Why are the Austrians so based?

Why are the Austrians so based?

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it's basically the patrician version of Germany

Attached: GustavMeyrink.jpg (568x320, 42K)

Bohemians (Prague and such) are cool too

Attached: DlZCoF8WsAAZQQb.jpg (1200x1141, 255K)

They are the Ireland of the Germanic speaking countries except they are also better than Ireland

A masterful analogy

No German genes. they're all practically slav/hungarian. Only true blood Germans were nobility that divided the land in the 10th century, and inforced language on the peasant population. Everything later with Habsburgs on top was so meshed up that you'd have trouble finding any german blood in them. It's ironic, though, that you find the harshest nationalists amongst them even today.


not massacred by two world wars, same with the 19th century, their mainland have been unravaged

Name the authors in your OP, cause I don't recognize all of them. Actually, the only ones I recognize are Musil, Rilke, Witty, and Hoffsmanthal. Bottom middle and top right look familiar, tho

Joseph Roth is missing.

bernhard, broch, kraus, zweig, trakl

op here this guy looks pretty based what are his best works?

Nothing based about Wittgenstein. Just an autistic failed engineer with a knack for logic.

Milk is for the pussy

where to start?


> no Jelinek

Name all the guys in this photo please and thanks OP :)


literally every austrian writer

>no Weininger

>9 Nietzsche wannabes

The Radetzky March. It's like the late-Habsburg Austria's military ethos in a book (for the artistic and societal one you should read Schnitzler). Something about the episodes really stick with you and the almost unnoticeable modernist touch on what is largely a fairly slim realist narrative has a transformative effect. Plus you'll never be able to listen to the actual Radetzky March song the same ever again

The two largest Nietzsche wannabes (and composer, Strauss is the definition of Nietzschean music) are actually German though

Attached: mannhesse.jpg (600x434, 62K)

hesse's interpretation of nietzsche wasn't good

will check out thx

Hitler is missing.

no he isnt i made a serious high iq non meme list

all trash

>non meme list
>Bill Maher is on the top right

filename my dude

start and finish with Musil

how good is hermann broch?

It is strange, the first time I saw Thomas Bernhard's picture and knowing he wrote a book called "The Loser" I instantly thought he was an American author. That really can't be further from the truth though, the most alienating and spiteful of American works maybe apart from Burroughs and Gass come nothing close to literally every page Bernhard ever wrote. He just has that face

less germanic blood

>they're all practically slav/hungarian
Nah, Austrians are celts with a little bit of slav.

i must have a lot of germanic blood then