What to read now?

So i have read the greeks. What now?

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you should probably reread the greeks. it's all downhill from here

Sign up for a grindr account and experience the Greek lifestyle

just come up with your own philosophy

you're now ready to trace the course of european philosophy from first principles

Shut fuck up fashion loving faghot

What Greek have you read?

Harry Potter

Next is the Romans.

After that: Smith, Hobbes, Rousseau, Paine, and Hume, for now.

Now focus on poetry and dab on the philoso-cucks

+ Locke.

>no aquinas
>hume before descartes



Seek a psychiatrist to help you forget reading the Greeks and unironically restart with Wittgenstein

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I mean, I'm biased, but so is everyone else itt

Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza... Cicero, Maimonides... never read Montaigne myself but probably should

read Latin translations of the Greeks

So, you haven’t read any Greeks

The Bible and Marie Kondo.

Even leucippe and clitophon?

Resume with the Romans.

Yea Forums

>he actually fell for the meme
Good job user