Should I read all four of them? Just Rabbit Run? Just Run and Redux?
Should I read all four of them? Just Rabbit Run? Just Run and Redux?
>Boomer lit
If you're interested try one. Judge it as you go.
honestly, john updike kind of sucks
>john updike kind of sucks
I raise you ‘A&P’ and ‘The Lucid Eye of Camera Town’
Well, of the Rabbit books it's the last two are outstanding . Even his critics have to grant him that.
Rabbit run, which is after all his second book, is good, but it's the weakest one of the lot.For a novella size introduction Of the Farm is my favorite. Also Updike was probably the last great American short story writer; that Early Stories volume of short stories is something you will take with you through life.
The fuck is up with that fruity ass rainbow on Rabbit Is Rich? Did he finally make his fortune by switching careers from failed basketball player to gay porn actor?
Meh. What's Updike?
Here's what you do OP: just flip a coin and if it's heads kys
PS: just remembered if you can get that huge everyman edition, it's got some minor fixes.
Not much, what's up with you?
read them all
Just got done lickin' some sweet gash. What's up with you, tuna breath?
Just go full shit-head. Pic related.
read them all. they are all very good. Yea Forums hates (hasn't actually read) updike, so you won't get great answers here.
Read them all and also read as many of his essays as possible.
Just the titles alone make a nice story
In my opinion, yes, you should read all four. Amazingly well written books and a genuine pleasure to read.
Jesus, Cheever, just once could you not?
I read a couple Roth books once and I discovered in bed that I had been changed into a monstrous angry old man.
Funny. I was wondering the same thing recently and plan to read them all
rabbit fucks. by god does he ever fuck.