Reading marx

>reading marx

I mean, sure, but like
Nigga couldnt even keep up with his own money, and you think he has some idea of what should be done with yours? You think some hairbrained drunk can come up with a competent system that can actually be utilized successfully? For instance the reason that Fascism and Capitalism have been incredibly successful is that they focus on the here and now, Fascism being defined by Mussolini as literally "what works" as opposed to the pseudointellectual ravings of commies who simply want to prove that their system is "better" in one way or another, I hypothesize this is rooted in their parents not giving them enough attention when they were younger and I support this hypothesis with the fact that most commies are only children that dress up like women on the internet for clout.

Attached: marx never worked.jpg (480x360, 38K)

If capitalism is so good why does it produce people who can't make good bait?

>most commies are only children that dress up like women on the internet for clout

This would be funny if it wasn't true...well it's still kinda funny

Are we still arguing over whether communism 'works' or not?
Hello 2014 department??
You just discover the internet, old man?

Ad hominem. I see that a lot, most critics seem to focus on Marx more than his ideas.


You should actually read Marx. Even if his conclusions were often wrong because of the frame he operated in he had a lot of good observations, and analyzing society from the perspective of class relations is useful. Also reminder that Mussolini and the other fascists railed against capitalism just as they did against communism, because they're both incomplete systems that wreck nations.

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>Nigga couldnt even keep up with his own money, and you think he has some idea of what should be done with yours?

he was an economist, not a financial advisor.

This board is shit these days eh? :3

Fucking idiots think economists are financial advisors. I want my economists to dislike financial advisors, but at the very least remain impartial of their services

What's with this strange pathological need to reduce every political position to Freudian parental issues?

t. salty tranny

"I wish he would MAKE some capital rather than just write about it."
-Karl Marx's mother

But yeah to my knowledge he was poor basically his entire life and even insulted Engels inadvertently when he wrote him for more money... shortly after his wife had died. Marx was a failure.

Besides the fact that he did work, what does it matter? The man could've raped 12yos for a living, it wouldn't make his writings more or less correct

That pic can also applies to Ayn Rand

He lived the dream ;_;

/pol/ brainlet here

is marxism even some proposed utopia or is it just a list of criticisms against capitalism? i've been told communism was defeated in 1990 and that communist ideals are evil

It's continental philosophy, so it can be anything you want as long as it helps you avoiding actual criticism by means of verbal contortions.

Communism was Marx's prediction of how the future would go based on his studies of ancient history (primitive communism). Marxism is a whole is just Marx's thoughts- mainly his criticisms of bourgeois society.

>is marxism even some proposed utopia
>a list of criticisms against capitalism?

Marx was mainly an economist, Marxism is a criticism of history from a particular economic perspective. read Engels "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific" if you're genuinely looking for an overview of Marxism.

According to this meme Marx is as credible as Trump

pathetic desu, you don't produce the body of work Marx did if you don't have a stellar work ethic

And her work was also trashed to shit for being retarded and incomplete. Your point?

That was the most pathetic comeback in history.

have sex

fanfiction writers have wrote more content than Marx and more logically sound to boot since it doesn't end up with a failed state.

T. Natsoc

Philosophy is boring as fuck not to mention useless babbling. The few philosophers that lived their lives according to what they preached were shameful degenerates like Sartre. Read fiction and contemporary nonfiction, philosophy is a complete waste of time.

nigga needs some coochie some hot tittied mommy around these parts shit on my grind you feel? abunch of faggot ass white kids in this

Why do we respond to threads like this

He hasn't read Marx
The objections are awful
I don't see what benefit there is to giving this any attention

Marx was a cool nigga, but plenty of his current votaries seem to use Marxism as some form of indulgence to feel less guilty about their privileges. See academia, online socialist communities for some examples. None of these people are actually men of action, and are doing well all things considered.

He’s kind of on to something though in that Marx’s theories were purely idealistic and to this day have no functional grounding in reality. It’s why “real communism” has never been tried, because communist theory requires a fundamental misinterpretation of human nature and exists only as an idea. It is not achievable.

>I mean, sure, but like
People like to read harry potter

>Read fiction and contemporary nonfiction
idk you seem more like the "play Fortnite" type

>Marx’s theories were purely idealistic and to this day have no functional grounding in reality
Keep those blinkers on. There are socialist parties in dozens of countries. China will be the world's largest economy by 2030. Rojava is a functional socialist state. Communist Vietnam fended off the world's largest superpower at the height of its military might. The leading 2020 US democratic candidate is a declared socialist. The leader of the UK opposite is a declared socialist.

because he's the most influential thinker of the last 200 years and reading his work is necessary if you want to understand recent and contemporary philosophy/history

have you read Capital?

>Marx’s theories were purely idealistic and to this day have no functional grounding in reality.

This is kind of a vague statement but I don't agree. Whatever you mean by "idealistic", it's hard to imagine an interpretation that's reasonable to apply here. What would make Marx's work "idealistic" as opposed to any other intellectual work?

In any case, Marx is generally characterized as the opposite of what you're indicating him to be. He's literally a materialist writing rebuttals to idealistic philosophies. He's supposed to be the more practical, reality-grounded alternative, concerned less with cosmic or transcendental inquires and more with human society.

>because communist theory requires a fundamental misinterpretation of human nature and exists only as an idea

To say that it's a fundamental misinterpretation of human nature presupposes a knowledge of what human nature fundamentally is, and I don't think we have that. Part of Marxist or Hegelian thinking is that human nature is pliable and changes in response to changes in circumstance, and that's not a scientifically outlandish notion.

But what is it that you think Communism, in principle, violates about human reality?

Mussolini read Marx you retarded american

>Fascism has been incredibly successful

Attached: 1538219154883.png (183x275, 4K)

>Never ran a company
Marx ran a newspaper in Cologne.
>Never held political office
Marx was elected to the general council of the first International. He lived in exile for most of his life and died stateless which made it pretty hard to reach political positions in a monarchist europe.
>Never even held a job -- any job
Marx becamea low level journalist for dozens of newspaper in order to feed himself and his familly.

Basically I think that humans can not be trusted to behave under a communist system and violent force will always be necessary to enforce the social order. A communist society is only artificially maintainable due to the selfish nature of humans. No one will ever agree how much work is fair, and how many resources per person is fair. Never. Thus, someone will need to make these decisions, and this decision maker must enforce their decision via force. I think due to human selfishness and subjectivity, communism will always require authoritarian violence and will never be better than so called capitalist exploitation for the average person.

>There are socialist parties in dozens of countries.
Proving his point right

Why are you trying real hard to prove OP's point here?

>I mean, sure, but like
homosexual choice of words
>For instance the reason that Fascism and Capitalism have been incredibly successful is that they focus on the here and now, Fascism being defined by Mussolini as literally "what works"
no idea why fascists and right wingers have such strong pretensions of pragmatism. being a dumb nigger who fakes high time preference and muses about in-group and outgroup dynamics doesn't make you practical.


man i love stratocide

t. only reads YA fiction

I don't give a shit about OP's retarded point, that picture just pissed me off.

so the least communist "communist country" to ever exist?

>muh not true communism
funny how capitalists are most guilty of the thing they accuse communist of

Imagine thinking billionaires exist in a communist society.

>wow china so based, true communism
>north korea is obviously not real communism bro

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the only reason it hasn't gone the way of anarchist Catalonia is nobody can be bothered to take out a load of weekend terrorists shitting in buckets in the least useful part of the desert

as soon as all the regimes have settled they'll get fucking steamrolled

Do the workers own the means of production? No a group of oligarchs do. Not to mention China openly promote Han supremacism and put their Muslism in camps and stuff. They're basically Nazis

The Nordic countries in Europe you burgers love so much all got rich from Capitalism. Usually from oil, also skipping world wars and having a very homogeneous society with strict border control.
They aren't wealthy because they are socialist, they can afford to be socialist because they are extremely wealthy.

they arent even socialist, they have some laws that are beneficial to workers but dennmark is still one of the most liberal economies

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>How can santa's ideas be good when man is alcoholic?