>sublime in the philosophical sense
When, where and how have you experienced the sublime?
>Recommended books that five you a feeling of the sublime
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Your experiences of the sublime
I had a near-death experience that altered my personality. I turned over in a kayak and nearly drowned. After blacking out, I experienced strange visions and ineffable sensations. If any event in my life deserves the label of "sublime," it's that one.
Absalom, Absalom! is a book that has traces of the sublime. It's unlike anything else I've ever read.
In perfect conditions i can feel the immortality when hearing the 9th symphony
when the chorus begin i start laughing and crying and the same time
There's no sublime.
Gospel of John
Teared up when I came to this by myself.
Frankenstein is my book choice. .
the bible desu
reading 'The Opposing Shore' by Gracq was for me equivalent to swimming through a warm jasmine-scented pool lit by candles at night while tripping on acid while getting a blowjob underwater
define "the sublime"
did you read it in translation
>chase enlightenment for a decade
>practice asceticism
>grow as a person and as a soul
>genuinely catch glimpses of truth, and have near-religious epiphanies about the platonic unity of the True, the Good, the Beautiful
>jot down hundreds of notes for a lifelong spiritual quest after the seat of my own soul and the key to the logos
>walking around somberly contemplating dianoia one afternoon
>see one pretty girl
post notes
minecraft is sublime
yes, the one by Richard Howard
There's a small, rural cemetery about 4 miles from my house. I was out for a walk, apparently during last year's lunar eclipse, and passed it. It was filled with fireflies. Absolutely the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I even wrote a poem about it, because I am a faggot.
post the poem you fucking faggot
Post it.
Where is that?
My most profound experience was hiking up most of the way up the Storr on the Isle of Skye. I was stupid, doing it sleep deprived, without preparation, overdressed and with no water but it was an incredible experience. I wish I had made it all the way but I was feeling woozy and decided to be safe; I was so tired I almost walked into traffic later in the day.
Just thinking about it now makes me desperate to go back or see something else that magnificent in nature. The English Romanticists were absolutely right about the sublime, quasi-religious power of nature.
post it, coward
Long distance running past midnight and nobody in the whole town is awake. I can't put the feel into words.
Tobacco shop by Pessoa is 100% sublime and I'm sure you'll enjoy it even in translation
slightly related question: is the numinous identical to the sublime? maybe someone who knows a bit of aesthetics can anwer to this
my suspicion is that "sublime" implies an unambiguously positive, or placid experience. like an encounter with the ineffable of a loving or paternal kind.. .whereas "numinous" involves other ineffables: the completely alien, the unexpected encounters with the skeletons of reality. if u know what I mean
Waking up early on an October morning next to a girl that I loved with a passion after we furiously made out for the entire night. The golden light of autumn on her skin while she was peacefully asleep was the most intense experience of the sublime for me.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Parzival, and The Girl Maitreyi.
What's the girl maitreyi? Who is the author? I tried searching
Just read what the philocucks have to say about aesthetics you absolute cock frying faggot
disregard this post
>his most sublime experiences are related somehow to the acts of frivolous sex
Like you I associate the sublime with the unambiguously positive or affirming, and also with the Pleroma, that place or source of fullness in the cosmology of Kabbalah. (Bloom frequently associates the Pleroma with the phrase "more life in a time without boundaries", and with transcendence in a mode that is equally Emersonian and Falstaffian.) For me the immediate provocation is usually lush and soaring music, when the mood and situation are ripe for the richest reflection I can sustain, often combined with a very "in the moment" savoring of natural beauty in parallel. (It's one lifelong habit or approach to the aesthetic Goethe would have recommended, had the tech for it been available to him.) Its antithesis, in that scheme of things, is the Kenoma, or vacancy in which we wander alone and forlorn, which in turn I associate with the numinous, though rather more loosely. In a rather good but now neglected book by Martin Gardner called The Whys Of A Philosophical Scrivener, he treats the numinous at some length, which in his peculiarly neoplatonic and aesthetic way is a rather memorable treatment of the sheer spookiness of the numinous, which one experiences from brooding on questions of existence--such as why the fundamental constants of physics are what they are, etc.
Probably driving through a hurricane alone at night when my car AC wasnt working
Hamsun has many passages that can only be described as sublime.
Also, the part in To the Lighthouse where Woolf described the abandoned house and how nature starts taking it over as the seasons pass.
What's to recommend for anyone with this little to recommend, except Jesus, since manners would be asking far too much.
this sounds like an interesting feel to me
Are drug addicts lives just miserable even after they break their addiction since they know they can't reach that level of pleasure for the rest of their life?
Literally witnessing the Holy Spirit enter a girl's body and speak through her to me. I was a staunch atheist at the time, too. A lot changes after a thing like that.
>inb4 "schizo lol"
i have spoken with medical professionals following the incident and they agreed that nothing was wrong with me. i take lexapro for anxiety but that's about it.
what made you realize that the holy spirit had entered her and was controlling her? especially as an staunch atheist I could only imagine your skepticism
Sorry, it's by Mircea Eliade. The English title apparently is "Bengal Nights".
A particularly chilly night nothing special about the night itself but at that moment I was at the most peaceful I ever was.
One hundred years of solitude and Absalom Absalom had an effect of similar degree.
once while studying abroad, i had had a particularly potent combo of loneliness, anxiety, and joy. the small incident that resulted from that was the closest thing to sublimity i can remember now.
>books that give you a feeling of the sublime
the 4500 word piece i wrote on that moment. nothing else i'd read prior aptly captured what i had felt, so i figured i might as well write it myself
perhaps the end of death of ivan ilyich but i only read that after writing the mentioned piece.
Post the piece faggot
Solid feeling user.
I miss those days when I used to stay up after midnight during weekdays between my conclusion of highschool and waiting up for college call. Staying at my neighbor's house and when the whole city was asleep during a weekday just riding avenues in our bikes without saying a single word, just enjoy the entire town for ourselves. Deep down I think we all knew those were fleeting times that would never come back and we're just enjoying each other's company while we could.
Was in a church alone, turned around to leave and the sun suddenly caught the rose window above the door and the dove seemed to sparkle and take on a special radiance. Not exactly a Christian but that shook me for a few days. It was extremely beautiful.
Nigga the sublime in the philosophical sense has nothing to do with beauty. Read some cunt or haggle
>takes literal 'maya' for the 'sublime'