What's the oldest novel you've read?

What's the oldest novel you've read?

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ur mom's diary

The futurist manifesto

The Epic of Gilgamesh. Can I go older than that?

Instructions of Shuruppak

The Pilgrim's Progress

Depends on what you consider to be a novel.

Genji Monogatari


Not a novel


>The Golden Ass
damn, I'm already thinking about it

Don Quixote, I should think

Thissun. I didn't really love it but it was interesting in historical context. Genji is a fuck.

imagine experiencing such a magnificent booty that you felt in urge writing a novel about it

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My mother had a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland which she was given as a child, I think it was second hand then because it was a 1952 edition, that's probably the oldest novel I've read.

Robinson Crusoe

Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, The Life and Opinions of


Beowulf probably

Probably the Ilyad.

That's a poem

not a novel

It’s not a novel, you idiot.

Probably Golden Ass. I was going to read Tales of Genji but it's like 2,000 pages.

if your answer to this isnt don quixote then you should read don quixote

Robinson Crusoe

If your answer to this is Don Quixote then you haven't read much.

How can there be novels in the 2nd century if the first novel was the Tale of Genji?

Probably The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling. Only made sense after I watched the movie though.

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Retarded or bait?

Genji being the first novel is a debatable idea. If we define the novel as a long-form artistic prose narrative, those Greek romantic novels came earlier.
There's other ways of defining a novel, though.

unlikely given that don quixote is the first novel. i think naming the iliad or the epic of gilgamesh is a better indicator for people who havent read much (or at least dont know much about literature).

the bible

Daphnis and Chloe

>don quixote is the first novel
not even close

Lazarillo de Tormes

How would I know I never read it

The greek novels have a bunch of qualifiers about how they are totally novels guys, and nobody cares about some buck tooth dog eater's soap opera.