I just slit my left wrist. i would like some literature that convinces me not to slit my right...

i just slit my left wrist. i would like some literature that convinces me not to slit my right. thank you in advance - user

Attached: 493B8A0A-982B-428C-BFE2-47FC73FD808C.jpg (645x729, 46K)

conspiracy against the human race

slit it pussy

I enjoyed The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. It's not particularly joyous but it has a lot of wisdom in it. I hope you're joking, but if you're not, please don't do it. I've been in your shoes and life is worth living. It'll get better.

literature is probably not what you need right now. things will look different tomorrow user. get that wrist fixed.

Post some pictures of the blood. Hurry, before the jannies delete your worthless thread.

diagonal or horizontal? Slit my wrist cause I thought are timeline was artificial in simulation (or something cant remember depression?schizophrenia makes your brains motor dumb)Diagonally and passed out with blood left literally all over the counter floor and so on. Door was locked too, when parents broke in it got me sent to a Sanatorium for a bit, not worth it not doing that retarded shit again.

Nice digits.

post that blood.

not him but this a pic of my leg when I was Borderline Schizo and had BPD heavy, more followed this one but this pic is only one small enough to fit.

>inb4 "attention...etc etc" literally my first time sharing im well now so it just stands as a landmark of progression for me.
hope jannies dont ban or ill cut my arteries next

forgot pic
(its cleaned up a bit)

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do it faggot

>reverse image search
>0 results found
user, get better

Attached: g0caz1q3gfc11.jpg (619x453, 28K)

I don't think we'll be hearing from OP anymore...

Attached: rVy94Uu6_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Please get yourself help and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You need to get treated as quickly as possible. Please OP, I am truly, genuinely worried. You deserve better

I have cutting scars on my tiny wristlet wrists and I wish I'd never made them. They're another thing to be embarrassed of

Don't do it. I hope you get better.

If you were serious you wouldn't have posted here. This is a cry for help. Please reach out to someone you know irl even if you think they won't care

dont think thats op but rather:

Don't do this to yourself user, if you are stressed, there are better ways to relieve stress!

Remember: down the road, not across the street.


...and that's a good thing.

>no further comment from OP
fuck, please don't be dead

What was the sanatorium like? Did you get locked in a wing with heroin addicts stumbling about?


read bemelmans' madeline stories. they're cute and sad and fill your old adult ass with hope.