wonder what that's to you!
>That's what he was, and that's what he is.
> They just hurried on, eyes fixed on the path ahead and glancing neither left or right.
>1st three books I pick up, less than 200 pages, no 206.
explains a lot.
Then this. "This evening, the atmosphere, the surroundings, lulled out vigilance."
adjective, unhappy, causing misery
>So that not the fierce-fanged tiger in his heraldic coat can so stagger courage as the white-shrouded bear or shark.
What did he mean by this?
>Scared witless (or worse)... Terror on the highways.
Thanks Jean Raspail
>...be forced to it; for, whereas it brought on them nothing but shame, there would have been less of it had they managed things differently.
>If I had fallen seriously ill, if I had been captured by brigands, convinced that my father's understanding with the supreme powers was too complete, that his letters of introduction to the Almighty were too irresistible for my illness or captivity to turn out to be anything but vain illusions, in which no danger actually threatened me, I should have awaited with perfect composure the inevitable hour of my return to comfortable realities, of my deliverance from bondage or restoration to health; and perhaps this lack of genius, this black cavity which gaped in my mind when I ransacked it for the theme of my future writings, was itself no more than an insusbstantial illusion, and would vanish with the intervention of my father, who must have agreed with the Government and with Providence that I should be the foremost writer of the day.
>procedure as fascinating as any merry game of chance.
Remembrance Rock by Carl Sandburg
Thus demandeth my great love to the remotest ones; be not considerate of thy neighbor! Man is something to be surpassed.
Some plaintiffs claimed the sale of guns constitutes a public nuisance, while others sought to recover on product liability theories or claims that the manufacturers had been negligent in failing to incorporate safety features into their products.
i am curious about emotions
>El Solitario, rondador invisible de la joven, simula (con notoria injusticia) creer que su nombre es Mnasidika, la portuguesa.
>The Loner, invisible stalker of the girl, pretends (with notorious injustice) to believe that her name is Mnasidika, the Portuguese.
I can't really grasp what I'm being told here.
>I thank you, anyway, for letting me stay here a little longer
>They worshiped an idol of their own, which they had named Baphomet.
Anime waifu literally confirmed as satan.
> If two pointers to objects of the same type are subtracted, the result is a signed integral value representing the displacement between the pointed-to objects; pointers to successive objects differ by 1.
... pretty accurate, I guess.
>Recall from Chapter 3 that a bond is a security sold by governments and corporations to raise money from investors as part of the bond certificate, which indicates the amounts and dates of all payments to be made.
What does this mean?
>Borde ha kommit på det själv
This means you have absolutely no love life.
"A female snake comports herself tenderly and insinuatingly, speaking with a human voice"
w-what does this mean anons
>"No-ride thy mule,lead thine ass; I am surer on mine own feet, and will walk."
>nitrogen-fixer creates an array that maximizes beneficial interactions and minimizes the negative.
>11.18.2 at table, in bed, and so on: See note on 10.13.
>my good fellow, please lend us assistance.
>Alexey Alexandrovitch took no
interest in the race, and so he did not watch the racers, but
fell listlessly to scanning the spectators with his weary eyes.
>tfw it's true
>He asks if a relation is related to its terms.
>I.e. the importance of “Bluffing” lies not in the actual play, played against a good player, but in the protection it provides against the opponent’s potential deviations from the good strategy.
Oh god
>We have yet to prove that the equality signs apply simultaneously in both equations and that this is true if and only if f(s) is identically constant.
I'm not sure what to think about this
>He twisted a single switch inside it.
What did he mean by this?
>The skirt she grasped in one hand was being extended to Yukinoshita.
>In the building.
w-what building?
storage, cupboards, and everywhere doors and tunnels branched off.
_____________________________________________________________________. Here,
too, at this lower level, were well-defined kitchens with long marble-topped
tables and huge stone shelves, massive pantries, every surface spotlessly
Setting : Answer : Context : My Take
A kitchen boy paradise maintained invisibly by slaves.
>The narrator cannot even go to the wall to try his luck at bringing it down.
Damn. Sucks to suck.
an invitation to listen and listen again, to trust their own pure inner voice and step beyond the shadow self to place a possibility, an album cleveland music journalist chris akin called "a hard rock record for the thinking man"
O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.
>The day after Mulheren quit Spear Leeds, he had gotten a call at home from Boesky.
What is a cave mans love story to his own ego before population and civilization hindered his omnipotence.
the George W. Bush administration, speaking about the competition between traditional index funds and smart beta. "I am placing my bets with Bogle on this one." (He was right.)
(John C. Bogle inventor of the index fund)
(smart beta, presumably me)
she glanced at the iron box
>Trying to tell a woman about your intrusive rape fantasies.
except niggers are fuck ugly and white men are the most desired races by all women
They departed from Rephidim and camped in the Sinai Desert. They moved then from the Sinai to the Graves of lust.
Dammit Deuteronomy
>kingbirds are aggressive open country flycatchers with almost horizontal posture.
A good time to start a book club.
I have to say looking at the overleaf that those kingbirds are pretty damn sexy. Hope it's a good sign
parenting for dummies
Well, looks like my love life really is nonexistent.
10.13 in the streets 11.18.2 in the sheets
>Yet at that instant, humbled and alert in their look, they were lit by one tiny human point, the window of a shriveled soul, poignant and selfembittered.
This is my love life? Fuck. I'm fucked. At least I'll be miserable with a deep understanding of the other.
>"Who's going to get molly out of there?
This has so many fun implications.
WW1 engaged all world powers including the US which joined the war in 1917.
it's a book about fashion
Case stared. “I don’t understand you guys at all” -Neuromancer
>opened a book
>what it said was boring
>opened another book
>what it said was boring
>opened another book
>what it said was boring
>opened another book
>didnt like what it said either
>In just a few moments, another three of them couldn't bear it and fell down almost dead
"All the oxen for the burnt offering were twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first year twelve, with their meat offering: and the kids of the goats for sin offering twelve."
what does it mean
>He moved away from the door
But what does it mean?
Apart from the doctor’s young wife, they were reduced
almost exclusively that season (for all that Mme Verdurin
herself was a thoroughly virtuous woman who came of a
respectable middle-class family, excessively rich
and wholly undistinguished, with which she had gradually
and of her own accord severed all connection) to a young
woman almost of the demi-monde, a Mme de Crécy, whom
Mme Verdurin called by her Christian name, Odette, and
pronounced a “love,” and to the pianist’s aunt, who looked as
though she had, at one period, “answered the door”: ladies
quite ignorant of society, who in their naïvety had so easily
been led to believe that the Princesse de Sagan and the
Duchesse de Guermantes were obliged to pay large sums of
money to other poor wretches in order to have anyone at their
dinner-parties, that if somebody had offered to procure them
an invitation to the house of either of those noblewomen, the
concierge and the cocotte would have contemptuously
Right, cheers Proust.
amazing pic
holy fuck...... i speak swedish.....
>They are popular in the cooking of Shanghai and Vietnam and now appear in our markets.
Weird; I don't own an east asian sex slave.
From lysis: really wanted and loved
Who df is it talking bout rreeeeee. Mom surely
"He killed her when she was at her most beautiful, before she had a chance to grow ugly; killed her without pain... just as the stories said."
Should I be happy or not?
"You already cost me one job; do you want me to lose this one too?"
>I was utterly ashamed of you.
> strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a simple form of government
> /pol/cel cope
Have sex.
Literally a fucking blank page lmao. Cambridge version of Human all Too Human
>Above: Leafcutter bees make good pollinators of the Copiapoa cacti. Chile
Major activities of fall management include-
>preparing colonies to overwinter
>determining varroa mite level
>making sure colonies have young, productive queens
>checking for diseases and giving preventative medications if needed
>ensuring colonies are of proper size for normal cluster behavior
>providing protective measures from winter weather
>protecting colonies from pests
>ensuring venting of moisture from colonies
>I leaned my head out of the window.
>But the courtesies had to be.
I asked Mr. Forsati if he was going to see Tarkovsky.
Its a long one
>pero la maestra campesina que como un henchido vaso trae el alma hecha para dar ambrosía de toda eternidad, no se desvanece ni se embriaga con el incienso del trofeo y de la palma
Translates to something like this
>but the peasant teacher who, like a swollen glass, carries her soul made to give ambrosia for all eternity, does not fade or get drunk with the incense of the trophy and the palm
The book is Cartas de Amor y Desamor, by Gabriela Mistral
>Scarlett vaguely remembered two ladies of those names who came from Atlanta to Tara to attend her wedding and she remembered that they were Miss Pittypat’s best friends.
>It took a great deal of thought, feeling and sheer hard work, and about six months of his time.
> but it was too far to make anything out
"Like Marcel and Louis, Rambert was stripped to the wait." lol i like it
Post body
>Mr. Kim: How about having a glass of liquor
> Mr. Taylor had begun to compile a *flora* accompanied by a *hortus siccus*, but both stayed on high shelves dusty and fragmentary
-Arthur Machen.
Well wtf...
What if its a notes page?
>THEAETETUS: Yes, these too; in these, above all, I think the soul examines their being in comparison with one another.
It sounds a lot more optimistic when divorced from context. Good thing I'm happily married. and cheating on my wife with a college student
New Oxford Annotated Bible, 4th Edition
>(6)And he said, "Hear my words: When there are prophets among you, I the LORD make myself known to them in visions; I speak to them in dreams."
already knew that I'm a socially anxious pile of spaghetti, no need to tell me I'm never going to actually attempt to speak to my crushes
>Aragon's overseas territories suffered not only from the Black Death, but also from the social ills that had wracked the heartland.
Not looking too good over here
>'I had no idea we were anywhere near the place!' said Pippin.
I'm not sure how to apply this to my love life.
>Our investigation makes clear that the question of the kind of being of truth also necessarily belongs to the question of the "essence" of truth.
she wrote me for years,
"I'm drinking wine in the kitchen
Love is a Dog From Hell. No memes, makes no sense. sorry op
>The Art of War + Commentary
oh god oh fuck
>"On deadly terrain he must battle."
How should I interpret this? Wil my gf kill me?
> A value of any integral type may be subtracted from a pointer, and then the same conversions and conditions as for addition apply.
This is definitely a good omen of things to come.
It is perhaps at this juncture that the question "What does it mean?"
begins to be heard, and that problems of exegesis prevail over problems
of use and efficacy.
damn..... got me thinkin lit
quick and dirty translation:
Once an old fart fell head over heels for me; he was long, skinny, hairy, yellow, half-rotten and wrinkled.
>I will sir and hurry for gods sake
>If we consider that reality as cause (be it sensation, be it another phaenomenic reality, of a change, let's say), we call moment to the degree of reality as a cause; for example, the moment of gravity,
>It is better to go down than to go up
>Below is an acacia branch with seven sprigs, signifying the life centers of the superior and the inferior man.
have fun eating pussy faaaaaag
>One of ye, and let's have a taste.
To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, Ill-treatment, indignities - I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished.
Well, suit yourself whoever is going to be part of my love life
not if you kill her first
But seriously, it seems like you have to fight her in something you can hardly win, which if you lose will be "deadly" . Like childsupport or some other divorce stuff
>dont get married user
I hope you die in an unexpected way that doesn't leave you time to repent, ensuring your afterlife to be spent in hell. (I'm basically assured to die a slow death leaving me time to repent for this thought)
>An hour later Claude Lebel emerged from the conference room dazed and bewildered.
Does this mean sex with a hot office lady? Please, God, I beg of you, let it mean sex with a hot office lady.
>It's the good ship Robert E Lee that's come to carry the cotton away